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Palin says Marijuana a minimal problem


Active member
The problem with Palin is simply an all out PR campaign run by the left to make the voting public think she is stupid. Ex Gov stupid? Same folks brought you the campaign to make obama look smart. life long unemployed smart?

I blame Dick Butkus for everything. If he wouldn't have decided to withdraw from the Ill. Senate race, no one would even know of obama, since he was crushing him weeks before the election.

But then again Butkus just decided he couldn't take shit from punks. D.C. is full of nothing else.
The problem with Palin is simply an all out PR campaign run by the left to make the voting public think she is stupid. Ex Gov stupid? Same folks brought you the campaign to make obama look smart. life long unemployed smart?

I blame Dick Butkus for everything. If he wouldn't have decided to withdraw from the Ill. Senate race, no one would even know of obama, since he was crushing him weeks before the election.

But then again Butkus just decided he couldn't take shit from punks. D.C. is full of nothing else.

Grapeman, don't let Fox News and CNN continue to suck you in and fool you. No "left" or "right" PR campaign can make Palin look anything like for what she really is.

Regardless, this thread is about the statements she recently made about what she calls "pot". I'm sure anyone who is being prescribed medical cannabis wouldn't want their medicine being called pot since that slang still carries with it a negative stereotype.

Again, throughout her political career, she has not supported decriminalization or legalization of cannabis. In addition, she has not supported MMJ. And until she actually comes out and gives a full, detailed response as to why she has changed her mind, my opinion is that she is only saying it for attention.

Nunya Biz

Every damn politician has the same weak ass line about "I don't want kids to think it's ok to smoke pot", What planet are they on?

A: Like most kids really care about some politico's opinion and B: If a kid wants to smoke up they will find a way, doubly so when it is illegal.
The problem with Palin is simply an all out PR campaign run by the left to make the voting public think she is stupid. Ex Gov stupid? Same folks brought you the campaign to make obama look smart. life long unemployed smart?

The current president makes her look like Einstein. Matter of fact, if she simply repeated line for line what that dumb ass spews every waking moment, they'd be all over her like stink on shit.

Guy's never made an intelligent remark in his life. Even on the rare occasion that he makes a truthful statement, its a dumb shit statement. Matter o fact, seems to me he's the one raiding marijuana suppliers at this moment. Not Palin. Last I checked, she said she could give a fuck about people using marijuana, and the guy ICmag users seem to generally defend is raiding and prosecuting anyone they find. Whose the dumb ass in that scenario? Reminiscent of "Thank you sir, may I have another" :)
The current president makes her look like Einstein. Matter of fact, if she simply repeated line for line what that dumb ass spews every waking moment, they'd be all over her like stink on shit.

Guy's never made an intelligent remark in his life. Even on the rare occasion that he makes a truthful statement, its a dumb shit statement. Matter o fact, seems to me he's the one raiding marijuana suppliers at this moment. Not Palin. Last I checked, she said she could give a fuck about people using marijuana, and the guy ICmag users seem to generally defend is raiding and prosecuting anyone they find. Whose the dumb ass in that scenario? Reminiscent of "Thank you sir, may I have another" :)

Again, throughout her political career, she has not supported decriminalization or legalization of cannabis. In addition, she has not supported MMJ. And until she actually comes out and gives a full, detailed response as to why she has changed her mind, my opinion is that she is only saying it for attention. I don't understand why some people are allowing themselves to be fooled so easily. :(

And you should be demanding the same response as well. Is she just saying it for her possible 2012 run and then will completely renege later on?

I feel as though I have to say this over and over because there are some cannabis consumers who only want to focus on her one sentence while she herself has never made any public condemnation of arresting cannabis growers and consumers.


Active member
Grapeman, don't let Fox News and CNN continue to suck you in and fool you. No "left" or "right" PR campaign can make Palin look anything like for what she really is.

Regardless, this thread is about the statements she recently made about what she calls "pot". I'm sure anyone who is being prescribed medical cannabis wouldn't want their medicine being called pot since that slang still carries with it a negative stereotype.

Again, throughout her political career, she has not supported decriminalization or legalization of cannabis. In addition, she has not supported MMJ. And until she actually comes out and gives a full, detailed response as to why she has changed her mind, my opinion is that she is only saying it for attention.

