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This Summers Outdoor Plans - GUERILLA BOG!!!! Feedback appreciated!!


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Sorry guys its been raining the past couple days so its been too muddy back there to go hike for some pics.. I might not be able to get them for a week or so. But as for the weather, I couldn't have asked for better in the past 10 days they've been outside!! A week straight of sun and great weather so the soil got real dry and the roots stretched and my plants adjusted great!! I gave them some Fox Farm GROW BIG and a tiny bit of FF BIG BLOOM right before the rains :)

In the meantime I have a nice BlueKush and SourBubbleBX4 plant and about 10 more seedlings from both strains!! I love BOGs work, I have great expectations for them outdoors but sadly I'm almost out of his seeds already. But I'll get some pics of those tonight


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Pics on my Outdoor Bagseeds might come sooner than expected!!

Pics on my Outdoor Bagseeds might come sooner than expected!!

SLUG ATTACK!! I noticed a few slugs in my garden at home just now after the rains the last few days.. I'm pretty broke due to my car breaking down this week and don't want to risk slug damage so I'm going to run out there today or tommorow with a bag full of salt and make circles around the 3 spots outside with it.

I'll pick up some slug pellets this weekend but until than its salt to keep them at bay!!
.... I'll be sure to bring my cam out when I go get the slugs away. :)

I'll still get the pics up of my young BOG plants but might just put them in my thread in the BOG Seeds forum


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Ahh, my only Blueberry plant got attacked pretty badly by the slugs. I hope she'll make it but I must act quick.. Another one got pretty roughed up. The fastest growing middies plant is exploding with growth and its right next to the Blue that got attacked by slugs.


Landrace Lover
Ahh, my only Blueberry plant got attacked pretty badly by the slugs. I hope she'll make it but I must act quick.. Another one got pretty roughed up. The fastest growing middies plant is exploding with growth and its right next to the Blue that got attacked by slugs.

chuck some rings of lime around the base of your plants, the slugs won't cross it.


Active member
^^^anybody?? my only Blueberry plant (from bagseed, super good blueberry OUTDOOR that comes around in mass quantities around here. only found one seed EVER), has been chewed to SHIT by slugs. I put a good ring of salt around the base so hopefully it will help, only temporay. Most of the fan leaves are gone completely but the new tiny leaves between the fan leaves are mostly intact so she should make it, I hope!!

..... The fastest growing bagseed from middies next to the Blueberry has some minor slug damage also but is a nice bush with three main branches about a foot high!! The "DRAKE" bagseed nearby has no slug/pest damage and also looks great!! The other indica middies bagseed has minor slug damage and isn't as big because its getting afternoon sun instead of morning but it looks good :)

It's hard to get pics outside, but I'll try to get pics of the plants described above within a few days. If not, I have 2 separate plants indoors big enough to outside, a SourBubbleBX4 and BOG's new BlueKush (aka BLUSH, BlueMoonRocks X SourBubble)!! And also 6 more young BK's and 3 more young SBbx4 inside that will be ready in a few weeks to go out!! :bump:

That's not the only BOG gear I'll be working with!! His new strain, SourStrawberryKush (Strawberry Kush X SourBubble) should be arriving within a few days and will be germinated immediatly!! Check out my thread in the BOG Seeds Forum, I promise I'll have some pics by tommorow night


damn marcellas it your defiantly have some goooooood genetics. we have to remember to use slug repellent as they are feucking up some of my younger plants as well.

and def keep us updated on the bluekush when you put it outside, it sounds fantastic


hahahaha, we must not be that far, we also get that 'outdoor blueberry' in massive quantities as well, I've begun to wonder now if it's coming from a certain member on here ;)


Active member
Yup, that fruity sticky outdoor. Which member are you talking about? I love it, its regular price ($10 a gram, $200 oz, ect), and gets me just as stoned as most of the $50-60 an eighth chronic that comes around. Definatly need slug pellets ASAP


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My good friend that I gave some of my BOG seeds to, let me know today he has a bunch of clones he needs putting outside and he'll give me 20 of them for helping him put them out. So about 50 clones go out tonight!! :D

I'm also thinking about planting my largest BlueKush and SourBubbleBX4 (1 of each) with the clones, they are definatly big enough!!

