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Cops in the camp grounds


Active member
arctic...haven't you been having problems with the authorities? i'd move bro. they were prolly there to scare and intimidate you.


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
yeah cops are always around now, its pretty fucked up :joint:

we're moving in less than a month! thanks for the good vibes bro!



Well-known member
Man I live in Fla and anything under 20 grams is a misdemeanor and they damn sure don't just take yer boat lol.I guess if you get caught growing they take your house too!Misunderstood paradise is great because it keeps people the hell out

God damn, I hate jackass like you that step in with NO proof, or hell, any idea of what your talking about.
Oh, I'm sure that you and your 10' bass boat are safe, joints, bags or not.

Let me ask you, When did you pass the U.S. Coast Guard Captains License Exam? I know you didn't, or you would not have made such an ignorant statement. My point, don't act like you know about things you obviously don't have clue about.

I'm talking about 45'+ boats, and yes they will try to seize it.
Now, yes it has gotten harder since the Federal law went to effect, there was quite a backlash in 88' when the law was new. But the law did not go away.

Here's a link to the FWC website were this quote was taken.

"If you're caught boating under the influence, you may be fined and jailed, your boat may seized, and you could lose your boating privileges," Keyser said.

So next time, before you open your pie hole, due a little research, especially when your going to flat out contradict someone.


The "game warder" has "Open Fields Doctrine", look that up, and does not need a search warrant or even probable cause to search you.

I spent mucho $$$ on my boat so even having a joint on-board was kinda against the rules for me and my guests.

Also note that they now carry breathalysers on-board and if you blow over not only can they take your boat and car but your automobile licence is revoked on the spot. Also noted that they have sat phones and contact with home office computer access to get licence info right there to prove who you are. The ran my ID. You must carry your state Motor vehicle licence, ID, boater's licence and boat registration (originals only) or face fines.

So when I really want to space out on the water I either have to be a guest of another captain or several inland lakes over in the canoe that they would have to land a bush craft next to me to scope me out. I have heard of that happening too....


Trying to have a good day
i almost shit myself yesterday when me and the family were taking a stroll down to the bottom of the street to get some ice cream... right when we walked outside, 3 cruisers and an suv roll up with their lights on, park RIGHT outside of my house, and they all get out and congregate...

...for no reason. just to incite fear on my ghetto-ass street, probably :joint: ... they chilled there for a while, talked shit with one another, then got back in their cars after about 20-30 minutes and left... wtf???? dont we pay their salaries? i know my boss would be PISSED if i just sat around talking shit for half an hour with the other employees...

and yeah sorry, i know this has nothing to do with camping lol :joint:

I bet if you would have checked the newspaper,and I dont know that you didnt,there was a raid right around there close by.

I have seen them doing that shit before a raid before.


When a cop shows up on the scene they bring the whole mood down, no matter what is going on. You have people playing just fine and when they show up everyone looks. We all know that a cop can create a charge out of thin air at will. So even grandparents cooking a hot dog is at risk.

Some of you love cops? You can have them. I would not piss on one that was on fire.


I love anarchists...It just amazes me.

The thought of ZERO policing would do wonders...I hope my utopia is like that.

What if someone does not like your job and you were on fire? You would welcome the urine?

Regardless of how people feel. The LEOs are there for a reason. If you were not breaking the law would you care? IT IS ILLEGAL TO SMOKE CANNABIS in all but 16 states.

If you choose to break the law, like many of us have...don't do the crime, if you can't do the time.


I am not talking anarchy. I am talking about cops going to a peaceful camp grounds to look at chicks instead of going to the streets and fighting crime.

Have you ever called a cop? I can remember way back when, when I had called a cop. It was about two hours later that they showed and then it just to cool me down. One time my house was broken into. I lost some very important things that I could not replace (my silver dollar collection that took me years to make) and they did no investigation. I was just given a case number to show my insurance company. Then my insurance company cancels me and I had to get high risk insurance that cost me three times what I had been paying and it did not cover theft. Only fire and stuff. So I was forced to pay for an alarm service. I had a couple false alarms, or maybe they were burglars that left when the alarm went off, but whatever the case I was told if I had another one I would be fined $1500.

What do police do? Nothing but collect money for the state for people talking on their cell phone or not wearing a seat belt.

Fuck a bunch of cops and the first time one of them does something I think is worthy their salary I will kiss your ass. I can just see you googling this, so I am going to say it again, the first time I SEE A COP do something worth while I will kiss your ass.


I love anarchists...It just amazes me.

The thought of ZERO policing would do wonders...I hope my utopia is like that.

What if someone does not like your job and you were on fire? You would welcome the urine?

