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THC removal from the body discussion


Landrace Lover
hey guys, just reading about how long marijuana takes to be removed from the body today and found it it works in a half-life way. in that it takes a set amount of time for half the THC in your bloodstream to be removed irrespective of the concentration. i'm wondering if anyone here knows what this number/time period is?? apparently there's a threshold you can hit where if you smoke an insane amount the longest it will take is 45 days, meaning you can't smoke so much that it'll take 3 years for it to be removed (half-life's a reverse exponential model so you'd need to smoke thousands of grams to get there i'm guessing). i also just wanted to ask, has anyone here taken a piss test or any other form of drug test and got a result they weren't expecting? eg. piss test 3 days after smoking with no sign of THC = clear test, or the opposite, piss test 50 days after smoking and you still had it in your system?

anyway, add as much info to the discussion as you like and ask questions, i'm just really interested in this topic! cheers



Landrace Lover
"The speed at which marijuana leaves your body depends both on the speed of your metabolism, as well as on the half life of THC. Unlike most other substances, the half-life of THC can vary quite a bit, depending on who is using it, when it's used, and several other factors. For example, it's estimated that THC can have a half life that ranges anywhere from 1-10 days. It's almost impossible to find out what that half life is, which means that it is very difficult to use it to calculate how long it will take for all of the THC to leave your body."



Active member
Well when talkin bout urine tests , a buddy of mine did a pee test and had about 1500 units of thc

4 weeks later he had about 50 units

2 weeks later(6 weeks in total) he has about 30 units

So how i see it , in 4 weeks you have most out of your system but the final units can take a looooong time to break down

How long, no idea as my buddy borrowed someone else's piss(well not borrowed it's not like he'll ave to give it back :D) and will be getting his drivers license in a month


Landrace Lover
yeah that's it, well from what i've read it never actually leaves your body completely. it just gets to levels that can't be read by tests. but yeah it's much like radioactive substances and their depletion. 1000 units in 10 yrs becomes 500 units, another 10 yrs is 250 units, 125, 62.5, 31.25, so yeah as you get smaller it takes ages.


The half-life of THC seems to be really variable, Wikipedia says 1.6 to 59 hours: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetrahydrocannabinol.

On top of that it might have nothing at all to do with passing a drug tests as at least some type of test look for metabolites in addition to or instead of actual THC and they will remain in the body for an even longer time.

Kinda "unfair" that the best/healthiest drug is among the easiest to get caught for using in a drug test but what can you do.


Landrace Lover
yeah true that love? it's a joke, most if not ALL those drug tester making companies rely on the fact that marijuana is illegal and remains so in order to make their money, they'd be out of work if pot became legal... just another reason the gov doesn't wanna make it legal, as they get plenty of cash from these huge pharm companies! it's fucked...


I have ridden the mighty sandworm.
has anyone ever tried fasting as a method to detoxify the body. a three day juice destroys any built up tolerance and as your body converts to fats as a major energy source you release a lot of stored THC into the blood stream allowing for its eventual removal from the body.


Landrace Lover
couldn't that fasting by releasing a lot more thc into the blood stream do the opposite of what you're trying to achieve if you were tested at the wrong time?


I once smoked on a Saturday (I never smoked at the time), was tested on a Tuesday. Presumably passed since I was in the military at the time, and continued serving for another 6 years. I just drank about 5 gallons of water that day.

My little brother had a baseline piss test for admission into probation (non drug related). He smoked with me the night before, with the plan on admitting to his probation officer he was dirty, but would be clean for the next one. My little brother was a 1/2 zip a week smoker.

He somehow passed?!? Even the probation officer was grilling him about using someone's pee, and asked him how he hide it with an officer in the room, or if he used a masking agent.

He did nothing at all since he was expecting to fail. I think it was the p.o. trying to trick him into a false sense of security so he would fail the next one.

When she told him he passed, he said "Interesting" and the officer said..."I was thinking the same thing"


Landrace Lover
ahaha nice to hear that he passed though! yeah i wonder how much of a hit and miss thing it is as i'm sure there're some tests that are arse compared to others that are neverfail etc. i have one from the chemist sitting in my room from a mate lol he's got a good sense of humour, it was a bday present lol anyway i'll have to give it a go at some point a day or two after having smoked and see what it says.


First off, great info guys. Second, I'm not really a kid! just at heart! hahaha. Anyways, I have a very important appointment in the upcoming weeks and I will need to do a blood drug test. I have 3 weeks without one single hit, stopped cold turkey. will THC show up or what can I do to speed up my detox? I heard cranberry juice helps, I also heard taking 1 oz of vinegar a day for a week before the test will help. What do you guys or gals think? Any help is vital and appreciated!


