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what happened to rep points?

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Zoom over my head I don't get it?

Who's Clarence lol

I don't know isn't there some user with all negative Pips and his motto is "I'm Clarence's Bitch?"

Maybe I was trippin...

No biggie i was thinking you were referencing that..


My rep points were my internet penis ya shits haha.Now how is anyone gonna know how hung I am?


The Voice of Reason
You guys got it all wrong. Must be a bad astrology day encouraging everyone to go on attack mode~!

Chill out for a second and think...

The rep system has glitches, it's broken. It had to be taken offline because of that, when a fix is found it might come back... I don't know that.

But I do know attacking and belittling Skip for this is very uncool and you need to remember that Skip makes things work around here... which is more than I can say for any other webmaster who may have tinkered with the site in the past.

Besides that, it is in the forum guidelines that insulting other members is a bannable offense. So I think all those who have been slinging insult upon insult have some apologizing to do. Skip is a member of the site as well as Webmaster...

so why couldn't skip announce that the rep system was 'offline for repair', instead of simply calling it shut down due to complaint and 'glitches'?

I'm sure that would have preempted any uproar, and it would come across as 'working on it' instead of 'lazily blowing it off'...

lazy is not an insult, merely a comment on the reason which was supplied. Skip is a good guy... but this could've been completely avoided.


Re: what happened to rep points?

Lol jack, I got um....more than one neg rep, some maybe legit, some over dumb stuff, gave as much of course all deserved, but ya at the end I don't care I grow dope, I don't care how many green bars I get on the internet, I care about growing great dope that's it. As long as you don't 86 all the valuable info I'm cool.

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Besides that, it is in the forum guidelines that insulting other members is a bannable offense. So I think all those who have been slinging insult upon insult have some apologizing to do. Skip is a member of the site as well as Webmaster...
It's also against the rules to have secret sales pitchs or profiteering from reviews, but skip has his vendors url in at least one product he's recommended from amazon.



But it's "Do as I say, not as I do"



Re: what happened to rep points?

That may be who I was talking about, yummy and him the other guy, I bet that's him, I just don't remember anything else except for the massive red bar that made me giggle.

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You mean I can have my internet "persona" back?Can I get a free pak of seeds instead?

one Q

shit I should change it to "reached level 12" then EVERYONE would restecpah me. (ha bad ali g joke)


That may be who I was talking about, yummy and him the other guy, I bet that's him, I just don't remember anything else except for the massive red bar that made me giggle.

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk

I was taken back by "I'm Clarence's Bitch" LOL It was rank! But that was the point...

LOL Some folks and their play time... "'Snasty"


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
There was nothing wrong with the rep system from what I can tell other than the ability to give neg rep multiple times by voting posts as not being helpful but that only goes so far because you run out of rep fast and can only give it a few times. All you needed to do was take away the ability to vote on threads or make it not effect the persons rep points from the helpful or non-helpful post vote and problem solved. :bigeye:

Like it or not rep does matter and people do pay attention to it and it is a part of the friendly social interaction here plus there is a high rep "club" if you will and it kind of let's you know who the gang all is. It let's you know who is more active and well liked on the site as voted by your own peers from your own posts or pic contributions. Rep is earned slowly and it is not really that easy to come by and takes awhile to build it up. We can all say it does not matter and is no big deal really but the majority of the people saying that had low or no real rep to begin with or are brand new members.

Positive karma (rep) and giving it out to people who deserve it or don't deserve it in the case of a negative rep, is a very basic fundamental function of the forum and I vote to bring it back right away or the activity and general morale is gonna stay low on the forum as a result of the loss and inability to reach out and touch someone with a gesture of positivity that they could proudly display to others. I'm sure many more people are complaining about it being gone than complained about getting neg rep. :canabis:


so why couldn't skip announce that the rep system was 'offline for repair', instead of simply calling it shut down due to complaint and 'glitches'?

I'm sure that would have preempted any uproar.

lazy is not an insult, merely a comment on the reason which was supplied. Skip is a good guy... but this could've been completely avoided.

Big difference between an insult and a criticism I agree.

Besides that, it is in the forum guidelines that insulting other members is a bannable offense. So I think all those who have been slinging insult upon insult have some apologizing to do. Skip is a member of the site as well as Webmaster...

You were completely out of line for banning 40AmpstoFreedom when what he said was impersonal, unlike Greatfulheads statements that are direct, for which you do not dare ban him for. But 40 who merely used 3 chosen words used by Greatful and quoted your own words and bad attitude and insults towards those who appreciated the rep systems utility.

How is this quote bannable? It was the only negative thing said.

40AmpstoFreedom "Nah really upset about this though and I think it is a huge negative for your site removing it, period. It's lazy is what it is. If the mods don't give a shit about it or are annoyed so be it, but not a reason to remove it. "

You have been unfair in your treatment.


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Rep is Back.

Thank me.

There will be no complaints about the numbers... what you got is what you got.

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