Oh shut up. I'm 50+ years old and no one tells me how to think. I've owned my own business for years in socialist california and I am sick of progressives, who produce NOTHING, telling me palin is dumb and obama is smart. obama will go down as one of our worst presidents (close to carter) in the modern era. It is YOU my friend, who is influenced by TV, not I. Start your own business and see how much of the money you produce is not stolen by all levels of government and unions (one and the same organization anymore) and come back with a different perspective.
Oh shut up. I'm 50+ years old and no one tells me how to think. I've owned my own business for years in socialist california and I am sick of progressives, who produce NOTHING, telling me palin is dumb and obama is smart. obama will go down as one of our worst presidents (close to carter) in the modern era. It is YOU my friend, who is influenced by TV, not I. Start your own business and see how much of the money you produce is not stolen by all levels of government and unions (one and the same organization anymore) and come back with a different perspective.

This is a forum, and I will continue to express my opinions as I see fit. You are more than welcome to disagree with me, of course, but I will not silence myself for you or anyone else. For a 50 year old man, telling others to "shut up" isn't very wise on your part.

And, I don't own a TV.

In addition, I did not say that "Palin is dumb and Obama is smart". The topic is this thread is about Palin's comments about pot, not about who likes who better or who is smarter than who. My opinion is, and always has been, that what she has briefly said is the exact opposite of her drug platform when she was a mayor, governor and McCain's running mate, which is she has been 100% against cannabis.

I worked for a man that owed his own company, which I realize is *very* different from owning one yourself. But he had a grand old time stealing from his suppliers, his employees and the government. Different strokes for different folks I guess.

But I have a question for you. Why do you believe that Sarah Palin isn't anymore different from any other politcian, Republican or Democratic? If you are a resident of Alaska, can you inform the rest of us what she has done so differently as a politician that sets her apart from all others?

If you want to hate Obama, that is your choice, and I have nothing against it. Matter of fact, it would probably be best if you just started an "I hate Obama thread", so that you can rant and rail about Obama all day and all night. And you'll probably have alot of people on here that would agree with you.

But it sounds like the only reason why you like Sarah Palin is because you don't like President Obama. It's okay. I used to rail against Bush all the time so I guess it's now the Republicans' turn to rail against Obama as well.

And for the record, I am not progressive or whatever political terms you kids use nowadays. I am 100% Independent. I don't trust any of you Republicans and Democrats. :)


<snip> Matter of fact, it would probably be best if you just started an "I hate Obama thread", so that you can rant and rail about Obama all day and all night. And you'll probably have alot of people on here that would agree with you.<snip>

LOL... the thread would be closed and locked faster than a response probably could be posted....


She said those things in an attempt to appeal to Ron Paul's supporters and maybe pull some to her side, because his stance on drugs is a big reason many support him. She was just spouting bullshit, which is what every fucking one of them, regardless of left/right/middle affiliation does to advance their PERSONAL agenda. They are all shills for corporations who don't give a shit about anything other than themselves.
We are their sheep! They have been doing a lot of shearing lately to help bail out their cronies....banks, auto industry etc.

The whole thing is so broken that it's freakishly pathetic.


Hmm, her brain might have turned on for a minute. Hmm, possibly the reason she is so stupid is that she smokes way too much marijuana. Wait thats not possible, pot makes people smart(some people-like me).


Active member
And, I don't own a TV.

But I have a question for you. Why do you believe that Sarah Palin isn't anymore different from any other politcian, Republican or Democratic?
If you want to hate Obama, that is your choice, and I have nothing against it.

But it sounds like the only reason why you like Sarah Palin is because you don't like President Obama. It's okay. I used to rail against Bush all the time so I guess it's now the Republicans' turn to rail against Obama as well.

And for the record, I am not progressive or whatever political terms you kids use nowadays. I am 100% Independent. I don't trust any of you Republicans and Democrats. :)

I'm sure your president has a "give away" program for people like you so you can get a free TV.

I can take or leave palin. But at least she has managed something in her life. obama, not so much.

If she says mj is low on her priority list, then that's what it is. See, I'm not like you. I don't think a president has much to say about anything. If the people want mj, then the people will get mj.

You're boss stole so business is bad.

You must be like 13 or 14. You still think it's ok for people to NOT do what they promised to do.

LOL !. You railed against bush. Now you bitch about palin. But you're independent. LOL BS


I'm sure your president has a "give away" program for people like you so you can get a free TV.

