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Need some opinions, what's wrong here?



So, as you can see, some of my leaves are yellowing, and we also have some wilting. Several fan leaves haver completely wilted off, but at a slow rate. The leaves usually turn yellow before this happens. I was thinking I might possibly have nute burn, but wouldn't it affect all of the leaves? It just seems like i'm getting sporadic fan leaves that have some wilt on them. Otherwise the Cannabis looks and smells wonderful. I checked for pests and such as well, no luck. I dont think this is nutrient burn, but I suppose I could be wrong... Opinions? I have more pics in my album.


Active member
relax man, what you're seeing is a normal part of the life

what that yellowing is is nitrogen deficiency, and it
happens normally as the buds reach maturity, note
that your bloom nutes are all low in nitrogen.

btw, they look really nice and almost done.


Thanks! I had some nitro deficiency early on, the Reclining Buddha and the Widow really like Nitro, so I suppose that makes sense. I'm still dialing these plants in so it's nerve wracking when i'm so close to a harvest :) in another 2 weeks they should all be done, the durga may come out a bit sooner.

I appreciate the compliment, I cant wait to see them all done!


i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
whats wrong your nugs are to big and chrystally lmao what strain is that very nice lookin plants u do not want green leaves at harvest


@ haveaNOSday you are so wrong. That is not rootbinding.

them's good fall colors friend, your plants are doing extremely wonderful.


lovely looking girls.. no need to worry mate their jus absorbing nutes from the fan leaves. means your close to harvest
When you harvest please post up a pic of your yellow moldy roots all bunched up together at the bottom of your medium....

P.S A MJ plant is not a tree and is not supposed to suck chlorophyl from the leaves to hibernate it's self for winter lmao!!


i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
green leaves at harvest = harsh taste from 2 much N during flower but to each his own i prefer to let my plant feed off itself for atleast one week when i see the leaves changin like that it makes me feel like the plant is using up all the nutes it has stored up which i dont want to taste or smoke personally but thats just my style i flush for atleast 10 days atleast sometimes longer if i can wait
haveanosday so ur plants r green and lush at harvest with no signs of a def or pretty colors do u flush
peace stonE


Active member
When you harvest please post up a pic of your yellow moldy roots all bunched up together at the bottom of your medium....

P.S A MJ plant is not a tree and is not supposed to suck chlorophyl from the leaves to hibernate it's self for winter lmao!!

laugh all you want bro, you're entitled to believe anything
you want to believe.

listen to your own drummer, go your own way.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
everyone else said this already, but they look GREAT... the yellower the better mate.... any green that goes is green you dont have to smoke, and if theres one colour you dont want your herb to taste its "green"....never heard of anyone saying "this weed tastes a bit yellow" have you? :D
so ur plants r green and lush at harvest with no signs of a def or pretty colors do u flush

...Actually my last grow looked exactly the same as this one at the end. When I would feed, I put as much ferts as directed on the bottle and this happened. All the leaves turned yellow and died, the buds were all hard as rocks . When I harvested I discovered nasty ass root bound up in a clump at the bottom. However the smoke was awsome!!! don't ask me?

My current grow I'm using same set up but with 1/4 strenght nutes or none depending how we feel upon feeding time and they don't even have 1 yellow anything anywhere on 16 beauties!!


When you harvest please post up a pic of your yellow moldy roots all bunched up together at the bottom of your medium....

P.S A MJ plant is not a tree and is not supposed to suck chlorophyl from the leaves to hibernate it's self for winter lmao!!

no they don't hibernate for the winter, they DIE.

This is what dioecious annuals DO, they complete the life cycle within the growing season.

WE humans have manipulated the plant (like we did with corn and tulips) to the point it actually takes on completely different traits, like autoflowering.

(in soil) on normal healthy plants you get fan leaf chlorosis (yellowing), and leaf drop (necrosis) in late stage flowering, this is completely normal, the plant is responding to a rise in a flowering hormone, by using any and all available nitrogen to make more flowers (yes it's N that makes plant parts, not just K), and the REASON it's making more and more flowers is, it's NOT getting pollinated, again human manipulation.

a plant being rootbound in a container, has very little to do with late stage chlorosis and necrosis, it can be a SYMPTOM, because the container once rootbound will be depleted of all available N pretty quickly, and because flowering nutes have very little N (because it makes your dank taste like alfalfa), the plants will look EXACTLY like the OP's pics (I think your grow is going very well, btw), you can grow a nice big fat healthy 5 foot tall girl in a 6" pot, and have roots that look like white pencils, you'll be watering it 2 or 15 times a day, and she'll be skinny and "topiary" looking, and the yield will be ridiculously poor, but it'll smoke fine.

moldy brown roots are a symptom of poor aeration, and too high a medium/container/solution temp.

but to come in here and be the ONLY one who thinks something is wrong with the OP's grow, which is incorrect, and then argue about it, SHOULD be telling you something.

maybe you should listen.

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