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CPC (Chronic Pain Club)


I hear ya it makes me feel pretty worthless when i can't even enjoy the company of friends for more than about a half hour and then have to either get in the recliner or lay down for a while.And i'm only 42 years old.


It's not only the pain but just as much the depression that goes along with the chronic pain that causes so many problems.People always laugh at depression .But they don't know what severe depression disorder is like or they sure wouldn't think that it is so damn funny..Either i can't hardly get out of bed and sometimes don't care if i ever do.
Just have to keep on keepin' on.


Oh I am out here! Why the hell am I up at 5am.............oh yeah can't sleep cuz everything hurts. Today I am officially taking the Chronic pain Group,thanks Doobie and Skip. Hope I do alright. DR has offered to help,he has a cool logo that we will change to. Letmeout ,welcome. I will send you the invite and hope that we can accomplish some good things here. So far I think we have a pretty good bunch of people that want to help each other. So feel free,all of you,to cut loose and say what you think about your pain,and the issues that go along with it...............like how your Dr is an idiot and wouldn't listen to any of the facts you try to tell him about marijuana use. Gee,can you tell I saw my gastro Dr yesterday? HE brought it up,then I had to listen to him go on about how addictive it is and how most "pts" are just potheads as he gives me an RX for Librax. After he would not shut up about it,I finally said "can we get off the reefer thing and talk about my health now?" Jesus,buddy,do some research on your own time and not mine! Addictive. Thats pure crap,because I have been unable to smoke for weeks at a time and never had one kind of withdrawel symtom! It's harder to quit tobacco!:stfu: Glad I got that off my chest,he pissed me off. Just give me my damn gut meds and shut up. MW


Yeah,you are getting there letmeout! When you mentioned depression I bacame curious.......Do all of you think that your Drs address this issue? I wonder how many of us are on anti-depressants. And do they help with your pain? MW


I have been up all night again,now i'll be up the rest of the day and probably sleep my saturday away now.This insomnia really sucks.I go till i pretty much pass out ,then i sleep for 18-24 hours.I can't keep regular hours no matter what i do.


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Well good morning pain sufferers..Mary did you stay the night here at IC? Why the hell I'm here at 5AM is much like why you are. I hope everyone has a better day today and your pain issues reside just a little bit..every little bit counts..right! Big Smiles..DD


LOl,the stupid cat woke me up chasing a mouse. Useless kitty,I had to get one of the Jacks to take care of it. And I only stay on Prozac because I have been on it for so long. I don't know if it really helps,we all have dark thoughts at one time or another,human nature. It's my Xanax that I don't want to do without. We decided today that since Hubs is losing his job,that I will apply for disability. Sheesh. He has never been unemployed in the 34 years we have been married. He needs a govt job,wonder how you get one?(SARCASTIC REMARK)
I've been taking Celexa for about seven years

marijuana for the last five

before that it was a mix of therapies, pain medication,

and tranquilizers

Celexa helps keep me balanced after 28 often really rough years

of dealing with chronic pain
G` Morning Everyone

:wave: Hello Mary & Doobie & the Entire Group :D

I just wanted to pop in to say hello and I'm off for some blood that has to be drawn for my CT Scan & MRI for my Liver they found after test it's enlarged and a small mass deep on the larger side so that test is th 7th on Monday but they have to do the blood work because I'm getting an IV to shoot contrast in my system on top of 2 very large thick dye drinks I must take YUK :puke:

I hope you all have an enjoyable day and I pray your day is as pain free as it can be, Talk to you all later on :)


UGH:puke:Last time I had a CT,I barfed the first cup all over the waiting room. And that contrast makes you feel like you peed yourself! hey, it could be worse,you could be getting a colonoscopy!:moon: The prep for those is fun,huh? COLON BLOW is what we call that stuff they make you drink.


LOL,I didn't even wanna be there!!! I told them I would puke,I had to put my hand over my mouth but it didn't hold the gusher back! It just had a mind of its own. Oh well. At least it was pink....... It tasted even worse coming up than going down. Then I had to drink another one to replace the hurled one. I don't think they should make you drink it out in the waiting room.


that CT stuff sucks.. Barium some type of pineapple/orange flavored crap just asking to be puked up...
But i have to say Yesterdays Cystogram has sucked more than most things i have gone through... Got the catheter and 400ml of saline and radioactive crap pushed into my bladder... They didn't sedate me i have an auto immune that chews on my nerves and let me just say it was the most horrible experience i have ever gone through...
i felt ever inch and then when they took it out almost like being cut open... lava..

Someone asked me if that put my pain in perspective.. and no it didnt i have that type of pain everyday in my arms and legs it was just in new location and combined.
the type of pain where you lay shivering like your freezing and tears streaming out of your eyes while sweating like hell.

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