I can take or leave palin. But at least she has managed something in her life. obama, not so much.

If she says mj is low on her priority list, then that's what it is. See, I'm not like you. I don't think a president has much to say about anything. If the people want mj, then the people will get mj.

You're boss stole so business is bad.

You must be like 13 or 14. You still think it's ok for people to NOT do what they promised to do.

LOL !. You railed against bush. Now you bitch about palin. But you're independent. LOL BS

Now lets not get into politics, cannabis is meat to bring people together for peace and love, not for arguing. Yeah I agree with debate but i feel this isn't going anywhere happy, anytime soon. :D But I still agree with what you have to say and I understand your view.

My view is that socialism does not work, I don't want muslim radicals calling me an infidel and wanting to kill me. I hate bush. I don't believe Obama is a good president, but he is better than John. :gday::gday:


Active member
Seeing her say that makes me remember Obama talking about pot. What they say when they want to be elected is very different from after the election.. its like the old saying.. She isnt your wife till the honeymoons over
I'm sure your president has a "give away" program for people like you so you can get a free TV.

I can take or leave palin. But at least she has managed something in her life. obama, not so much.

If she says mj is low on her priority list, then that's what it is. See, I'm not like you. I don't think a president has much to say about anything. If the people want mj, then the people will get mj.

You're boss stole so business is bad.

You must be like 13 or 14. You still think it's ok for people to NOT do what they promised to do.

LOL !. You railed against bush. Now you bitch about palin. But you're independent. LOL BS

I guess you can be the one to start the "I hate Obama thread." :) I'm sorry, but I cannot stoop to your level with an retailation of insults.

My boss stole because he was greedy, corrupt and knew he wouldn't get caught. His restaurant closed and the whole staff, including myself, was laid off in February 2009.

And yes I did rail against Bush, I can do that, just like you can rail against Obama. No weapons of mass destruction were ever found in Iraq because none even existed in the first place. He cut taxes, but continued to spend money as if he didn't cut taxes at all. He did bail out Bear Sterns and AIG. And he never caught bin Ladin when he promised he would. And he signed into law the PATRIOT act.

But I guess if it makes you feel better, I will rail against Obama as well. *ahem* He hasn't closed Guantamino Bay. He renewed loans for GM and Chrysler. And he still hasn't withdraw tropps from Iraq and Afghanistan.

Back to Palin and her pot statement, the original topic of this thread, if you don't mind. What is worse is that she used a term of slang that still conjures up the stereotype about cannabis and the lazy stoner.

MMJ activists that are climbing an uphill battle to lobby lawmakers and change the perception about MMJ so that patients can have safe access to their medicine. Most lawmakers are so ignorant about MMJ, they think its just an excuse for people that want to get high when its not. In addition, there are activists that are lobbying states to defy the Controlled Substances Act so that farmers and growers can start producing hemp for industrial purposes. That just shows her ignorance about the subject of cannabis. It's not just about someone who wants to smoke pot.
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LOL... the thread would be closed and locked faster than a response probably could be posted....

I suggest she start an I hate Palin thread, and lets see how many hundreds of pages it becomes, with mods chiming in on their hate, and I'll start an I hate Obama thread, and we can watch it get deleted and me banned within 4 seconds of posting. :)


Active member
this whole thread is crazy. The United States of America HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH The Untied States Government.

We have a bunch of retards running the country the way they want to, not the way the american public wants it done.

Your vote doesnt mean shit...electoral votes baby...


The electoral system really is the least of our concerns. Oligarchy is what we live in rather than a constitutional republic. Hopefully people will continue to wake up and see this.
I suggest she start an I hate Palin thread, and lets see how many hundreds of pages it becomes, with mods chiming in on their hate, and I'll start an I hate Obama thread, and we can watch it get deleted and me banned within 4 seconds of posting. :)

I don't hate Sarah Palin. She hasn't done anything to me personally to hate her.

I believe, as I have stated before, that I do not believe her comment about pot because she has been very anti-cannabis for all of her political career. In addition, her comment is very ignorant because the cannabis movement isn't about people who just want to smoke pot.

As I said before, if Sarah Palin sat down for an interview to explain why she reversed her platform about cannabis after supporting criminalization for so long, I would listen to it. And I would hope she actually educated herself about the MMJ movement, the hemp movement and the recreational cannabis movement and was actually sincere and truthful about what she said. But until then, I will not believe her.

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