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Oregon Reschedules Cannabis!


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Great news, and what a precedent! Perhaps the United States can wake up and change the classification nationally. It would be a great help to medical patients everywhere.

EUGENE, Ore. - The Oregon Board of Pharmacy voted to change marijuana from what's known as a "Schedule I controlled substance" to a "Schedule II."

How will this affect pot in Oregon? And what does this mean?

"A schedule I drug means that it has no medicinal value that is recognized," said Lane County Chief Deputy District Attorney Patty Perlow. "A schedule II drug has recognized medicinal value but a high risk of abuse."

There are five classifications of controlled substances throughout the United States, Schedule I being the most dangerous and schedule V the least.

Some Schedule I drugs include LSD, heroin and psychedelic mushrooms. These have a "high abuse potential and no acceptable medical use in the United States," according to the State Board of Pharmacy.

Other Schedule II drugs include methamphetamine, oxycodone and cocaine. The board describes these as "high abuse potential with severe psychological or physical dependence liability.” But they are accepted for medical use in the U.S. by prescription.

"Cocaine is a drug that's abused a great deal," Perlow said, "but it's also used by plastic surgeons in surgery."

This reclassification, however, does not change the legality of the drug or the sentencing if you're caught with it.

"Changing it from Schedule I to Schedule II will not change the penalties," said Perlow. "It's more symbolic."

Symbolic for people like Jim Greig, a medical marijuana patient and a spearhead for Initiative 28 -- which would legalize medical marijuana dispensaries in the state.

"It's been stigmatized since the 30s and it's about time that people recognize it's medical value," he said.

But a Schedule II classification isn't what Greig was hoping for. He believes marijuana is not addictive, and says the Board of Pharmacy did not do enough scientific research.

Greig says the Drug Policy Forum of Oregon is planning an appeal, hoping to reclassify marijuana as an even less serious controlled substance.

He wants cannabis to fall under Schedule V. "That's where it properly would be placed," he says. "It's the safest herb known to man."

Less than an ounce of marijuana already falls into Schedule V.
From a story here.

Laughing Jim

Active member
It's a beginning.
It ought to be a schedule 3 or 4 classification.

But why the hell does the DEA (a law enforcement agency), instead of MDs and Pharmacists, determine the schedule a particular drug falls into?


From what I understand the data says when 120 countries sign that agreement way back 70+yrs ago it would take all countries to agree upon rescheduling. Not all of them exist anymore, so this almost makes it impossible.
The scheduling was a world wide agreement, not just a USA thing.

IDK if I remember correctly, but I think the info is in Psychedelics Encyclopedia by Peter Stafford

I'm a member of the Peyote Way Church of God and this is something that is discussed often when the Feds come down to investigate the gardens.


Throbbing Member
That is AWESOME....

Take one brick out of the wall at a time....and it will eventually fall.


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Payaso thanks for posting, makes my afternoon hearing there is some hope at the end of the tunnel and that some medical researchers and MJ activists work is paying off. Good for them...DD


Active member
I love my State, and cannot stress enough that ppl. who need this medicine should move here ASAP. Even more then Cali. (and I have spent MANY years back and forth) Oregon has a much looser attitude about swapping clones (free of charge), helping donate medicine to where it needs to be, and overall understanding that Cannabis is NOT the problem.

Oregon NORML was started in the MId-70's and has really been on the forefront ever since.

Welcome to all!


soo from my understanding all of these years thinking coke and meth wear bad things to stay away from, they are really just as harmfull/addictive as all the tastey tastey bud i smoke!?

well hell lets get to snortin, smokin and popin then!! how could it be any worse!

if in all reality i go by what they said before doing coke meth and oxy would be less dangerous!?!?


and these are the same people that medicate our nation?

surely i must be high......

donny darko

Maybe I am just a pessimist but maybe this is just their way to get it so they can dispense through pharmacies and push out all the providers of the medical marijuana and centralize production.


Feeling good is good enough.
It cuts both ways...

But the precedent is incredibly important.

And yes, Oregon is a wonderful State with much nature and forward thinking people.

More to come!


Active member
Portland Is a tiny part of Oregon. Please don't take that 1 interpretation of a Major city in a Large State for the entire Pacific NW. And if Cannabis is a priority in your Life, then I'm sure you can find at least a niche in Oregon for you.

GreatLakes THC

an Arthur P. Jacobs production
Wonderful news. :yay: At least in Oregon this opens the door for the possibility of more medical research with cannabis. It's a step in the right direction.

GreatLakes THC :joint:


Maybe I am just a pessimist but maybe this is just their way to get it so they can dispense through pharmacies and push out all the providers of the medical marijuana and centralize production.


The little guy is on the ropes.

We were talking several months back that we thought the Hippy would win when in fact it's the Banks that will win.

It isn't right is it.

But it's a step forward. An example for the rest of the Nation.. Why with Texas now talking about Cannabis change it's just getting better all the time..

Now if we can get some protection form chemicals on our weed.

Too bad your Supreme court allows you to be fired for testing positive..

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