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bone meal?



cooked meat usually has salts. i wouldn't use it, unless it's from raw meats before you do anything.

Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor
I don't think pureed meat and bones are so bad for soil organisms even if they're not mixed with fruit and vegetable scraps at a ratio that reflects a healthy human diet. In fact, I'm pretty sure red wigglers will go directly into a piece of meat if you put it underground, even if it's not properly mixed with the other four food groups.


Living with the soil
Add some Lactobacillus to the hot dog smoothie and it's probably not long before it breaks down in a compost and feeds anything that comes along.


Yay, I have some info for you all.

A co-worker I used to work with bought his house from the family of a deceased butcher. Anyways, the butcher used to bury scraps left over from his days work (not all the time of course, or else he'd be growing hydro using bones as the medium :smoker:).
He apparently had the biggest, fattest, juiciest tomatoes in the neighborhood.

You can use bones&blood all you want, but the only problematic factors are a)carnivores and b) infestations.

Odorless is always the best way to go.

Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Cool thing about the modified garbage grinder idea is that it turns the bones into a slurry too, so they get eaten up by the soil organisms faster. I think the logical reason the 'no meat N bones' in the compost idea got started is because it attracts critters. On the less logical side, the contributions of R. Steiner and biodynamics?