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Last 3 weeks what nutrients are no longer important?



So use H3ad/Rez 6/9 as my base and on a 8 week strain I will cut my Micro at end of week 4 or 5. So if you follow there recommendations and run bloom only you have P,K,Mg,Ca. Is the Mag and Calcium important to flower and tric development or could you run say a bloom booster which only has P and K.

What other nutrients are important in those last few weeks when the buds swell and whats not?
hmmm hmmm good ?......i dont think i really have the knowledge to answer it ill leave it to others....i might go out on a limb and say Mg is still important


Last 3 weeks I use only water to flush the containers of of salt build up so there are less nutrients in the medium and the plant is forced to use up its "reserves" saves on "cure" time as most dont like the taste of excessive nitrogen etc


I would concur with cacamal that flushing should be your primary goal in the last month of growth. During growing you should be attentive to your plants needs and don't be afraid to give a weak (~25%) solution of nutrients starting right at the 6" seedling stage.

What can happen is that your plant is under-nourished from the start and through the grow. You will attempt to rectify your small plant size by boosting nutrients right to the end. Cacamal is right that the taste of said MJ will be very harsh.

Two things you can try during final flushing:
- try and use pH balanced water which can be rainwater (best) or water that has sat open overnight.
- add a tbsp of molasses to the flush water. I usually do this right up to harvest time. Seems to smooth the smoke a bit.


The last three weeks I water with Hygrozyme. It apparently takes the remaining nutes and allows them to up used by the plant.
You dont need cal-mag after the first few weeks of flower max. All your doing is raising your ppms for no reason. Instead use those ppms on a pk boost. I have used GH for awile now and if I were you i would go 1/2 strength on the micro at weeks 4 and 5. That is way hot on the ppm meter and takes time to work its way out of your plants. A good flush is sooooooo important!!! Give em a good 2 weeks of plain water before chop when using GH, or your pot might tast like shit. Kool Bloom or moab ( Mother or all Blooms) works great as pk boosters with the GH line. Im sure theres lots that will but these are the only ones ive tryed. Hope some of this is helpful good luck and flush flush flush at the end, till shit is so yellow your wondering if your plants are dead! Makes em taste and smell amazing!