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DIY coco-beds?



Hey all. So my last grow is nearing completion and my next round im thinking to change things up a bit. What i want to do is make coco bed 12' long and 3' to 4' wide. I plan on constructing these tables out of sheets of melamine. This is the point where im not sure what to do next. Should i wrap the tables w/ pond liner or is there a water-proofing membrane i can use that will be safe and not leach any toxins? Also anybody have any recomendation's on how i should set up the drain holes for tables? I'm not sure if i should keep the tables flat and drills mabe 12' O'C or tilt the table 1/4" per ft and install drains at front. With the tables tilted i worrie that the coco toward the front will stay more moist than the rest. Also what do guys do to make water does not leak around the drain holes and pond liner? Are you guys using ebb&flow fittings? Anybody have pics of tables they have made that they dont mind sharing?

note: This system will be hand-waterd to waste.


Active member
hey.. i made super ghetto tables. i used black white poly. glued it to the table. and stapled and duct taped the sides. i counter sunk ebb and flow fittings which drain into a bucket which i empty every few days.

i noticed if i water really fast (which i really shouldnt.. but some times im strapped for time) that the coco will move towards the decline, exposing some roots. so i just kept adding coco till it was like completely full. and now it doesnt seem to matter :)

anyways good luck!


Active member
hey so did you make one yet? im in the process of planning .. need to make a new table for a 1kwatter...


New member

Did you see the 10X10 SOG Tentgrow on the "farm" he's growing in soil but diy's the grow box quite well.. and pulls ##'s from his sog..
