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leaf curling inward.


Hey im new here. Wondering if anyone can help. Pics will be posted tonight.
Im a week into 12/12 switched from my cfls to a 150 hps.
One girl( i hope) has her leaves curling inward like old decrepid fingers. Not all the leaves, just 2 or 3.
My soil is a organic soil I added peralite and peat moss.
Im not overwatering. The only nutes, was some of that alaska fish stuff. That was a week ago.
Any Ideas? Thanks in advance:tiphat:
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Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary....
Hey im new here. Wondering if anyone can help. Pics will be posted tonight.
Im a week into 12/12 switched from my cfls to a 150 hps.
One girl( i hope) has her leaves curling inward like old decrepid fingers. Not all the leaves, just 2 or 3.
My soil is a organic soil I added peralite and peat moss.
Im not overwatering. The only nutes, was some of that alaska fish stuff. That was a week ago.
Any Ideas? Thanks in advance:tiphat:
Hey Midge:wave:
Pics are a must, then need temps, rel humidity, soil name, and if possible ppms/ec leading up to this stage. :tiphat:


temps 70 to 80.. Dont have to much control in the closet..working on it though
Soil- Not sure no longer have the bag it was organic potting soil. When I first opened the bag it looked like straight black dirt. So I added 20% perlite. 20% peat moss. I water every three days about.
Humidity- You know im not sure, No gauge yet. I will say they (all 4) have done great so far.
All are bag seeds, all completly different in appearence. Other than the curling on the one, the others are doing fine.
All are in buckets, all have same soil. And im first week 12/12.
ppms-Hell man, please excuse my ignorance but I dont even know what that is or how to obtain them. Im still learning.
I hate to waste anyones time, The suplies I have used are what I can currently afford. I hope with the pictures and info you could get me going in a good directioin.
Again Thanks so much in advance.

Update, after looking at pics of other plants im not sure anything is wrong. Although the "curling" I saw in pictures happend much later in 12/12
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Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary....
Having a hell of a time posting a pic, trying to find out how so thanks for being patient


ppms-Hell man, please excuse my ignorance but I dont even know what that is or how to obtain them. Im still learning.


I'm so sorry for coming across like that. I should never assume anything when trying to give advice..assume ='s ass_u_me. :)
Anyway, if you want to know what ppm is, click here.
A decent ph and ppm monitor like this one shows ph and ppms at same time for you...

Anyway, it could be a # of reasons. I wish we knew exactly what your temps/rel.hum. were so we could cancel that out as being the problem. More so, you are in soil, the reasons for this could be endless. I take it you do not know what your ph is either?
The curl looks like it could be temp or humidity related (IMO), I don't see yellow tips which would indicate over fert; or as some refer to as the soil being "too hot". I think that it wise you go out and buy an all in one digital temp and humidity monitor like at home depot or something. One with a 10 ft long cord would be ideal for you so you could keep cord in closet and monitor from outside closet>>>Maybe 15 bucks or a bit more. I grow in a closet, just not all the way to the end. ;)
Maybe you could give a pic with the lights off so I can see the color..and take an overhead shot of the leaf as well?:tiphat:


donut engineer
My plants have been suffering from heat stress lately because of a heat wave in our area (no AC in the room). As a consequence, a few of my plants have begun suffering from heat stress. The leaves curl inward and canoe. This will happen when temps are consistently above 90 degrees for at least a day. This is especially true if your canopy temps are high.


Hey thank you guys so much, Im going to pick up a humidity temp gauge tomorrow from the depot. I never realized they were so cheap .

Funker- It has got quite hot the last few days and I really do see the whole canoe thing, thanks! Nice cab btw I checked it out.

Justin-"I'm so sorry for coming across like that"
You did not come across bad in any way. Other than being super helpful , also the other memebers. I dig this forum

Tomorrow I will take temp and humidity readings and tonight take pics of leaves from top to post tomorrow.

Midget Horse
Whatever it might be, if anything, it doesn't look real serious. Pictures aren't the greatest, but better than anything I've posted.
Click on FORUMS above and find the sick plant infirmary by my name stitch. It's the best diagnostic tool for weed I've run across. It should help you decide if you have a problem, and what to do about it if you have one.


Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary....

Justin-"I'm so sorry for coming across like that"
You did not come across bad in any way. Other than being super helpful , also the other memebers. I dig this forum

Tomorrow I will take temp and humidity readings and tonight take pics of leaves from top to post tomorrow.

Midget Horse

Good, glad to hear I did not offend or upset you. Again, I sometimes forget that peeps I am talking to are new, and the things I use in MY garden are just natural to me and therefor natural to ask. U do need to post more pics, and take them without the HPS light over them...so we can see color. As fishheadbob said, it does not seem to be a major problem...yet. Identify it now to be sure is always the best way. I will be on later to see if you put up pics and temps. :tiphat:


Ok when I got back from the depot with my new meter I saw a temp of 90! and Humidity is 60%.
I got a clip fan and it droped to 85. So I opened the closet door and ran a larger fan in the bedroom. Im just above 80 now. I think Its still dropping.
Below are pics w/o lights.

This is the one thats curling.

A closer look

Plant number 2..bag seed of purps.

Plant 3 who just may be a boy. Not sure for another day or two..which blows because he was big and bushy.

Thanks again in advance let me know what you think.


Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary....
Ok when I got back from the depot with my new meter I saw a temp of 90! and Humidity is 60%.
I got a clip fan and it droped to 85. So I opened the closet door and ran a larger fan in the bedroom. Im just above 80 now. I think Its still dropping.
Below are pics w/o lights.

This is the one thats curling.


Plant number 2..bag seed of purps.


Thanks again in advance let me know what you think.

