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drip system temps


Active member
Summer is finally here and my rez is running hot 74-77f I'm usually running at 65- 66 during the winter. If I was running dwc I'd probably be looking for a chiller. What are your opinions; are temps too high/buy a chiller or should I just chill?


What's the medium? If rockwool it's not a problem.

I agree. I just ran a rockwool slab drip system for the first time and it was the cleanest and easiest grow I have done.

My rez was between 70-78F, no problems, obviously not optimal temps, although I was running GH flora with sm-90, so it kept some of the bad stuff at bay.


aquashield is bacillus subtilis, it will help ward off some nasties but if he is using chemical fertilizers then why add microbes? SM-90, FloraShield, and alike products will help keep your roots healthy at higher temps. Plus, SM-90 reduces surface tension to help keep a clean drip system. GH Flora + SM-90 has worked well for me.


Active member
Personally, ewc tea and great white is added for any concerns of rot, infection, and the like. Though, with rockwool temps don't ever seem to be an issue. I love it. Actually, heat seems to make my plants thrive with rockwool.


Active member
i believe he is using hydroton in ~3.5 gal buckets and a top drip system.

are you seeing any ill effect from the res temps? are you worried about root rot or just high temps?

i thought someone mentioned you can add something to the res if temps are alittle high, but it is more of a prevention sorta thing.
edit - aquashield is what i have seen mentioned fro higher res temps.

i just setup a system similar to yours, but my res temps arent that high 'yet'

Yep hydroton drip. I am not seeing any root problems yet and I want to keep it that way. My reflectors are not vented but I just picked up the gear to do it today. So I'll be dropping the temps back to the 60's (I hope) this week. Kelly you'll love the drip buckets very low maintanance and very fast growth. Good luck, if I can help just drop a line. Thanks to all who answered I am suspicious of most additives so I think in this case solving the root of the problem makes the most sense. I'd really hate to have problems before I get a chance to clone the new strains; I just picked up cuts of an afghani land race, a very nice purple urkel pheno and purple snow...I wanted some more moms. Cheers,