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Bc's RockLock pc grow..12/12 from seed

how was the smoke from the easyryder if u dont mind me askin. no doubt. ill def stay away from the ghs autos. prolly stick to the ones i have right now but will prolly add some of mossys jems in the future. then prolly do a big auto orgy of bs,s60,mossys jem and possibly easyryder if my hermed bitch is preggo and the dinafem fruit auto, after i set up a bigger cab with a 150w hps and some cfls and get some beans then ima quit messin with the afs for a bit i think. other than that photoperiod girls are prolly all ill be messin with. also really hopin my gdp bean was selfed and not a cross of gdp x shivaskunk but wont know till i pop it. rl clone hasnt died yet so im still hopeful lol. if not ill def have to jack one off the one flowering as id hate to lose her if shes that quick to flower.
good luck on the harvest and dont let the cat eat to much of those leaves lol, they look like they would make some nice scissor hash , or regular hash with all those trichs all over them.
shesh!! bigger by the day now, that colla is huge! should compare it too your forearm, then be proud :p

waitin on the harvest! hope to hear from you on my thread bro!


BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Thanks Ghost!! You are right...as soon as mom is out of there, she will have more room too...
Thanks auto'sfordummies!! I also have some Onyx seeds which are auto but grow tall..I might use them up in the new cab...
thanks christoph'sbud!! wait till you see pics of the cola now that I've given her a haircut...I've been by your thread lots bro...you are doing awesome...fast learner you are...
thank you lemonbud!!! without ICmag, and all the great people here, I wouldn't know a thing about growing...
Thanks cheese!!!!! very kind words bro...she's almost ready too..
Well, its day 44 of bloom and this lady is done...43 days and its not an auto...people ought to try this strain...
I gave her a haircut to let the buds get more light now...looking for the cat but she's no where to be found:)



the very top of the cola:jump:sure is shiny:thank you:

the little one is flowering nicely too:blowbubbles:

a pic of the smaller buds:artist:

she's as round as this bad boy:wave:

last pic before her haircut:)
well, thats where we are now...I am amazed at how far the crystals spread on this strain...
look forward to hearing from you all...
thanks everyone


Active member
She sure is a quick finisher, but still very nice growing skills at work BC! Looking frosty at hell. How much longer until you do the chop chop?

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Thanks autosfordummies!!! I'm in the process of building a scrog screen for my pc..I've gotten a little over an o everytime(this is my 3rd grow) so I'd like to see if I can get alot more hence the screen...I'm leaning towards AK48, sharksbreath, or my fave TW!!!I have around 20 killer seeds to try!!
Thanks Ghost!! it wouldn't be the same without good people like you bro!!
Hey christoph!! Thanks bro...As I've been trimming, I've decided to let her go another week just because of the fact that calyxes started popping out like mad(bigger buds!!) and how the crystals are deforming the leaves..its really neat to see..what I'm saying is I think there's more left in her....I don't know what happened but she's decided she doesn't want to be cut yet I guess!!
Thank you bloodlock!!!1 more week bro...
As I said, she went crazy after trimming all those leaves..even the top has exploded with calyxes!! plus the leaves are curling up with all the resin...:dance013:
Its day 44 and she's asking for a reprieve from her death sentence:)

this is what I mean...its cool to watch..in verdantgreens led thread, his plant is doing the same thing.

there is going to be alot of sugar leaves:jump:

this is a better pic of how the leaves are curling up with all that nummy resin:tiphat:


:groupwave: so here she is in all her shinyness... if thats a word!
what is your opinion on letting her go longer??
thanks everyone

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
hey b00m!! It says 8 weeks!! thats what I don't understand...she is filling in alot more but the trichs tell me otherwise...


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Take her to Day 50 bro, RL is a couchlock plant so to me it all seems to be going to plan, I'd imagine by Day 60 she would be total amber city and very fucking lethal. :biggrin: 6 more days then chop, then the clone will have all the space she will need. How does that sound bro??
nice, wered u pick up the tw if u dont mind sharing. i got a cut from a friend a few yrs back and loved it. would love to run it again but im not sure were to pickup beans. feel free to pm if u want. an o sounds pretty good outa a pc man. hoping i get close to that outa my 1x1x4 cab aswell but we shall see.

damm shes just doesnt want the chop does she. its all good more bud is always a plus. maybe the haircut is a good thing for the rl will def have to trim mine up abit when shes close to see if she responds the same as your does.

goodluck on the scrog screen. if ur gettin more than a o already pretty much untouched for the most part i dont see how u couldnt pull almost 2 with the scrog. anyways hope u pull 2+ zips with it next run.


Pirate & Cherokee Warrior for Freedom and Cannabis
Follow the trichrome road. I'd go by what they look like and then use your judgement. Whatever you do it'll turn out good BC.


before you chop, i would love to see a pic of the whole girl from a few feet back. my hat is off to you BC! thats awesome!
yeah bro, those tritches barely look cloudy from my view!

she could go a bit longer, good job on trimming those leaves up and spotting the huge outbreak of growth! maybe she'll go for even longer than a week, and you will have a huge fat cola :)

cant wait too see how she is going to do over the next week!

also, have you got your new cab running? fans and lights and all that? im guna go check ur albums for updates if ya dont mind ;)



New member
glad i found this thread i've been trying to find some good info on this strain. I am germinating my rocklock seeds rite now. Take a pic a few feet back from the plant so we can see how big it is. Thanks