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Please help - Which light - get 4x 55w PL-L's or buy the 6 band 90w LED from eBay?


Hi guys, Title of this thread says it all. I am stuck on which direction to go with lighting. It's either 4x 55w PL-L's for my small cab (using the kit and reflectors from AHSupply.com) or the 90w LED 6band (newer one) from eBay for $215. Please help. Is the 90W LED equal or less? I don't want shoddy flower structure.

Also if I go with the PL-L's what arrangement of bulbs should I get? I can only afford 4 for now. What kelvins should I get and how should I order them? Also would one consistent reflector be better or is the AHSupply.com one ok?


You sound like you're in a hurry to do all of this which is the worst way to be. Slow down, take your time, do lots of reading and make an informed decision rather than this which, I'm sorry to say, makes you sound like a kid who has money burning a hole in his pocket. I'm not saying I'm better, we've all been there, but I think you need to take a step back and think. You'll probably make a better decision and maybe even save some money.

First questions that come to my mind are: What sort of grow style are you trying to do? How many plants? How big is this 'small cab'? What are the specific products you're referencing? (you're asking for help here, the least you could do is provide links)

I have seen pl-l grows that have gone well, and LED grows that have gone well. It's about tailoring it to what you're trying to do.


Go with pl-ls they're more versatile, just buy the ballast and some 6000k bulbs for now and come a month from now when it's time to flower you can buy a 3000k bulb or two and switch them out. http://www.1000bulbs.com is a good source from everything I've heard.

Take whichever answer you want.


actually alot of work has gone into the research this the cab will be a minimum of 18 inches deep, 24 inches wide, and 24-36 inches high. im currently trying to find a deal on one.

the vent system etc is all figured out.

just need to know which light to get - fuss with the PL-L's or splurge on the LED...


Just a thought, but have you considered doing vertical pl-ls like tilt?


You didn't mention what sort of grow style you wanted to use but I think this could work just as well for an lst or v-scrog setup as it does for his sog. It should also be noted that if you are surrounding the bulbs with plants then you don't need a reflector since the entire radius of emitted light is being used.

I think for the price and configurability the pl-ls are your best bet. Instead of paying $200+ for a set spectrum LED light, you can get a fulham workhorse ballast and eight bulbs (4x5000k,4x3000k) all for under half that from 1000bulbs. If 5000k isn't blue enough for you then you can look into aquarium lighting and they have 6000k and 10000k bulbs available (although they're a bit pricey you could still get those and spend less than the LED rig)

One other thing to consider with the LED light (I'm assuming you were talking about this guy http://cgi.ebay.com/NEW-2010-model-...tem&pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3f0041c746 ) it's a little over 10" in diameter, even with 60 degree lenses on those bulbs your cab is 2' long, meaning the cone of light will not fill out the top of the cab terribly well.

Anyhow, this is all just food for thought either decision you make I'm sure your plants will grow fine, good luck.

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