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is this the dreaded bud mold?


New member
hey guys, kind of new to this. but does this look like bud mold?

I'm about 3 weeks into flowering... realized my air flow prolly isn't the best, just stuck a fan in the cabinet.

But worried I just hit a huge road block. About half of my buds have that look to them. Is there any kind of treatment or should I get trim happy?


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Yankee Grower

Uhhhhh...those plants look fine. There are 2 different things. 1 is Powdery Mildew which mainly affects the leaf structure. The other is bud rot which affects the flowers themselves, usually inside out, and is Botrytis cinerea. They are 2 different things and at this point you have neither. Botrytis in grapes can be very desirable for late harvest wines but in cannabis it is not desired. Botrytis in canna usually shows up late in fatty buds in humid environments if all other conditions are right.

You're obviously new because there is no problem.


New member
Right on, thanks YG. New to this is an understatement. This is my first crop, so still kind of not sure what to expect.

good drown

could you get better pics? powder milder is powdery looking and almost a light blue, or gray color, and the other kind is kind of slimey, and its brownish
actually, when i got powdery mildew, it was way inside the middle of the colas. i got it on like 3 plants out of 12 in the room, and i was devastated as it got some killer plants, and the fucking colas were over an ounce each. each time i found it, it was the same thing. i trimmed the whole plant and left the cola for last. spent maybe 30 minutes trimming it before i found the mold. i was PISSED! bubble hashed the fuckers.
it was a combination of a few things that did me in. i was not used to the humidity, especially at night, i vegged my plants way to long and did not top them, so HUGE colas the size of 2 liter bottles, a combo of lack of not enough air movement in the room, and at night, i had my exhaust fan go from 100% speed, to something way to low, like 30%.
now i top, added a few fans, upped the speed of the exhaust fan at night to 70%. the run where i got mildew, was mostly sativas, or sativa leaning hybrids, so the few that got it were the densest one. the run i did after had some 100% indicas that were hard as rocks. i was very nervous those would get it, but nope. nighttime airflow is key. what also helps is a good air filter on your intake, if you can. that will prevent mildew from going in your grow room, if it is anywhere else in your house.
do you know what your humidity level is? you need to be at around 40%. above that is bad and will cause mold, below that isn't AS bad, but below 30% is not good and can stunt growth. if your humidity is too high, look into getting a dehumidifier maybe, or using your home AC more(that will dry out your house) the down side to them, is they use alot of power(i think around the same of a 400w light) and they create heat. if you do need one, get it off craigs list for much cheaper


New member
Unfortunately the best camera I have is an iPhone. I think you're right it is powdery mildew. My temps have 65-87, humidity 40-58%. It looks only 2 of my 5 plants are infected with this mildew. Of the two I'd say 60-70% of the buds are infected. Nice buds too... Ugh'

Here's my question for a more experienced grower. Do I try to treat these infected plants with baking soda and water? Here's the the deal I have no way to separate them from the health 3. I've got a small grow cabinet, think almost invisible 250w of light.

Is it easily for powdery mildew to transfer to other plants? These plants have been growing close together for months. The sick have been taken out for the time being.

What do ya say Internet people? Treat em, risk whole crop or kill em and make hash.


good drown

try and treat the infected plants ASAP. separate the infected plants to a corner of the room and give as much space as possible between the infected and non. try and make sure the fan you added isn't blowing from infected plants to non.
keep it all going unless you need the space to start over. even if they all get it, as long as its not bad they will continue to grow ok and the longer you wait, the more resin the plant will spit out, which is the only thing you are going to be after, when you make it into hash
that high humidity killed you, when did it get over 55%, day or night times? how big is your space? after this run, clean the room good, i would use bleech even. then when you start over, add fans. if you have the space, 2 tower fans are perfect. they are 3-4 feet tall, ocilate, and are very slim. the biggest part is the base, equivalent to a 3 gallon pot. they cost around $25 each


New member
Well I really want to leave the health 3 plants for smoking. Prolly gunn a buy a mini dehumidifier over the weekend. I installed a small office fan in corner for more circulation. My cabinet was a bit over crowded with the 5 plants. Not sure when the humidity was over 55% I've been watering as soon as the lights come on. But I'm prolly guilty of overcrowding and overwatering from time to time.

How bad does the powdery mildew hurt the effectiveiness of the bud?
I'm pretty sure the mildewed stuff is a lost cause in my current grow situation, still prolly gunna make hash with the infected plants. Would it be a bad idea to make clones out of the seemingly healthy parts of the infected plants?


I'm sorry, but from those first three pics all I see are swelling glands
and purpling. Looks great! No PM or budrot there. PM is normally
visible first on the outer leaves and is white and fluffy. Bud rot
affects the buds and turns them brown and shriveled.


Trust me when you see bud rot you will know right away. It'll look like gray/brown mold. Fuzzy and the bud starts to get mushy and covered in it's own rotten juices.


New member
Well I just assumed the plants were infected. They are all from the same type of seeds, but 2 of the 5 have grayish tones around the buds and on the leaves growing out from them. The other 3 plants have the clear glands still on the leaves. I'm only in the end of week 3 of 12/12 and week 11 of the enter grow.

So you guys think I'm being paranoid, and should throw the plants back in the cabinet?

Yankee Grower

I'm sorry, but from those first three pics all I see are swelling glands and purpling. Looks great! No PM or budrot there. PM is normally visible first on the outer leaves and is white and fluffy. Bud rot affects the buds and turns them brown and shriveled.
Yeah that.


hey guys, kind of new to this. but does this look like bud mold?

I'm about 3 weeks into flowering... realized my air flow prolly isn't the best, just stuck a fan in the cabinet.

But worried I just hit a huge road block. About half of my buds have that look to them. Is there any kind of treatment or should I get trim happy?

Can't say 100% for sure, but it sure looks like bud rot to me in its early stages. Just grab some of the brown inner stuff, if it crumbles up in your fingers it is but rot, easy as that :)
I wonder if I am going blind with all these posts stating that there is no problem!? So, sorry if I am wrong, but better to be safe ;)
If it is rot, you need to cut the affected stuff off, and lower your humidity asap or you will lose most of it during late flowering. You are still early on in flowering.

Peace, Kind

Yankee Grower

Can't say 100% for sure, but it sure looks like bud rot to me in its early stages.
Dude...I disagree...looks like just about any real purple strain. I'm not talking about strains that turn purple later on with cold and really the leaves only cause when you trim you're left with green buds. This strain kind of reminds me of the purple Grape Ape I grew for my first indoor. Ya see the trichomes popping up only where it's purple? That's typical cause with a strain like this, whatever it is, the purpling starts from the inside out and the trichomes come up like wave on the edge where the purple is spreading. The purpling from cold starts more from the outside in.

I see no problems here so far. Look at the teeth on the leaf blades as they're pointing up a bit. To me that means the plant is very healthy, with pH just a tad on the low side which is good and great manganese uptake...but that's just what I see.


Dude...I disagree...looks like just about any real purple strain. I'm not talking about strains that turn purple later on with cold and really the leaves only cause when you trim you're left with green buds. Kind of reminds me of the purple Grape Ape I grew for my first indoor. Ya see the trichomes popping up only where it's purple? That's typical.

Cheers Yankee ;)
You are prbly right bro. I just don't see the pics as being that conclusive, especially the center one.

Peace, ind