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Roots Organics Coco - thoughts


I've been using this stuff for vegging a few plants and to be honest it seems like it has wayyy to much perlite mixed in. I understand it is a hydro medium, but I feel like there is not nearly enough water retention unless you are using drippers maybe.

So my solution... I had some extra Zoo-Med EcoEarth bricks of coco laying around and decided to check it out. First run off was around 450ppm but my tap is usually around 300 anyway. So take from that what you will. I did 2 rinses of 2 blocks in a 5 gallon and got most of the salts out. I then mixed this 2:1 (approx) with the roots organics and ended up with a much nicer feeling mix. It looks much closer to what I'm seeing other people get great results with and my plants seem happier.

Just thought I would throw out my .02 on this since I like to hear other peoples thoughts on various products.

Some more info: I hand water in 2L and 1L airpots currently.


Now in technicolor
I stopped adding so much perlite (used to do 50/50, now 10/90 perlite/coco) because I got tired of watering often.


if it helps atall, subcools super soil recipie uses roots organics as the base, infact on CC.com you can see him dumping the bag on roots organics onto a tarp to mix with his other stuff. his mix is a water only deal, no solutions for veg or flower needed.