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Colorado Gov signs new MMJ laws


Active member
Yesterday Colorado's Governor signed the two new bills about medical marijuana into law.

"The companion measures I signed today strike a delicate balance between protecting public safety and respecting the will of the voters," Ritter said in a statement.

The bills — which impose complicated licensing requirements on medical-marijuana dispensaries and crack down on unscrupulous doctors indiscriminately handing out marijuana recommendations — were some of the most high-profile measures passed in the legislature this year.

But Ritter signed the bills, House Bill 1284 and Senate Bill 109, this morning without the usual public ceremony such attention-grabbing legislation usually commands. Instead, the bills were signed privately along with a slate of 28 various other bills before Ritter headed out on a bill-signing tour in southwestern Colorado.

Supporters of the bills say they will professionalize the medical-marijuana industry and make it harder for people to abuse the system. But several prominent medical-marijuana advocates say the rules go too far, will drive marijuana dispensaries out of business and will push patients back into the underground marketplace. A team of lawyers has already begun recruiting potential plaintiffs for lawsuits challenging the laws' constitutionality.

For more on this story click here.
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Active member
I know these dispensaries just have a matter of time, there is alot of them and i did advocate for them in the first place, but not all these mafia run ones.

Bill Sussman

New member
For every 1 positive element in this bill, there are 10 negatives. I work in a lower volume dispensary which does a lot to help our patients. These new legislations could very well be the end of us. The sad thing I see is that this bill is supposed to control and regulate the industry, but now the little guy gets to pay for it and the folks with large financial backing get to come out on top. Not only do i now have to deal with all of this new legal horseshit but I now have to compete with the Russian Mafia opening up shop RIGHT next door to me. (Its happening as i type this. In fact when they first opened up shop illegally we were told "You're prices are too low, you will raise them.")

I love my job, and I love my patients and I do not want to see either one harmed by this bill, but one or the other is going to have to give.

Good Luck CO


MMJ is dead in CO.
Gotta laugh at all the people who moved here to CO from all over the USA just to grow for profit, especially those Calif suckers. You can grow 25 in Ca for yourself, but here in Co. you can only flower out 3 plants yourself...hmmm 25 plants or 3...you do the math.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
MMJ is dead in CO.
Gotta laugh at all the people who moved here to CO from all over the USA just to grow for profit, especially those Calif suckers. You can grow 25 in Ca for yourself, but here in Co. you can only flower out 3 plants yourself...hmmm 25 plants or 3...you do the math.

I think everyones laughing at you and your states pathetic legislation....
Does anyone have knowledge as to the differences in the mmj law in the 14 states where it is legal?

I'm interested in finding out where the debate stands at this time

In CA, at the moment, it's all about the dispensaries that tried to overrun L.A.

It's very poor publicity for the legalization proposition on the November ballot


Tr33..I also find it hilarious the folks who migrated here thinking this was a gold rush..To the poster above who runs a small disp. are you my boss? lol jk Seriously though I'm in the same situation as an employee of a small shop. A "mafia" type place opened next door. The regulations are strict, but hey they've always hated this industry.


Active member
You can grow 25 in Ca for yourself, but here in Co. you can only flower out 3 plants yourself...hmmm 25 plants or 3...you do the math.

Well... considering you can get edible exemptions and grow the same number in colorado.... why live in Cali? Mark my words, there are 'Bad' things coming to Cali.... move now, while you still can.

I originally planned on being a caregiver here in Colorado.... now it looks like I'll have to be content with just growing my own. *shrug* At least here (in the mountains).... everyone is growing, so nobody cares what I do. :tiphat:

Stay Safe! :tree:


I think everyones laughing at you and your states pathetic legislation....

Well now, that's alot to say for someone who cashed in, and provided no input on how they would like they legislation to work for them.And then disappeared. But some of us weren't too busy getting stopped in Utah making sure the purple Cali weed was on the shelf, and then having to sell our shop...
sorry but 4,000 daily caregiver swappers doesn't mean much man.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Id rather cash in then cash out. I did what I could. Colorado patients wanted more regulation, well they sure as hell got it. As for me, I don't want any part of it. I made some good money, had some good times, met some good people and decided to quit while I was ahead. I know alot of shop owners who wish they could have sold their shop.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Huh? Guess who wrote that POS bill, it wasn't patients.

I can tell you first hand that about 80% of my patients favored more regulation. However, im pretty sure that most of them didn't read the proposal and just heard the word "regulation" and figured it was a good thing. Either way.....:tiphat:

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