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ACLU sues Wal-Mart for firing employee using medical marijuana


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor

Fantastic news, sue their asses. FUCK walfart! :woohoo:

Leon Brooks

agreed... the irony of it is they dont have a medical insurance program for their slave-drone employees(how they see their workers)...well they do, but its so expensive, the low end workers cant afford it.


I am all for this. I have been talking about this case today in an unrelated thread. Soon as places start getting sued they will stop whatever it is that is getting them sued.


i dont think this is about walmart, this is about the right to use medicene and have a job at the same time, i can see this applyin to when youu apply for a job too, or when youre on probation, driving, etc


Well-known member
i read about this in TY magazine. kid is married, with kids, inoperable tumor & sinus cancer. the bastards not only fired him (last years employee of the YEAR at that store!) but now they are contesting his receiving unemployment checks...there is a special place in the basement of hell where the furnaces are for people like Wal-Mart managers etc... if there is a God in Heaven, they will suffer far worse fates than they have consigned him to!:snap out of it:


Private employers should have that right. They should also collectively pull their heads out of their asses and realize there's pretty much no way this kind of drug testing benefits anyone. It's laughable how Wal-Mart seems to think it still has a positive reputation left to protect.
Haven't shopped Wal-mart in years. The city I live closest to. Generally pulls lots of bone head moves. So far they have stopped wal-mart from moving in on all fronts. I am sure its only a matter of time before the bribe just large enough. I kinda miss strolling in at 2am blzaed and reeking buying all kinds of grow gear.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Wal mart is the largest corporation on the planet. I doubt any one would even have a chance of winning against wal mart is to have the aclu, some one like that on your side.

this is good news. Go american civil liberties union go.

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