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dude wtf, am i about to get busted?

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Bummer to hear about your girl being selfish and unempathetic. She's not the one for you long term bro so just enjoy her while you can knowing she has to go someday.
she's not involved, and there will be no kicking to the curb lol. i'll just have to schedule shit like this on my days off i guess :joint:

but yeah, i've said the same thing you guys are saying over and over again since i got home from work... WHY THE FUCK DID YOU LET THEM IN? WHY DID YOU LET THEM WITHIN 10 FEET OF MY PLANTS????????????????


I like your positive attitude.. but you'r girlfriend is a dumb sack of shit. Get rid of her.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
You did the right thing Arctic........and if you ever grow again, keep it well away from the wife and kids.....seems like your Mrs can't grasp the seriousness of it all and what could happen if worse came to worst.....

.....a close call (warning) and enough time to make it good.......maybe lady luck has smiled on you after all?
ah that sucks sounds like a time to do a late outdoor guerilla garden that way you can keep on keepin on but just not in the house for a wile.


if i was you bro i would be more worried about the guy at your electric meter more then anything.That is real strange.the gas guy was supposed be there. as far as your girl goes sometimes people fuckup. i would make sure she understands how serious a fuckup she has made. which i would think you have been doing since this happend. i would do like stof420 said put tomatoes in place.well good luck and at least injoy all the sucking up your girl is doing lol
Put tomatoes in place? WTF for? Like, if LEO was interested and came, they wouldn't know that this was obviously a pot grow with freshly planted tomato plants for cover?

I mean, people aren't that dumb. Except maybe the OP's gf.

Stoners are the worst criminals, ever.


and in the end i'm pretty sure she just shrugged me off...so yeah i wont be growing here any time soon :joint: this isn't the first breach of security that i've had because of her

Man, it truly sounds like you are at the epitome of being pussy whipped, and by a really dumb bitch no less.

If you're ever going to make it anywhere with this chick, you're gonna have to turn it around, and WHIP THAT PUSSAY!


Don't blame her for your fuck up. Pay your bills on time and you don't invite these people over in the first place. If there were people on your property when you left why in the hell did you leave? Its your deal not hers take responsibility for your own shit and don't pass the buck. Find a spot out in the country for the plants. Get a shop vac and some bleach water and clean your rooms. If you trashed the plants hope you did not throw them in with the home garbage. Cops are some garbage picking fools. Good luck


but like everyone said, let this "raid" happen all they want... all they'll find is some lights in boxes, maybe a few dead leaves.

Let me just relay an old story of my own:

I had a girlfriend once that had a dream about growing marijuana in the basement of our rental house. I walked downstairs one day to find that she had made a wood frame planter out of some spare pieces of wood lying around and a few cinder blocks. The wood was held vertical only by the cinder blocks, there were no nails, glue, or tape. The frame was just 4 pieces of wood, no base, sitting directly on the dirt floor. There were a couple of "grow lights", the 4-foot 2-tube fluorescent fixtures you find at Wal-Mart, fixed to the ceiling. This planter was directly beside the meter for the natural gas, which the poor gas company guy actually did have to go down and read once in a while. The furnace, which needed to be fixed, which we had already called our landlord about to have it fixed, was about 5 feet away. When I walked down her and her little sister were in the process of pouring a bag of potting soil directly into the planter, straight right on top of the dirt that was our basement floor.

That process stopped and I made them clean it up immediately.

Now there are a lot of things wrong with that picture, and more that I did not bother to transcribe because I would be here all morning typing, I am cracking up just thinking about them all (maybe I should have let it continue... you know, just to see what would have happened... :thinking:). Now I didn't know anything about growing at the time, I was probably still about 5 years off from actually starting to grow for real, but I knew that there were critical ass flaws here. One of the most obvious ones to me at the time was denial.

"The fucking landlord is coming to look at the furnace in xx days!" I said. "It's not illegal to grow plants in your basement!" she retorted, which she probably imagined would be the coup de grâce. She was technically right, it is not illegal to grow plants in your basement. But who the hell grows plants in their basement? The same kind of people who may or may not have loose fan leaves laying around and also possess some used grow equipment.
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Put tomatoes in place? WTF for? Like, if LEO was interested and came, they wouldn't know that this was obviously a pot grow with freshly planted tomato plants for cover?

I mean, people aren't that dumb. Except maybe the OP's gf.

Stoners are the worst criminals, ever.

Yeah, you don't do that. If that worked for establishing that you aren't growing marijuana, why not just flag the nearest cop down and show him your tomato grow before planting the real crop?

And if it is to show the meter guy, all the cops need for a warrant is eyewitness account of the grow lights, and "green vegetative matter", which is what they will put on the receipt after taking everything whether it is weed, or tomatos that they take.

Best idea is not letting anyone see anything.


The cat that loves cannabis
All this bitch has to go talk, come on guys, we all know they are the kiss of death for growing, but they can be managed.
If she has a hard time saying no to people(like the gas guy that wanted in) then she is no longer allowed to answer the door when your not home, period.
Send a friend over to knock on your door and test that out, she answers, she may as well start packing, but give her another chance first.

So you moved the plants and equipment already?
Should be fine then.
Sit tight for several weeks and if all is good, restart the show.