Landrace Lover
i'm not sure about the detox stuff you're drinking, i mean it may work it may not i haven't looked into it. but i'd say just having stopped cold and doing none will be your best chance. it also depends on how much you did prior to stopping, if you were smoking once a week and then stopped, you'll be fine i'd say, but if you were smoking 40 bongs a day before you stopped, you'll need up to 45 days before you're completely clean. but who knows their tests aren't always perfect, all you can do is smoke no more until after and hope :D


Thanks for the quick reply darwin! That really takes alot of weight off my shoulders. I've been smoking on and off for about 12 years. Not a heavy smoker, but I enjoy my morning hits with my coffee, then my afternoon relaxing bong hits, and finally my goodnite tokes, up until I stopped 3 weeks ago. I'm taking it easy thus far, more now that your answer is of some comfort. A thousand thanks and kudos. Take a hit for me!


Well-known member
i have seen that the thc is bound up in your fat reserves
burn off your fat reserves, and you'd think it would be gone
get to 0% fat, and likely you be dead, so pee test the least of your problems
but i have seen some interesting tips
one is to eat oatmeal, lots of it, this tends to pull fats out of your body, kind of a sponge
the other is to add fats near the time of your test, start putting on new fat and that should be clean fat, as long as you're not toking


Thanks much igrowone! That makes sense and I'm already doing more physical activity.. not just with the wifey! And I will certainly include oats in my diet. Really appreciate it.
From personal experience. About 4 years ago I had to be drug tested for a job. Before this drug test I smoked a shitload of bud. Probably about 1/8th a day or more sometimes for about 3 years straight. I dont smoke nearly as much anymore.. hahaha. Anyways. i took the test after about 2 weeks of being clean. I tried to buy one of those detox drinks and shit ( those dont work, i failed ). Now my boss was pretty cool and i only had to take the test for corporate policy, he let me try again on the condition i had to pay for it myself. So i took the test about 3 weeks later ( 5 weeks total being clean ). I passed. I had taken one of teh @ home tests kits you can buy from some headshops. I showed clean on that at like 30 days of being clean. Now at the time I was quiet overweight and did not do much physical activity at all...

Just wanted to throw in my input. I had expected it to take me much longer to piss clean enough for the test based on what i have read.


Well-known member
Thanks much igrowone! That makes sense and I'm already doing more physical activity.. not just with the wifey! And I will certainly include oats in my diet. Really appreciate it.

good luck and thanks for rep
i don't know if this does anything or not, but like yourself, it seems to make sense


Alchemical Botanist
Good question with no concrete answer Darwin. I have personally passed several urinalysis tests even after smoking/vaporizing large amounts of cannabis soon before. General state of health, body fat %, activity levels, types of food you eat, and water intake are all important.

Example from my experience. Smoked about 2 grams of some bud in the afternoon one day. Later on found out i was going to have to take a piss test two days later. What do I do? Drink cranberry juice and at least 2 gallons (about 8 liters) of water a day for the next two days while working out and sweating a lot. Passed the test.

Similar situation again.. had 3 or 4 days this time, but smoked even more and still passed.
Now some people might raise an eyebrow because my urine might come out with low levels of standard markers, but if you are physically active (and look it) then they really can get rid of most suspicions.

The oatmeal is a great idea :) Great for binding all sorts of fats. Whole organic brown rice will also bind fats due to the type of fiber it has.

good luck


Landrace Lover
Good question with no concrete answer Darwin. I have personally passed several urinalysis tests even after smoking/vaporizing large amounts of cannabis soon before. General state of health, body fat %, activity levels, types of food you eat, and water intake are all important.

Example from my experience. Smoked about 2 grams of some bud in the afternoon one day. Later on found out i was going to have to take a piss test two days later. What do I do? Drink cranberry juice and at least 2 gallons (about 8 liters) of water a day for the next two days while working out and sweating a lot. Passed the test.

Similar situation again.. had 3 or 4 days this time, but smoked even more and still passed.
Now some people might raise an eyebrow because my urine might come out with low levels of standard markers, but if you are physically active (and look it) then they really can get rid of most suspicions.

The oatmeal is a great idea :) Great for binding all sorts of fats. Whole organic brown rice will also bind fats due to the type of fiber it has.

good luck

lucky they don't do hair analysis tests or we'd all be screwed no matter what. lol unless you shaved your head each time before a test. pray for a receding hairline maybe haha (doubt anyone's done that before)

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