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Did you hear about" Black Matter" on Jon Stewart

headband 707

Plant whisperer
I was on my way out the door so I didn't see the whole thing but it said somthing like We are surrounded with Black matter I think 70% we don't know what it is and they call it the God particle .. Morgan Freeman is narrating a documenty I think it's called the Black Hole .. June 8th around there very kewl shit lol lol ..peace out Headband707

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
you don't get high and watch HD theater on discovery?
best channel on tv imo
and you learn cool shit, like this, while blazed!


Active member
The God Particle is the Higgs Boson, as far as I know It is something they came up with to make their theory work mathematically, but hasn't actually been found in their particle accelerator experiments, yet, but of course they are hopeful. I could be wrong, I'm no quantum physicist.


i heard the big particle collider malfunctioned after some time but the plan was to collide negative ions together at high speeds... creating dark matter... errsomethin

headband 707

Plant whisperer


From what I heard on the Jon Stewart show "Black Matter " or Black Hole I could be wrong here like I said I just walked in ..
Morgan Freeman said that the Scientist said we are surrounded by it .. up to 70% of it as a matter of a fact and they don't even know what it is!!!!!!!! LOL LOL Holy shit can't you say time travel.. lol.. So they call it the "God particle" Now Steven Hawkins is doing his thing we all know what thats about LOL funny how he is now say hey guys I don't think it's a good thing to contact aliens .. HUM!!! peace out Headband707:blowbubbles:

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