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transporting the goods


Well-known member
i was going to do an outdoor grow this year, nothing large, however ...
i changed my mind, there is one aspect of outdoor that just scares me
it's not the growing, that doesn't bother me much
the killer for me, apart from getting enough from my indoor grows, was transportation
MJ in the car(or any vehicle) in significant amounts seems like a bad risk
i really did want to drop a few clones in outdoors, i just love an outdoor grow
when i did outdoor grows years ago, i could walk my crop back home
but these days the safe grow spots are just too far from home
so to satisfy my curiosity, how many drive the big harvest to the door step?


Where else are you going to dry it? Just be loaded up, back on the highway at 4:30-5AM and you shouldn't have any problems. I figure that hour is pretty safe because the police have taken down any drinking/driving counter attack roadblocks by then and there still isn't enough traffic on the roads to really justify an officer cruising around (at least in my rural area).

If you have a long way to drive you can just hire a friend to drive in front with a cell phone and give you a call if there's problems ahead.


Well-known member
some good info there .clunk
having the friend with a cell is pretty smooth
not so sure about the early AM, at least not that early
if traffic is low, single vehicles may stand out
and harvest time is usually no mystery in my area
every outdoor bust i know of was in a vehicle
+rep for the thoughts


some good info there .clunk
having the friend with a cell is pretty smooth
not so sure about the early AM, at least not that early
if traffic is low, single vehicles may stand out
and harvest time is usually no mystery in my area
every outdoor bust i know of was in a vehicle
+rep for the thoughts
The problem is that your still thinking with the fear in the back of your mind, the sooner you get over it the better your life will become. Why would anyone else on the highway know that you're a criminal and not just an early morning commuter? Only YOU know that you're driving with your trunk full of garbage bags, nobody has x-ray vision and as long as you don't speed, break down on the highway or act suspicious in any way how do people know what you're up to? When was the last time a police officer pulled you over for doing nothing wrong? Probably NEVER.

Most people get busted because of stupid decisions like harvesting at the wrong time of the day, by speeding or some other minor traffic obstruction. Wash your car, make sure all your turn signals and brake lights work, don't drive a beat up VW van, shave your beard, cut your hair and wear nice clothes so anyone who sees you behind the steering wheel thinks "there goes a hardworking american just like myself".

Seriously, you need to get over the unfounded fears and move on to success.


Well-known member
Seriously, you need to get over the unfounded fears and move on to success.

if i had no other MJ supply, i could see your point
but i grow inside too, indoors provides all my needs
i just like doing outside for the fun of it
chances of a random stop are small, but i've been stopped before around that time of year so it's not paranoia


Active member
When I transplant my plants, I'm not prudent: I drive 20km with my motorbike with the plants in my bag.
There is not much chance that cops control me, and less again that they search anything in my bag.

Peace :rasta:

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
I have 10 different sites with that i have to transfer to and from. The risk can be reduced dramatically with thought and planning.

First, in suburban or rural america, the number of police on duty at 6 am sunday morning is almost zero. Police statistics show that traffic tickets written between 6am and noon sunday is 85% less than the next slowest traffic time which is sunday night. The weekend's over, the drunks are in jail or already home and half the country, including the law is just waking up and thinking about church and sunday dinnner. The crime rate at 6 am sunday morning is non existent.

All of my transfers occur on sunday morning or during the 4:30 rush hour, when there is so much traffic its hard to single out anyone that isnt doing something way out of line.

Some tips:

Put on your coat and tie on when transporting sunday and put your bible in the front seat.Never look like somebody transporting weed.

When i transfer the actual weed, my wife sits 1 mile up the road and my brother sits 1 mile down the road. We all have our phones - they can tell me if there is a cop within 2 miles of me . When i pull out with a cooler full of fresh cut weed i know there arent any cops behind or in front of me. After i pull out, the car down the road falls in behind me and when i reach my wifes location she falls in behind both of us. Both have the understanding that if a cop was to get in behind our little caravan, the last car is to do something to get a ticket.(attempting to pass 2 cars?) I drive home.

In my state, 4 or less plants is a misdemeanor, so i never haul more than 4 plants at a time. I would rather make 10 trips than risk one felony trip. why risk it.

Cut the weed from the stem on site and dont transport more than you have too. If i get 2 -3 lbs per site, i can fit that in one coleman cooler if its just buds. Coolers hold in the smell and dont let it out.

A good plan man. We all have to take the walk, some do it while whistling past the grave yard, others of us have tried to eliminate all risk involved. Buy you a fancy thinking cap and get with it.

two heads

Active member
I hear you but maybe you should re-examine your concern/paranoia. I started growing outdoors many years ago to avoid the risk of INDOOR growing. When you think about it, with an outdoor site you are at risk of being caught with ganja twice per year - planting (assuming clones) and harvest. (Plant seed and you only have to worry once per year). Indoors you are at risk 24/7.


Well-known member
some excellent feedback guys, really appreciate the sharing here

two heads - i hear you, i guess this is an individual situation, my indoor activities are likely very safe, each of us has particular circumstances
in my case, it seems unlikely for an indoor bust, but anything is possible

D.S. Toker - you have definitely done your homework, that Sunday AM statistic is gold

i guess my rethinking of my outdoor grow had a few other factors - one is my current NL clone/pheno is way to slow a ripener for my area, 12 weeks to get it where i want it, not worth the risk/trouble for what would likely be too racy a weed for my needs
now i do have a PPP that seems much better on ripening, if i can reveg and clone in time, i may toss out some clones in July, yields will be small, but i'm only looking for small yields

thanks again for everyone's thoughts

two heads

Active member
THC123 - I cycle as well. A mountain bike is even better than binoculars and a bird book if you run into someone in the bush. Great way to transport the harvest as well as bikes tend to fly under the radar. One year I brought in what was 4 lbs. dry using my pannier bags and a day pack. Decked out in my geeky bike gear I looked just like a cycle tourist. Probably smelled a bit better though!

When harvesting by car, I use a hockey bag and bring a stick. The perfect decoy in my hockey-mad town.


Well-known member
i just shove em in my backpack and bike 10 miles to my spot

i'll have to rep you on this one, and two heads too
this is one that just hadn't occurred to me, pretty obvious after it was mentioned
haven't done the biking thing in a long time, but a fine idea
i really hate having weed in a car, probably because i got busted in a car years ago
search procedures used to be even worse back then, you think LE gets away with shit today
ended up being a disorderly conduct charge, but the lesson sticks with you
i just shove em in my backpack and bike 10 miles to my spot

i "would" do this or i "would" put them in marked garbage bags in my dads dump truck.. full of garbage ahahha. theres no way a cops or even 10 cops are gunnna wanna look threw 100 bags of plaster and shit. esp when they dont know who is harvesting and who isnt or where those ppl could be

my dad doesnt ever need to know either


Well-known member
i "would" do this or i "would" put them in marked garbage bags in my dads dump truck.. full of garbage ahahha. theres no way a cops or even 10 cops are gunnna wanna look threw 100 bags of plaster and shit. esp when they dont know who is harvesting and who isnt or where those ppl could be

my dad doesnt ever need to know either

pretty good method, if i had a dump truck, i'd consider this one
what i like about this, doesn't matter if anyone uses it or not, cops are not going to start dumpster diving short of dozen affidavits, and probably not even then