Planting in about an hour and a half, just before sunrise.. Should be a great season!! :bump:


My good friend that I gave some of my BOG seeds to, let me know today he has a bunch of clones he needs putting outside and he'll give me 20 of them for helping him put them out. So about 50 clones go out tonight!! :D

I'm also thinking about planting my largest BlueKush and SourBubbleBX4 (1 of each) with the clones, they are definatly big enough!!

Planting in about an hour and a half, just before sunrise.. Should be a great season!! :bump:

20 clones :yoinks:

thats awesome.


Active member
I know, quite the pleasant surprise!! Karma comes back around I guess :)
...I'm not sure if he had to get me some BOG clones yet from the seeds I gave him, but we have a few other clones that we've been working with for years the do great outside

With those 15-20 clones he's giving me, and the other 25 or so SourBubbleBX4's, BlueKush's, and SourStawberryKush's I'm putting outside, should be a great season!! I'll find out the strain on the clones when we go do work in a half hour, but they are probably a Skunk, Kush, or other Indica cross :D :D :D


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Just helped him plant 20 clones out. He's always had this idea in his head that you can just stick them in native mud and watch them grow. I convinced him to let me bring some good potting soil, but he had to work so we were in such a rush that we put 10 clones each in about a 5 gallon rectangular hole, each clone right next to eachother...

But I DID get my largest BLUE KUSH and largest SOUR BUBBLE into their own holes in great spots, with about 5 gallons of soil in each hole!! I'm hoping for some giants :D


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June 14, Plant Total!!

June 14, Plant Total!!

Just thought I'd document all my BOG plants and my other plants real quick, so here's the total broken down:

- 1 one month old SourBubbleBX4 outside
- 1 one month old BlueKush outside
- 6 BlueKush seedlings inside, outside in a week or 2
- 3 SourBubble4 seedlings inside, also outside soon
- 4 more SourBubble's germinating
- 5 SourStrawberryKush germinated and just planted

So that's a total of 20 BOG plants or future plants I have growing inside/out. :D
I plan on starting more BOG seeds when I get more outside, hopefully in time to put outside (43N) although super late. :D

....But that doesn't count my OTHER plants outside!! :jump:

- 10 clones put outside TODAY from a local cross, all 10 put in the same hole with a little good soil (in a rush lol), they'll probably be separated and re-planted in separate holes ASAP :)
- 5 other bagseeds, 1 from a bag of BlueBerry (looks good), one super fast plant from a bag of middies (great bush), one from a bag of A+ bomb, another from mids, and another from mids thats planted with the 10 clones.

That's a total of 35 plants I have outside or getting ready to put outside!! I'VE ALMOST REACHED MY SEASON GOAL OF GETTING 40 PLANTS TOTAL OUTSIDE!! And more too come :thank you:


Kiss My Ring
splendid! are you ever going to put photos up or are they on your BOG sit?
The girls i put in the woods in march are doing better than i had hoped!


good luck with all those plants you got goin'! I'm trying to get my white widow cloned and spread out in this same location. It isn't that big a deal when they go out for me. even one month veg out there will be better than the same amount inside!


Active member
thanks!! and yes i promise ill get the pics up soon. slugs are tearing my plants to SHIT that are outside now and realllllly holding them back.. I want to get slug pellets ASAP but I just lost my job and have no income


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Some Indoor Pics

Some Indoor Pics

Ok guys finally here are some pics. I only have pictures of my super young seedlings/plants inside, I'll get pics of the 2 nice sized BlueKush and SourBubble I put outside a few days ago next time I go out.. All these seedlings are stretching a bit due to low CFL light and from being in my window, but I won't have to worry about that once they get outside :)

All the plants in blue cups are BLUE KUSH, all the plants that didn't just sprout are SourBubbleBX4. The 5 new sprouts that are 2 days old, (100% germ rate), are SourStrawberryKush.

....I know these pics are horrible but the plants outside look nice. All these plants are less than 2 weeks old. The first 3 pics are all young BK seedlings (notice the runt in the back), except for the red cup in front which is a SBbx4, sitting in my window. The 4th pic shows a group shot of the 5 SourStraw.Kush sprouts to the left, my nicest BK in the back, 2 SB seedlings in front of that (right middle), and another BK in front-right.


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