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Just had to register...


New member
Hi all

Kept finding myself reading threads from this forum whenever I got directed to good info, so figure it's worth enlisting...

I've done one previous grow a few years back (just a small eight plant box grow over a single reservoir wick system) and have been waiting for the opportunity to do something bigger and more permanent. The time is nigh...

:plant grow:

Looking forward to learning and contributing.


Abja Roots

ABF(Always Be Flowering) - Founder
Don't do it man. It's not worth it. Run while you can. J/K :)

Welcome. I lurked for almost 2 years before I registered (paranoia). One of the best choices I ever made. So much to learn. The wick system is nice. Waters just the right amount and you can see exactly how much they're drinking.

I've gone from simple flat grows soil hand water, to ebb and flow tables, to now setting up a 4kw double vert either stadium or octagon ac and c02. It just keeps going and going. One of the best things is the sheer amount of genetics available here. So many awesome strains to try.

Welcome and hope you enjoy it.

What strain did you grow in your first system?


New member
Ha, too late to run now... got my location, funds and time set aside, not to mention an enthusiasm that has reached old obsessional levels in under a week.

Been waiting a long time to get to it, and now I'm just trying to discipline myself into taking it slowly, reading everything I can to see what changes there have been in the last four years (not to suggest I was particularly proficient back then) and mining all the information I can to get the best set up possible. There is some great info here.

Last time around I grew White Widow. I loved the degree of control with the wick system and a part of me would love to try it again on a bigger scale, but that might just be nostalgia creeping in. Is it still considered a viable method?

I"m still reading and soaking up the info so I haven't fixed myself on any methods just yet; except maybe that I'll be looking (very carefully) into doing a sealed room with c02, AC etc. I have money to spend and want a well organised, high quality room which will support 50-60 plants with a minimum of warm air venting and paranoia (seen as it will be a permanent fixture on my land) so a sealed room is very attractive to me. I'm still getting my head around the practicalities of it all though so I could go either way yet.

What are your thoughts on the hassle - practical value ratio of c02 and AC?

Thanks for the welcome, mate!


Active member
You absolutely need AC with any setup the size you're talking. CO2 is a nice to have, but is also approaching a must have under your conditions. Plan for both. If you're wanting to grow hydroponically, plan for a water chiller too. Heat management is importanto.

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