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Soil vs. Hydro

far as Vs and which one gives larger yields.
Most will say Hydro, some will say soil and Technique
Im going to say its going to depend on the Strain

If you choose not to change the ICE then change the Nutes Advance Delivers It, cost a bit more but it will Balance out as they are more potent then what the recommended doses states. Research and find out which ones you need and dont need from the line.
I suggest for you to Try Big Bud. If you like result try the voodoo juice next and so forth. These 2 products Creates larger yields.

Hydro can be tough at 1st if your dialed in I suggest exhaust all options before trying hydro.


burnt out og'er
Oh boy another hydro vs soil thread. :lurk:

This is a long standing debate on all the pot boards.
Like the above post mentioned, you're going to see that same old argument break out with the soil folks making claims about flavor vs hydro, and the hydro folks talking about the superior explosive growth.

And...cough...a few folks trying to SPAM their favorite snake oils...cough...cough.. :whistling:

Same ol same ol. You'd do well to just have a look at the search engine for keywords hydro+vs+soil
Plus run a google for the same. You'll find the "thousands" of pages of this same old debate.

I'll just sit back and check in here form time to time watching for the rude bickering to break out, so behave folks.

Let the jousting begin :dueling:


Active member
I've been growing for 8 years in hydro and I think the best style of growing in hydro is Hempy Style.

It's the easiest
It's the cheapest
It's the safest for beginners
It uses less electricty
Gets the same yield as any other hydro

It's super easy to learn. If you have good tap water it's as simple as mix the nutes according to direction and feed the plants about once a week once a week. If you want to try Hempy I can help you at any step along the way.


Active member
You take a plastic container like a small trash bin and drill a pencil size hole 2 inches up from the bottom and fill it with medium such as perlite and feed it with hydro nutes till you start to see run-off.

Here's the thread about it

Chances are that if you have good tap water (low ppms and neutral pH of 7) and use a good hydro nute like GH 3 part, you won't have to worry about pH or bother with any of the stuff most hydro growers do, like ppms and it takes heat much better than other hydro as well, great for hotter growing places.

El Toker

Hydro grows are faster and give better yields than soil grows if done properly. They are also more forgiving for beginners as when you mess up it's simply a matter of changing the solution and starting again. You can check the state of health of the roots as easily as you can the rest of the plant in hydro.

Also check out the soil forums and the infirmary and you'll forever see soil growers trying to work out which mineral deficiency their plants are suffering from along with lots of contradictory advice on how to deal with it. Hydro growers don't have this problem, because if there's something wrong with the nutrient solution, you just change it.

The only "con" for hydro in the UK is that the police see hydro setups as more sophisticated than soil and that may make the difference between a warning or going to court. On the other hand, fans, HPS/ MH lights etc are also seen as evidence of a more sophisticated grow, so if you're going to go for a decent yield it won't help.


Active member
i think the age old soil vs hydro question comes down to a few things..

Can you read a plant and tell what its doing? Do you know what healthy roots look like? are you comfortable knowing that you hold full control of the life or death of your plant with an eye dropper and some calculations?

Hydro responds really really well to good decisions and inputs and it responds equally poorly to bad decisions and inputs.

Soil is a relatively safe medium comparatively to hydro which in the wrong hands can become very volatile.

It comes down to at some point everyone who wants to go the hydro route will have to take the step off the deep end and deal with these things. Your first harvest might not be great but as you learn the plant, and the system youll begin to make better decisions and those bumper yeilds you see posted on this forum become much closer to grasp. :tiphat:



Active member
i personally havent grown but i have helped in the growing with a friend using an ebb & flow. ( started from clones ) and i have germanated some bag seed just to do it.

with this being stated i think Fox Farms Ocean Forrest soil and tiger bloom would be a good start. search the forums for the sucessful grows with this stuff. there will be many.
Hempybuckets + lucas formula really hard to go wrong tbh! Its the most basic of hydro systems when u get a grow or 2 with them u can move on to more advance stuff :)


Oh boy another hydro vs soil thread. :lurk:

This is a long standing debate on all the pot boards.
Like the above post mentioned, you're going to see that same old argument break out with the soil folks making claims about flavor vs hydro, and the hydro folks talking about the superior explosive growth.

And...cough...a few folks trying to SPAM their favorite snake oils...cough...cough.. :whistling:

Same ol same ol. You'd do well to just have a look at the search engine for keywords hydro+vs+soil
Plus run a google for the same. You'll find the "thousands" of pages of this same old debate.

I'll just sit back and check in here form time to time watching for the rude bickering to break out, so behave folks.

Let the jousting begin :dueling:
LOL! I see what you mean 10k. I just did a google on hydro vs soil. I could spend all day reading people go back and forth on the subject. I got a couple friends Iv'e given clones to who always tell me I need to switch to dro. It's always the same story. "Dude! I took that clone you gave me and got a 1/4 pound off of it!" Maybe the yield might have been bigger, but, I do know, they are not on the same level as me. They will take 1 clone, put it under major watts and baby the shit out of it. Alot easier than taking care of 3 rooms and many plants from clones to flowering. Damn! This one is still racking my brain! I did try the bc big bud also. It actually seemed like more of a sativa than anything and wasn't very crystally. So that one didn't pass with my peeps. There was one strain that caught my eye. Big black feminized indica. Maybe I'll give that one a shot soon.


have you seen my lighter?
ICMag Donor
converting a room to hydro to play around with is really the only way you're going to get a feel for which parts of the 'hydro vs soil' comparisons matter to you.

i'm in the process of switching a room from dirt to rows of dwc buckets, so i can't really say what my conclusions are - i'm still in the middle of tearing christ off the cross, i haven't even stapled him back up there yet, much less decided if i improved anything - but aside from bucket lid netpots and hydroton, every other component was available at a hardware store or department store.

yield is one issue, but one component that has already left an impression - how much easier life is when you aren't dragging around dirt indoors. i don't feel like a need a dustbuster holster anymore, at least.
OK ill get serious here when you run hydro you have to check everything once a day but you get 2 to 3X yield both ways are expensive !!!!! I only have to veg in hydro for a week or to then i go 12/12 and plants get huge so i save $$$$$$ that way but i also have multible pumps running all the time. i would say hydo nutes per grow and dirt are similar in$$$$$ i could go on all night and keep on comparing. so i will stopp for now peace!!!!!!!!!!!!!GROW DRO


OK ill get serious here when you run hydro you have to check everything once a day but you get 2 to 3X yield both ways are expensive !!!!! I only have to veg in hydro for a week or to then i go 12/12 and plants get huge so i save $$$$$$ that way but i also have multible pumps running all the time. i would say hydo nutes per grow and dirt are similar in$$$$$ i could go on all night and keep on comparing. so i will stopp for now peace!!!!!!!!!!!!!GROW DRO
If I go dro, it will be aero! I'm gonna at least go with an aero cloner soon. 50/50 vermic and perlite in regular coolers, covered with glad wrap in clear shot glasses Tis what Iv'e used for a long time with great success! Usually 80% or better. Now I wanna start 6 in some tubes under a 600hps and compare to a 1000hps that I do 10-12 under that I want to do in soil and maybe a few mixed with different soils and mixes. I posted a thread in indoor soil earlier about some soils I was checking out.
hey check this out brutus these were 4 weeks into bloom and the still grew roots in 7 days not all yet but most areobucket is the way to go and easy to make if you cant find a affordable one.