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topping when???



well, in case you were wondering, I guess the question boils down to how many nodes do you take off when you top, with the thought in mind that the more nodes you take off, the thicker the stem is, and thus the stronger the plant will be (maybe?)

*edited for content


Pot Farmer
ICMag Donor
don't cut more than one node. that would be a waste. just cut the top of the plant to the first node. while you're at it. super crop all the soon to be "bud sites."


Well-known member
Not an expert here but depending on strain topping does not always = more yield. Never experimented with this theory but I have spoken to growers and breeders of some strains that claim topping will decrease yield by 20 - 30%.

Many other reasons to top though security, wind damage, etc.

Also some cons, as a guerrilla grower in the top 3 enemies mold is right up there so toping equals less air flow and more chance for mold.


Active member
Also some cons, as a guerrilla grower in the top 3 enemies mold is right up there so toping equals less air flow and more chance for mold.

yes and no because where i live, big main colas always mold away , with topping they are smaller and better spread so less mold

i always take off one node, and sometimes when i maka a cutting from that piece i take of 2-3 nodes , depends


Well-known member
What’s up brother you make a good point mold has so many aspects to it and that doesn’t include the aspects of strain selection on top of that.

Do think the big top colas mold first because they mature first? I agree the top cola is where to look for your first sign of mold( yes and no) again when I think about it. I would say yes normally but towards the bottom in the center of the plant where no airflow is also a good place to look.

Got off subject but being a guerrilla grower I don’t have opportunity to trim top colas first and then harvest the later ones so to me anyways it seems like the reason I see mold on the top colas is because I wait for the entire plant to mature before harvesting.

Man it’s so hard to make a concrete statement when it comes to mold because I have grow strains that fucking mold half way through flower too.

I hate mold a guerrilla can do everything right and still get the shaft by Mother Nature.


i guess whats also important is when in the season you top and such. i mean the summer solstice is june 20/21 here so i have roughly a month to a month and a half before they show preflowers and such.

indoors i would always top or super crop before switching to 12/12 but it seems a bit more tricky to find the latest point you can fool around with your ladies until.

either waydont trim past one node down. and try and kep at least 4 nodees before you cut the top off. make a nice bush. dont mess with em for more than a week after you see preflowers so you dont risk stunting flower growth


New member
I would only take one node off at a time and if your stem cant support the cola just support it with a trellis just my 2 cents.


Not an expert here but depending on strain topping does not always = more yield. Never experimented with this theory but I have spoken to growers and breeders of some strains that claim topping will decrease yield by 20 - 30%.

Many other reasons to top though security, wind damage, etc.

Also some cons, as a guerrilla grower in the top 3 enemies mold is right up there so toping equals less air flow and more chance for mold.

Yeah.. Then again some strains are supposed to do better when they're topped ... that's what I always hear about blueberry anyway ..

yes and no because where i live, big main colas always mold away , with topping they are smaller and better spread so less mold

i always take off one node, and sometimes when i maka a cutting from that piece i take of 2-3 nodes , depends

Yeah that's pretty much ... what I was thinking. :chin:

i guess whats also important is when in the season you top and such. i mean the summer solstice is june 20/21 here so i have roughly a month to a month and a half before they show preflowers and such.

indoors i would always top or super crop before switching to 12/12 but it seems a bit more tricky to find the latest point you can fool around with your ladies until.

either waydont trim past one node down. and try and kep at least 4 nodees before you cut the top off. make a nice bush. dont mess with em for more than a week after you see preflowers so you dont risk stunting flower growth

Good point. I've heard topping can delay flowering, as the top nodes have the most hormones...

So actually, it might be a good idea to take off a couple nodes if you're trying to let the rest of the plant catch up, couldn't it?


theyre all diff .some plants dont like it .but most do ,one node at a time they will grow back out in a week ,you can top again ,if you are trying to keep them short .i got an agent orange i top 5 or 6 times it grows so fast .makes it yield better too.good luck later


One thing I'd like to note that hasn't been covered (all the other good points have :) ) Is that I don't like to top a week before or after transplanting, it's just my opinion that the plant needs all the strength it can muster and topping is no good within the transplant window.

Also, I've got a question for you guys, I thought I heard some mention of not feeding during topping/training, or transplanting- any opinions on feeding during these 2 situations? I put some out recently & watered them in with a 1/3rd strength solution of 'root stimulator' (Basically higher-P ferts & rooting hormone (3butric acid or whatever it is) ) as it was on sale and I liked what the label said, directions was basically give it to 'em during transplant.


Also, I've got a question for you guys, I thought I heard some mention of not feeding during topping/training, or transplanting- any opinions on feeding during these 2 situations? I put some out recently & watered them in with a 1/3rd strength solution of 'root stimulator' (Basically higher-P ferts & rooting hormone (3butric acid or whatever it is) ) as it was on sale and I liked what the label said, directions was basically give it to 'em during transplant.



Pot Farmer
ICMag Donor
One thing I'd like to note that hasn't been covered (all the other good points have :) ) Is that I don't like to top a week before or after transplanting, it's just my opinion that the plant needs all the strength it can muster and topping is no good within the transplant window.

Also, I've got a question for you guys, I thought I heard some mention of not feeding during topping/training, or transplanting- any opinions on feeding during these 2 situations? I put some out recently & watered them in with a 1/3rd strength solution of 'root stimulator' (Basically higher-P ferts & rooting hormone (3butric acid or whatever it is) ) as it was on sale and I liked what the label said, directions was basically give it to 'em during transplant.

whoever said not to feed them during a transplant or right after doesn't know what they're talking about. it's certainly isn't going to hurt the plant, it will do more help than hurt. after a transplant i feed the plant with liquid karma and superthrive.

edit: the same goes for topping. it doesn't matter if you feed them or if you don't. i only feed my plants super thrive twice when they're young and once when they first get transplanted. too much root stimulator will hurt the plants more than help them. i know plants will grow much quicker after a hard rain and a few sunny days. if you can pin point it to top your plants during one of these situations. that would be ideal. i just topped one of mine and super cropped the rest during one of these rainfalls. we just had a beatiful three days of sun. i can't wait to see the bushes the next time i go out.
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