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Purple Up anyone??? Great Calcium Nutrient


Active member
Hey People,

This is all about a calcium supplement I used last year.
I bet not too many of you ever seen or heard of it.
It's called "Purple Up". I use it in my saltwater
marine aquarium. It has no salt it in case you
need to know. It's mostly calcium.

This is what the bottle looks like.

I don't believe it will make your plants purple though.
But then again I did have have a nice landrace Lebanese
go purple on me last year. It was the only one in about
63 to 65 plants to do so. So who knows?

Here she is:

I used this Purple Up because where I grew last year the
swamp water has a very low pH. It's a lot easier carring
a bottle of this than a few hundreds pounds of garden limestone.
So you guerrila growers may really like this stuff. I do.

The type of calcium carbonate present in Purple up is called Aragonite.
Aragonite limestone is a more soluble form of calcium carbonate than
Calcitic limestone or Dolomitic limestone. So it's therefore it's faster
acting and you need less.

You can buy it in aquarium fish stores or online.
A bottle will run you around $20. A little goes a
very long way. They recommend only a capfull to every
50 gallons of aquarium water to bring the calcium
levels around 350 ppm. It looks exactly like milk.
I just added about 5 drops of it to each
2 gallon pail of water to make sure there was some
calcium in my water. Don't use too much. I don't
want anyone burning their prize ladies. Purple Up
will also give your plants strontium,iodine
and magnesium as well. Which I'm sure is
all good.

As with all chemicals less is better.
Less means your plants grow a little slower.
Too much and they'll grow faster till they burn
and it's too late. It's bad enough that most men
forget to flush the toilet. So you know most will
forget to flush their plants. :laughing:

I use this Purple Up in my saltwater aquarium from
time to time. It promotes Coralline Algae to grow.
Coralline Algae is good algae. Unlike the most that
you've all seen at one time or another. It comes
in many different colors. The nicest to me are
the dark purples,pinks and reds.

Theses are two good examples of what Coralline Algae look like in
my very own tank. Anything red and purple on the rocks and glass
are Coralline Algae. These are my fishes btw and my tank. It's only
a 25 gallon tank so you know a big tank isn't always needed. I do
want a bigger one though.

The familiar Clown Fish or Nemos to most of you who have kids.

This is a Coral Beauty Angelfish. I wish plants came in this colour.



Active member
I am not sure if it affects taste Lime is just calcium
and other element. All I know is that it doesn't hurt
the plants in anyway. Just read up on Aragonite on
the Internet and you'll find that it's a more soluble
form of calcium carbonate. It's just another tool
in my arsenal of growing in the outdoors.

Regular Calcitic limestone or Dolomitic limestone will
still be more financially viable than Aragonite. They
are certanly cheaper and will always be around. I
find that they are best applied to the soil the year
before growing or in the fall to let it work it's magic.

At least this Aragonite will give the grower another option
when he need a faster acting calcium compound without
waiting for the soil interactions to occur.

I haven't used calcium hydroxide or hydrated lime which
is another name for it. It can also be used ut in much
smaller amounts than all the other calcium compunds
I've mentioned. As it can easily bring a pH solution to
about pH 12 if you don't watch it.
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I have yet to try dolomitic limestone in my mix .....an organic powdered product Perfectly Rootein I'v used for many years has 29%calcium/2.75%Sulfer .
....as a fast acting compound,the PurpleUp could possibly be similar to the use of beneficial bacteria product. Pre-treating gives the stuff chance to mature its little jack'n'jills with moisture, and roots must live well in/around it....kinda like a moss also?
waste of money.. i have been in the marine hobbies for over ten years.. sure it might get you more purple algae because it gives you more calcium and alk and maybe magnesium (for a fish tank) ...

but you can just use Calcium Chloride which is sold as a de-icer.... by dow company .....
50lb bag for $25
alk... well.. that's baking soda...
magnesium.. just use epsom salt which is mg so4.....

this 3 will make a fish tank purple... at 1% of the cost... u can probably use the same in hydro.. i never tried.. but CAL MAG is expensive and a rip off IMHO... i will formulate my own recipe soon.... look forward to another DIY from me ;)


Active member
waste of money.. i have been in the marine hobbies for over ten years.. sure it might get you more purple algae because it gives you more calcium and alk and maybe magnesium (for a fish tank) ...

but you can just use Calcium Chloride which is sold as a de-icer.... by dow company .....
50lb bag for $25
alk... well.. that's baking soda...
magnesium.. just use epsom salt which is mg so4.....

this 3 will make a fish tank purple... at 1% of the cost... u can probably use the same in hydro.. i never tried.. but CAL MAG is expensive and a rip off IMHO... i will formulate my own recipe soon.... look forward to another DIY from me ;)

Yeah, but there's to much chlorine with that Calcium chloride
stuff. Baking soda has also too much Sodium. Dolomitic Limestone
is probably the cheapest way to get both Calcium and Magnesium
carbonate in a micture. You can find it at most gardening centers.

I only meant for this thread to be started to show that there's a
very rich form of Calcium that is very assimilable by the plants.
It isn't the cheapest form of Calcium. It's just that it may
be a way out for a Guerrila Grower who need something
strong without having to carry a ton in to his or her
mountain growing location. LOL

For indoors, just go with what you normally use.

I hope, I haven't offended anyone.


Active member
A person could get their Aragonite much cheaper if they bought it in sand form by CaribSea.

They sell the stuff at most fish pet stores that cater to marine fish.

I'm sure if you Google for it you'll find many places to purchase it.

If you add this to water it will make a milky white liquid like the Purple Up.
