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5000 barrels a day of oil (210,000 gallons) leak off the coast of Louisiana

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I get so sick of the same few people ruining thread after thread. This is not a political thread. It was started for those that are affected or would like information regarding clean up efforts, etc. Complaint after complaint come in regarding the same few people. You'll soon be on your way out.

If you can't keep your political views to yourself, don't post in this thread. Because I will ban you personally. This is your one and only warning, and whoever wants to be first, just post some political foolishness or start calling someone names. I don't give a shit how long you've been here. Try me.



Hey guys,

I just want to use this thread to draw some attention to Europes biggest upcoming natural catastrophy. Just a week ago several search blocks for deep sea drilling in the middle of the biggest cold water corals reefs in the world was warranted by the Norwegian government.

The area where the drilling is planned is smack in the middle of the spawning grounds for the remaining population of north Atlantic cod and a massive amount of other species of seabirds and fish. It is known as the most life rich marine environment on earth. In addition to that, the area is deep inside the currently very unstabile and vulnerable arctic polar region where a number of ecosystems and species are allready under threat.

This is THE most important area in the north Atlantic with concern to the ecosystem, drilling here, spill or no spill WILL destabilize the entire north Atlantic ecosystem.

My friends, please help me raise international awareness about the catastrophy that is happening in Lofoten. Lofoten is a natural paradise, it is also a cultural spawning ground for mankind. Ill not get into it, but modern European culture was also spawned out of Lofoten.

Lofoten is a stretch of mountainous islands in the polar regions of Norway. This particular region of the arctic is much warmer and more fertile then the rest of the polar areas. This is the view from mainland Arctic Scandinavia looking north. You can see the mountainous stretch of islands in the horizon stretching out into the Barents Sea. I have personally witnessed 1000 killer whales hunting for winter herring in this fjord in this picture when i served in the army in Lofoten. Fishing here in the summer, its amazing, there is so much fish that one can throw the line out anywhere.. and i mean anywhere in this picture and be sure to get more then a dinner catch in a moment. Its not even sport there is so much fish here. Its where the north atlantic species spawns, everything from salmon to herring, coalfish and cod. Often there is so much fish that the sea appears to be boiling from the frenzied activities of the fish.




Please help us save Lofoten!! No deep sea drilling in the Arctic, its suicide!!!! Please raise awareness. Today, one has to go by boat in order to cross into the land of Neptune. Its an island paradise where the people live off a healthy population of wildlife as they have for 10000 years. The cultural remains in the area shows that this has been for thousands of years a hotspot for cultural development and it comes complete with its own religion. There is an over 5000 year old sun worshipping religion connected to the islands, and they are considered sacred by several native groups in the region.

THIS is the coolest sweater you can wear at the moment!! Be ultra FLY!!



AUGUST 7th there will be a peoples party against oil drilling in Lofoten in the town of Kabelvåg. The people of Lofoten are known for their relaxed and laid back attitude. There is a number of artistic and alternative communities in Lofoten which im sure will present good entertainment and spirit. I will personally try to be there to spread my own version of the good spirit ;)

If you have the time there is no better place to be on a summer eve then Lofoten. The midnight sun will shine all night making for neverending parties, camping opportunities are ample, cheap/free and readily available. The fishing is better then anywhere else, the best way to live in Lofoten is free, harvesting from nature. It is a hippie paradise, and a place you will never forget.

Please be very welcome to come and visit us here in one of the last natural havens in Europe, access either by car or daily on schedule airplane to Narvik airport (ca 50-100E from Oslo airport) and from there by bus or boat to the islands. If you are of a sporty type, i would personally very much reccomend bicycling the islands once you get there or to go by motorcycle via the Atlantic coastal road if you are residing in northern Europe.

Thank you for your attention, we all feel very strongly about the situation in the gulf of Mexico here, our hearts, minds and prayers are concerned with those coastal communities affected by this disaster the worst.

Bless you all, stay strong ... think green! :tiphat:


the peoples party in Lofoten, 7th of august. Sorry the page is in Norwegian, but im sure if you are interested you can translate it by the help of the interweb ;)


thanks :wave: please be very welcome

edit: this is at the latest moment hehe.. but if you book today you can catch a bus going from oslo especially for the occation on august 6th.. there are accomodation arrangements included aswell ..



Looks like we will have carbon tax before 2011. Obama will cram it through using the oil disaster as leverage to get this tax passed. Now you know why they are not trying to stop it. Yes there is technology out there to stop it in 2-4months. But Obamas masters tell him what to do. The guy who owns BP owns Obama whp owns the media....ect.


ICMag Donor
Carefull with posting political content. You're gonna get banned.

Oh wait, that content supports the leftist agenda. Nevermind, your fine. Only anti-socialists are banned here.

You're beginning to sound a little bit rediculous running from one thread to another posting this. Let me say it one more time. You got a 3 day ban for losing your mind and going on a filth laden tirade. It had nothing to do with your opinion. And I even let you back early. Is that clear enough?

Now, if I see you go anywhere else spewing your lies trying to get crap going I'm going to ban you, and not for three days this time. You know what you did wrong. Own it and move on......


Game Bred
the technology to stop it in 3 days is there now...

we reached a proper depth yesterday...

blow the goddamn well!!!

my entire family is drowning in oil!
the most beautiful virgin(i mean VIRGIN never had a single resource harvested) habitat (horn island 7 miles off the mississippi coast) is ruined!!!



Game Bred
i tried to be positive...

i was thinking the fish would wash up fried if it got hot enough...
toss in some cornmeal for hushpuppies,fill the bayous with tobasco and the bays with beer!!!


Active member
this is the most catastrophic man-made disaster in human history (IN MY OPINION), what if they cannot stop the oil flowing into the gulf at over a mile below the surface ?

what if they cannot stop it, if the relief wells fail, if they cannot cap it ?

I saw somewhere that 1 gallon of oil makes 250,000 gallons of water toxic to wildlife (source?), if thats the case then all of the earths waters will become toxic because of this. which ='s extinction of all life on EArth, including us, due to a major ecosystem collapse.

I dont think we can even begin to grasp the severity of this incident.

hoping for the best, expecting the worst.

peace be with you all :ying:


And it gets worse:
BP is burning endangered sea turtles alive

News has emerged from the Gulf Coast that BP is burning endangered sea turtles alive.

That's right. BP is using "controlled burns" to contain the oil spill, and any turtles that are not removed from the area before the fire is lit are literally burned alive.


St. Elsewhere
*Shrug* First I hear complaints that they didn't set fire to the oil immediately, now it's about the turtles.. I can't keep up anymore.


New member
I saw somewhere that 1 gallon of oil makes 250,000 gallons of water toxic to wildlife (source?),

thats 1 QUART of oil toxifies 250,000 gallons
so a gallon would toxify a million gallons.

the source is the EPA but they were talking about used motor oil.


supposedly there is some light at the end of the tunnel

“A Whale” Skimmer Ship Arrives in Gulf,it is said that an average sized modified fishing boat would be able to skim around 80,000 liters of oil from the surface of the ocean each day. However, this new super skimmer that has arrived in the area can remove 250 times this amount.

If all goes well, then the vessel is expected to clear up around 21 million liters of oil from the area each day. This amount is around 10 times the amount of oil that is leaking into the water each day meaning that the vessel will actually almost clear up the area entirely.
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