This might be a good time to consider moving and starting new someplace else.

The more I think about it, the more I think that it's time to move.

You know the saying WWJD? What would jesus do? Screw jesus, your a breaking bad fan, ask yourself WWWD? What would Walt do? He'd move, and slap Jesse silly for messing things up for him, and in this case your girl is Jesse(don't slap her, lol, but verbally reaming a new asshole for her seems to be in order I would think.)


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
Put tomatoes in place? WTF for? Like, if LEO was interested and came, they wouldn't know that this was obviously a pot grow with freshly planted tomato plants for cover?

I mean, people aren't that dumb. Except maybe the OP's gf.

Stoners are the worst criminals, ever.

Its not a bad idea... the cops have to PROVE that you had weed growing there. I know its guilty till proven innocent but the equipment we have is NOT illegal.
Ok, so don't put in any plants at all. Like, WTF is putting in tomato plants gonna do? Make them think you were growing tomatoes all along?

I can just see it now: "Oh I guess we were wrong about the pot grow, he was just growing tomatoes. Guess we'll leave him alone now."

LOL you people must think everyone is as slow as your average stoner. C'mon guys, we're not in kindergarten anymore.


wow thanks for all the responses guys! there's a lot of things i have something to say about, but this one stuck out the most: this was my main argument, along with the fact that the ONLY thing i said was "do not let anyone in the house when i'm gone"...

but like everyone said, let this "raid" happen all they want... all they'll find is some lights in boxes, maybe a few dead leaves. and i also explained to her that, YES, electric/water/gas companies DO work with leo and stuff.

we had a long argument, and in the end i'm pretty sure she just shrugged me off...so yeah i wont be growing here any time soon :joint: this isn't the first breach of security that i've had because of her...(i come home from work and there are 3 other moms in my house along with like 7 other kids, running around, GOING DOWNSTAIRS TO THE BATHROOM, opening and closing doors, etc etc... and the worst part is, she honestly didn't see anything wrong with it!

but yeah, like i said, go ahead and bust in, police! all you're going to do is scare my wife and kids :joint:

thanks for all the replies bros, i love my ic family :ying: now its off to the salt mines

Ok, this is the part that is screaming out to me. So you've been thru this with her PREVIOUSLY...and you are still with her, growing in her presence. I'm sorry artic, but now i'm questioning your mental capacity, and i almost want to shift the blame for this whole debacle to you. Dude these are serious issues...and you can't keep putting yourself in these situations (that you already know to exist).

Now i'm really not going in on your ol lady(or you for that matter)...but what is it about her that makes you keep her around? If it is the love, then you need to make a decision on which lady you love more...the green one, the fleshy one, or lady liberty. It seems as if these issues will continue to pop up for you....even though you are really the one who keeps allowing it to happen. Bro, i'm not saying to give the lady the boot (because it seems as if you "love" her), however...you should REALLY stop growing while you are dating her, its obvious she isn't cut out for this lifestyle!


Active member
No offence, your Gf is fucking stupid, she shouldnt bee involved in anything like this if she can't even listen to you and NOT let anyone into the house...

for me it sounded like a cop doing some investigation or someone looking to rip you off

move the plants and all the stuff and stay on the DL for a week or two and see whats up
we had a long argument, and in the end i'm pretty sure she just shrugged me off...so yeah i wont be growing here any time soon :joint: this isn't the first breach of security that i've had because of her...(i come home from work and there are 3 other moms in my house along with like 7 other kids, running around, GOING DOWNSTAIRS TO THE BATHROOM, opening and closing doors, etc etc... and the worst part is, she honestly didn't see anything wrong with it!
With all due respect, and again, because MY signif other / queen of my life has read this thread, you're biggest problem isn't jail right now.

It's your lady.

With that attitude, and lack of real common sense, she is your biggest ticket to trouble, bar none. M and I have been together forever, through thick and thin, and the "communication / trust / got your back" HAS to be number one. A shoulder shrug with the "FOAD" (fuck off and die) eye roll is a sign of terminal selfishness, and in OUR game that is tantamount to making the call to cops in person.

You've said wife and kids. I'm sorry, but that dumb *unt put me in that much danger, and I'd be digging a trench in a marsh somewhere. And looking for a new mommy for the kids. Lots of new mommys out there. Let her know that much, maybe don't mention the trench in the marsh.

Good luck dude.


Wow. Just my two cents, but in regards to how everyone keeps telling the OP it's his woman's fault, and "bitches be tripping" and so forth... NOPE!!! It's the OP's fault, and no one else's BUT his fault. He knew from previous experience that his woman doesn't understand the seriousness of what he is doing, yet he continues to let her in on it. To the OP: you have no one to blame but yourself bro. Count your losses, move on, start growing in a cabinet of sorts, lock it up with electromagnetic locks, and don't tell your woman about it. If she asks, tell her you are setting up a "server room" inside of said cabinet so that you guys can start downloading and streaming all of your audio/video/media all around the house, and the server puts out a lot of heat so you are keeping it out of the way. Something like that.

But dude, STOP bringing your woman into the mix. It's great that you love her unconditionally and whatnot, but she is pretty much guaranteeing that you will either get busted, or just not be able to grow any more. Best of luck to you.
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