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Long time grower (personal use) having a bad time of it lately


New member
I have some questions on general feeding if no one minds.
I've been growing my own for about 8 years now and I'm running into issues with what I think are PH problems (too low), and possibly issues with my fertilizers in general.
The food I use consists of the following:
I grow in soil - Pro-mix cut with perlite (about a 2/3 to 1/3 ratio)
My water is from a well and is about 7.5 from the tap
Veg (mothers) - I use fish crap that is 5-0-0 at approx 1/2 tsp/gallon maybe 2X a month. I also use BC Seaweed at 1/2 tsp/gallon. recently I added Cal-Mag+ at 1tsp/gallon. I usually use all three of these at the same feeding.
For the other weeks I use mainly just water - sometimes I might add a 1/2 tsp of the seaweed. Once a month (or every 4-5 weeks) I flush the mothers with 1 gallon of water mixed with 1 1/2 tsp of flora kleen and then flush at least 2 more gallons through them.
For Veg clones I don't feed until they are hardened off (I use an airoponic bubbler setup (DIY), then once rooted (2 weeks or less) I put into little 8oz cups until they harden off, then off to 1QT containers until they are about 8-10" tall, then off to flower). at transplant time I put in one Plant Success tablet. Once they get to the 1QT containers I use about the same feeding as the mothers. The exception is I feed every other week.
2 gallon grow bags, same soil mix as above. When transplanted to 2 gallon from 1QT containers I put in one Plant Success tablet (I used to use three).
I use cal-mag+ at 1 tsp/gallon+1tsp of age old bloom (5-10-5), and some stufff called meta-k). I feed this mixture every week for 6 weeks, then only h2o the last 2 weeks. I don't have an easy way to really flush the flowering plants other than this. In the final two weeks I mix in 1 tsp of flora-kleen also.
My clones are just looking like crap the past two years, they don't have any vigor, leaves are small, they just don't look healthy. I've been lucky and have been able to manage to grow enough for my own supply but the last few cycles the clones and even the mothers seem to have even less vigor.
I'm thinking I need to drop my current fertilizer to something they can take up easier perhaps?
As far as bigger space or bigger containers, I just don't have the space to do that. I am limited in where I can do my thing and both have a height restriction of about 3 feet. It sux but I'm doing OK with it.

Thanks for your time.


Active member
dolomite lime? i didnt see that in there... although it could be but i missed it. and i do know pro-mix has some in it but i know that its not enough.
dolomite lime will sweeten (raise) your soils ph. normal application rates i believe are 2 tbs per gallon, or one cup per cubic ft.


New member
I don't use lime currently, and it seems I could use some P and K and not so much N for mums and clones.
I'll have to look around at what is out there that is affordable.
She(doub P)


New member
I've ordered some iguana juice (grow and bloom) and will toss out my other ferts (esp the 5-0-0 and the 5-10-5). I'll keep the meta-K and cal-mag+ - probably keep the seaweed stuff too but I'm going to wait and only go w/the iguana juice to see how it goes.
While I wait for the IJ to arrive, would be be OK to use some miracle grow at a much lower application level then the container says (I was thinking like 1/4 tsp) just to get these girls some of the other nutes I've obviously left out?
I've also found a local retailer who sells SuperThrive and I'm going to score some today as well.


Your water is at 7.5 PH and from a well. Well water is almost always high in calcium and other minerals already and your adding CalMag, probably a lock out. Plus your PH is to high, again probably locking out nutrients. Gotta get that PH lower, like in the 6.5 range, and stop using calmag f your using well water, your just adding to many salts to your soil mix.


New member
Update: It's not been that long but my babies in flower (in week 3 now) have have a major turn for the better. last Tuesday I gave them each a 1/4 tbsp of miricle grow bloom food, 1/4 tsp super thrive, and 1tsp of granulated dolimitic lime (per gallon of water, each plant uses about 1/3 to 1/2 gallon). As of this AM each of them have greened WAY up, grown some, and leaves are bigger then I've had in some time. Plan is to feed w/Iguana Juice Bloom once that arrives next week. The MG bloom was just a stop gap for the short term.
Mums are still drying out from a flushing last tuesday. Plan is to give 1/4 tsp superthrive, 1/2 strength iguana juice grow, and I've topped each mum w/a layer of earthworm castings I picked up Friday. Will keep posted of results. Will probably rtim roots on LUI mum in a couple of weeks as well. If that goes well I'll trim my other older mums one at a time and hope not to kill any of them.
I have 8 LUI clones that just went right into flower under 24x7 after rooting up that all looked like shyte too. last night I repotted them from 1QT to 2Gal containers, added a layer of earthworm castings about 2" from bottom of contianer and another layer close to the top of the pot (covered by some soil), and 1/4 tsp superthrive. I'm hoping to get these girls to grow some height before 12/12. They will also get Iguana Juice grow 9as will all my new clones moving forward) - it's an experiment for sure.
The earthworm castings however are not an experiment. I'll be sticking with them, and possibly looking at bat and other guanos as well to add.
Anyway I'm sure what I was feeding (or not) was the issue as born out in early results of 9 in flower after less then one week of changing things up. I can only hope


I use Indonesian bat guano but the Seabird guano is incomparable to any other veg fert.