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All 5 Cannabis compassion clubs in Quebec are being raided right now!!!

mr noodles

police made a statement on tv that only health canada is allowed to grow and sell cannabis ...

now you all know from where the order came from ....rob nicholson and the next step is the mmar program...they want to remove the right to grow and they will outlaw designated growers all under the "public safety"...

please vote the conservatives out !
:( more of the same old same old from our leo buddies who should be out trying to find some real crime.

the more things change the more they stay the same


Active member
Not really the change has brought less of the same.. when the liberals where in not so long ago.. in ontario it was still ok to have an ounce .. for non medical reasoning.. and you got a bloody ticket lol.. now they got ..5 cruisers chasing down kids with a 2 pape joint.. laugh out loud.. maybe thats why we got more gun crime lol


Active member
police made a statement on tv that only health canada is allowed to grow and sell cannabis ...

now you all know from where the order came from ....rob nicholson and the next step is the mmar program...they want to remove the right to grow and they will outlaw designated growers all under the "public safety"...

please vote the conservatives out !

Yeah, this has the stink of a federal mandate all over it -- first T.O. and Guelph in Ontario and now Montreal and Quebec City in Quebec.

The culture war is ramping up.


All 5 Cannabis compassion clubs in Quebec are being raided right now!!!

The funny thing is that the Montreal compassion club on st laurent already won in the supreme court in 2000. Which is why these clubs exist in the first place. They created the grey area in Canadian law.


Balls Deep!!
ICMag Donor
shitty. i hope they stay away from van.

Why? How does DL getting rich help you? Oh yeah, its a medical dispensary! LOL. Its a fucking front for making money.\

They sell ISS for $12 a gram straight up! Thats like 5 grand a pound.

It's all a fucking sham bro.

I got there to trade clones with a few of the dudes I know an its filled with 17 year old kids who smoke weed out front.

Can't wait till this happens in the Westend and the area complains.

Just caise they attach the word medical on it don't think they're putting all the money back in to the 'movement'. Its a business, bro. Just lining their pockets.

I hope they all get shut down and people who should and need the MMAR program smarten up.


Active member
Everyone who uses these facilities to get their medicine please be careful, you don't want to be there when a raid happens. All the more reason that everyone needs to vote to get these douche bags out of government office.
how do some of the compassion clubs call themselves "non-profits"? if the money is going to legalization movement how come they are such shitty lobbyists??? im told by a few sources that the dispensary in particular pays below street prices for meds from the grower . then how come they are charging street prices for meds??? $10 a gram is too much for someone even on as little as a 5g exemption. Thats over $18,000 a year for the user.
Until we have true regulations for the control of cannabis (much like alcohol) and it's legalized this is just a fact of life.

I feel very sad for those med patients in need of their cannabis from these businesses ( yes they are businesses in for a profit). I smell another court case brewing by the fed. More wasted tax dollars.

Boy there are alot of people outside of Canada that think it's been legalized here. More education is needed on the cannabis issue.
This is what Canada needs. Our Government are so friggen Hypocritical and ass-backwards; they need a good slap of humiliation on them. To harass patients of a substance that was legally prescribed to them & arrest them. This is a Fascist movement; and while our P.M. may be a Fascist against marijuana laws; his party does not side with him. At least 50% of PC's and so much more of the opposition are in dis-agreeing with our current puppets policies they continue to make our case for us.

Harper and his following are Idiots. Enough said.

We will win. If all the wonderful fermented poisons sit in bottles, in their desk doors - and it's okay - they are more hypocritical than even they realize. Vote Green, Get Active - Stop allowing the Gov. to say YES?NO? - Um were not sure but low on arrests!!!

This must be brought to light. I'm sorry for those who were harassed for their legitimate illness's. You certainly don't see them raiding Methadone clinics for Heroin addicts. It is criminal - If your Canadian - SHOUT your rights.


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