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Apartment plumbing


Hey. This might be somewhat of an off topic question, but I did something stupid.

I was making cole slaw, and dumping whole cabbage parts into the garbage disposal, when I got the brilliant idea to dispose of my finished plants there too.

Bad idea. It was mostly leaves but a few roots and branches. Now it's all backed up. I used drano, snaked it, the baking soda and vinegar trick. Nothing.

I can't access the pipes cause it's in a garage I can't open.

I don't want to call the landlord or plumber cause if he goes in he's going to pull out a bunch of "possibly" identifiable marijuana parts.

My question is, will all that plant material degrade over time, or could it still be identified. And is there any other trick of the trade to clear out a far away clog from within the sink area??

It's not a big deal, I might just have to live with a slow drain. But.. reallllly slow and kind of unsanitary.

Thanks in advance!!! :thank you:


Active member
get one of those attachments that connect to a hose and blow it out, those stems are not gonna degrade fast enough. If you live in an area where you can buy the bottles of sulfuric acid that may work for you as well


Tropical Outcast

My question is, will all that plant material degrade over time, or could it still be identified. And is there any other trick of the trade to clear out a far away clog from within the sink area??

It's not a big deal, I might just have to live with a slow drain. But.. reallllly slow and kind of unsanitary.


It really all depends on where the clog is located.

If your culprit is located in an area constantly under water then try the below product to accelerate decomposing.
If it's not try it anyway.

If you want to be totally safe allow it to take care of itself over time.
In a warm and moist environment it shouldn't take much longer than a few weeks.


RID-X Septic System Treatment contains billions of 100% natural active bacteria and enzymes that have been scientifically proven to digest household waste. By adding RID-X, you restore the delicate balance of beneficial bacteria and enzymes that are needed to help keep your system operating at full efficiency. Each box of RID-X contains the following ingredients, scientifically proven to breakdown household waste. Lipase: Fats, oils and greases, Protease: Proteins, Amylase: Starches, Cellulase: Paper, vegetable matter, shampoo thickeners and some food. This Rid-X Septic System Cleaner is one of many top quality items in our Septic Tank Cleaner department.

....that includes those leaves.


Well-known member
i believe you have rediscovered the reason why MJ was a commercial crop for may years, very strong fibers
likely there is a twisted mass of fiber in there
but the fibers are cellulose, the NaOH in many drain cleaners should break it down
draino is a mix of NaOH and aluminum shavings, if memory serves, which is not quite what you want
it may take a while, but a 'liquid plummer' like cleaner should do it
bacteria breakdown of these fibers would take a long time


Thanks guys. I might try the rid-x.. the clog is far downstream and I can't access those pipes.

Just tried the power jet canister to blow it out, but didn't work. Think the roots and stems are tangled at a gate or something.


ICMag Donor
Do you have a catcher for the disposal?

Even if the plumbing is in the garage there should still be a trap just below the sink. It could be caught right in that....


Hey. This might be somewhat of an off topic question, but I did something stupid.

I was making cole slaw, and dumping whole cabbage parts into the garbage disposal, when I got the brilliant idea to dispose of my finished plants there too.

Bad idea. It was mostly leaves but a few roots and branches. Now it's all backed up. I used drano, snaked it, the baking soda and vinegar trick. Nothing.

I can't access the pipes cause it's in a garage I can't open.

I don't want to call the landlord or plumber cause if he goes in he's going to pull out a bunch of "possibly" identifiable marijuana parts.

My question is, will all that plant material degrade over time, or could it still be identified. And is there any other trick of the trade to clear out a far away clog from within the sink area??

It's not a big deal, I might just have to live with a slow drain. But.. reallllly slow and kind of unsanitary.

Thanks in advance!!! :thank you:
Iknow you said you snaked it but you either did not run the cable far enough or it was an impoper size. Go to your home center tell them the size of pipe. go home pull your p-trap and snake it properly. Snakes clear drains


Everyone has great information about the clog, but also want to point out that fresh material clogs much sooner than dried out material. There are also industrial strength choppers, you might call them food processor? Or extra power garbage monster, you call it disposal. :)

Best bet is get a bucket to catch the bend liquid and grab it from the inside as jj mentioned then if you must continue to use the current components. Slow and steady, and small amounts at a time or the clog is imminent. Been there, about 100 times.


New member
unless its a straight shot you shouldnt use a snake. My father is a plumber and refuses to snake drains because there is a huge potential to brake the pipe. Your best bet is go to a plumbing supply house and some type of sulfuric acid, which will take some persuasion on your part as its only supposed to be sold to licensed plumbers. and make sure you dilute it or your pipes will get eaten up!
If you don't know if they are identifiable you don't want to have the landlord over to find out.

I'd unhook the disposal, and see if it drains past the point of the disposal. Also try liquid soap. That tends to make things more slippery and it might go down.
does the disposal work when you goto turn it on???? if not then the clog is probably upper within the blades and what not....tried using a flash light to look into the hole???

only thing i could think of is pour a fucking gallon of bleach in there and let it sit....lol try to venilate your place too LOL...but yea bad move on garbage disposal choice.....your best bet, in the future, if your paranoid about throwing it away at your place....is bag it.....drive 2 another app complex a couple miles away....pull in like your super firmilair with the place....toss your shit in their dumpsters....drive away.....simple as that

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