Looks pretty man! On the 1st pic the one u r concerned with, u c the little bit of yellow on the tips? Also, the leaves without yellow that are really nice, big and green, but have the curl on the end? Start of over fert IMO, still all set. Same with plant 2, 2nd pic,...(the pic I left in your quote)on the right hand side of your pic...curling leaf tips, start of overfert...must be hot soil combined with that fish stuff u mentioned? But with those temps and hum, now u know the problem with the curling...IMOE that curling along with nice green leaves but bit of yellow on tips is overfert and U now know the temp is too hot as well! Did u get a digital temp monitor with a min/max?
How do you water them when you water them? Because whatever you are doing seems to be working out just fine for you. :tiphat:

Also do you have a ph test kit? Even something simple like this?

Off to a great start, good luck with (hopefully female) her.:tiphat:

:plant grow:


Hey thanks a bunch Justin. A couple more questions if you have the time,
Im having trouble getting my temps below 83. I read somwhere up to 85 is ok with suplmental co2.
Is this true? If so what are my lower cost co2 options (if any).
And as far as my humidity, should I be higher?
Also Just ordered the PH kit you recomended.
I water once every 2 or 3 days.
Getting back to the ppm thing, I did recive a letter from my city recently explaining what is in our tap water and all, like a letter they are required to send out. And this being the tap water I use to water the girls(knock), does any of this information they sent me mean much as far as what my plants are getting and or not getting. Sorry if thats confusing.
Also if you think its slight nute burn should I stop using ferts all together?(alaska fish emulsion) Or try a better product?
Your great thanks
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Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary....
Hey thanks a bunch Justin. A couple more questions if you have the time,
Im having trouble getting my temps below 83. I read somwhere up to 85 is ok with suplmental co2.
Is this true? If so what are my lower cost co2 options (if any).
And as far as my humidity, should I be higher?
Also Just ordered the PH kit you recomended.
I water once every 2 or 3 days.
Getting back to the ppm thing, I did recive a letter from my city recently explaining what is in our tap water and all, like a letter they are required to send out. And this being the tap water I use to water the girls(knock), does any of this information they sent me mean much as far as what my plants are getting and or not getting. Sorry if thats confusing.
Also if you think its slight nute burn should I stop using ferts all together?(alaska fish emulsion) Or try a better product?
Your great thanks

Ur temps at 83 are ok, and Co2 is only useful above 85f...does no good below. Since u r in a closet one of the best options for u IS co2, but not if u can keep those temps below 85. ;) I would and would not be too concerned with what your water contains. When U drink it do u taste anything funny? I mean the reason why I say no concern; man your plants DO look really nice, not like they are hurting from those temps or like they are getting too much iron from bad tapwater.... No, I would not stop feeding all together, 1st U need to get that ph test kit so u know what ur ph is. When is the last time u DID feed? When in soil I usually ran ph at about 6.3, but U with the amount of perlite and (what else did u use?) might want to go about 6.0...but with that kit u ordered u r going to be rounding out or guessing(because its not digital)..but it is a lot better then not knowing at all! Alaska fish nutes, organic I take it? If so usually organic nutes adj ph themselves. But when u make nutes/water it is ALWAYS....sorry i will stop.
1st thing, temps/hum
2nd thing, PH/water/nutes
3rd Lighting/and environment again, temps hum. Those are the three most important things to remember for 1/2 a happy room of ladies getting ready to put out for u. The other 1/2 is the grower!
83 is a fine temp, is this with light/s on? What are temps with lights off? Rule of thumb for me, the hotter it is the more they will drink...no it is not wise to run at 90...but u did a good job staying on top of them. Fan in there to move about air? Always try to maintain a 5-8 degree temp diff between night and day (lights on and off). U asked if HUM should be lower? What is it? I do not think that u said what it was....or I can't find it...stoned :joint: :dance013: Never mind, found it...60% is not that great, but not bad at all while in veg. I run about 50-55% in veg and 40-45% in flower...Is the room the closet is in a room where u could leave closet open and no-one will see the bright orange light illuminating from your bedroom (or whatever room) windows??? If so, do that! That will obviously help with temps and hum...they will be able to breath.
Post up the results of your water if you want any help with that. SO a cheap way to do Co2 huh? Man that is a tuff one for me, I did the expensive tank and regulator run fishtank tubing everywhere method before I got to the point where I did not need it. Click here and read if U feel U will need it, this seems like a cool idea for a closet grower. http://www.newton.dep.anl.gov/askasci/chem00/chem00582.htm
U r still in veg, r u using a timer right now or are u using 24/0 for veg. In other words, 24 hrs light is constantly on? I start out with clones at 24/0, then I go to 20/4 (20hrs light and 4 hrs dark) while in veg stage and plants are about 4-6 inches tall. Once I uppot and the plants are about 10-14 inches tall I go to 18/6 (18 hrs of light and 6 hrs of veg). I know a guy that grows in a closet and this light schedule is what he does to help with temps...could be a good way to control temps for u as well. U could go dark say at 12 noon when it is the hottest and have the lights come back on at 6 pm....when it is cooler. This won't trigger flower (u might get pre-flowers which is good to find out faster any males) and will help u get veg along much faster, shit man for a closet I think those are ready to go 12/12 myself. I do not know how much they will stretch for u, it is bag of seed correct? I hope I was of some help in this book I wrote u! I be back on and off throughout the day, talk at you later Midget.:tiphat:


Let them dry out a little longer between watering Since you are new pick the pots up everyday get used to the weight of the pots when they are soaked. When they start to feel light its time to water. I like to wait until I see the dirt peel away from the edges a bit in addition to feeling the weight of the pots. Never schedule your watering or feedings in soil let each individual plant tell you what it wants and when.