Regardless of how people feel. The LEOs are there for a reason. If you were not breaking the law would you care? IT IS ILLEGAL TO SMOKE CANNABIS in all but 16 states.

If you choose to break the law, like many of us have...don't do the crime, if you can't do the time.

You got to remember bro even though I'm in a "legal" state the feds can hem me up at any time... And I AVOID state and federal parks if I'm carrying weed... Park ranger's now carry gun's remember when they didn't? I could still get arrested and possibly "drawn down on" even though I'm legal in a state or federal park within my state...

Did 6 on a 10 for shit I deserved, now I could go to federal prison because I choose weed, over oxycotten and big pharma for pain from a disease that will kill me???

Really? That "don't do the crime if you cant do the time is bullshit"
It's fucking sad people die in prison over weed...

Just a broken old man's 2cents... :tiphat:

BTW I have a very good friend who is a cop, and help's me lift stuff and work in my grow room's and he told me "this is some of the best weed I have seen"... I told him he need's to get out more... :artist:




Magnikan you are a true asshole,who the fuck do you know owns a 45 ft boat big shot?I've lived in Fla most of my life so I know what I'm saying you scaremongering little twat.So they take your car for a gram of weed huh?Man another scaremonger that doesnt know shit.


Well-known member
Magnikan you are a true asshole,who the fuck do you know owns a 45 ft boat big shot?I've lived in Fla most of my life so I know what I'm saying you scaremongering little twat.So they take your car for a gram of weed huh?Man another scaremonger that doesnt know shit.

OK, you win!
You have proved your superior intellect, or at lest your grasp of derogatory statements.
Yes, I'm an asshole.
Hell on the "you are what you eat" principal, I'm even a "twat".
But "scaremonger", who's the dumb ass here?

Now I'm sure you've seen some boats from your double wide, but not everyone lives like you do. Some have worked hard and have had some measure of success.
Those of us that aren't "ignorant rednecks" convinced that his view of the law is correct, might have some possessions that we are not only intent on keeping but have the knowledge to do so.

Do you even know how the "Zero tolerance " policy was/is applied? Notice the word "policy", that's a little clue for you. And your right, a cop will not take your pinto,gremlin, or old beat up pick up for a gram.....a junk yard might!

You say I'm a "scaremonger", well OK I'd rather be a "scaremonger" and side on the side of caution, then a uniformed, ignorant red neck with a jail house law degree!

Man, try google next time you what to show us your firm grip on the law?

Side note/clue: bet you think that the "Laws" that are used to seize property were changed......I hope and pray that no one listens to your "advice".


Hey hey hey boys, no need to fight each other... fight the asshole cops that show their nasty snouts at fun places and ruin our buzz.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Also note that it's not just campgrounds. A buddy and I had just sparked up in the boat and started passing it between us. We heard a big motor (sounds like the cop boat?) start up at the point and they raced over to us (why yes it is!). I ate the joint, which was all we had, and these animals proceeded to grapple onto us tight and started tossing all our stuff. There was three in their boat with big binocs and telephoto lenses so this is what they are now doing to make money for their toys.
they probably had a parabolic ear (microphone) too, sound travels brilliantly across water especially if/when the listeners (pigs) are downwind of those talking (honest/innocent citizens in this case) in a slight breeze, heavy winds will kill any audio unless the talkers are shouting or very nearby.

not meaning to hijack the thread I'll add a link to a funny Keystone Cops/going after stoners type of slow speed boat chase from California back in '67.

The MacArthur Park Low Speed Boat Massacre<--- SAFE ICMAG LINK

RangerDanger the storyteller is no longer with us.......


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

when they state "and your boat mat be seized" they are referring to it being hauled in & temporarily impounded if there are no other qualified (sober) drivers on board.

small drug possession (small bag of weed) is NOT a qualified reason to seize & confiscate a boat anywhere.

the 'zero tolerance' policy about drugs is true, they won't tolerate it at all. personal stash will get the holder/owner busted & removed from the boat, that's all, no more no less.

as soon as the amount of weed crosses the state line into felony classification and the amount can be considered under 'intent to sell' then you're gonna lose your boat.



Well-known member
OK, one last time, lets not split hairs here.
Yes they can seize you boat, you don't even have to be guilty.
So please, research this your selves, hell ask a REAL boat captain. It's much easier to believe these misconceptions then the truth, till someone wants what yours....most criminal forfeitures are never even challenged, the cost are way to high. There was some reform in 2000, but the odds are not in your favor.

Now there are so many laws on this in the
United States Code covering this it is amazing here is the code for "Criminal Forfeiture".

The other links you will find all the info you need especially the last one.

So, please...for your edification.

18 U.S.C. 982 and 21 U.S.C. 881.





