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Blue Dreamin' 1200w RDWC


oh crap thats some hard water... how about basic mild flower nutes? :D even though 2 weeks in flower the plants arent really flowering yet, still can use a blend of veg nutes. But yeah.. hope you are able to dial it in, just trying to help.
Thanks! I am hoping the issue is pH related.. I was able to pick up a new pen tonight, so Ill go home and find out for sure.


i'm telling you it's from having the light to close and heat. they're twisting trying to get away from all the light. mine do it all the time. it isn't a big deal. now that i got my a/c going they've stopped doing it so much...
I dunno, they were fine last night when I got home (even though temps were 80*), but this morning they were twisted like mad. Temps were 65* and dark, so I dont think its the light. :laughing:


ok man. don't think it's the light all you want. which is good because that is the least of your worries. you don't have to be a douche and use that stupid laughing face. you obviously know more than me about growing weed. yunno cuz your running a huge commercial setup and all. i just have my measly 10,000 watts. i don't know anything.

i was following this thread, but i think i'm done. overall your plants are looking sickly and you don't want to take anyone's advice. they look like they could use a flush and a better nute regimen. and the twisting isn't even that bad. least of your worries at this point is the twisting. you def. have deficiencies brother.

anyway good luck...you'll need it :laughing::laughing::laughing:
Dude, chill out. I wasnt trying to be an ass, I was using the laughing face as simply that.. Just a little smiley to liven up the post.. Would you rather I use something like this? :blowbubbles:
Have I ever once said I knew more than anyone? No, I do not believe that I have. Have I ever talked down to anyone or told them they were wrong? No, I dont see that anywhere either. I am just beginning on this hydro project and I welcome all the advice I can get. The only point I wanted to make with my last post was that the twisting didnt start until the dark period, so I find it hard to believe the light caused it.

I am aware that I am doing something a bit different, and I am willing to make changes to my setup as they are needed.

I think I have been more than gracious and appreciative of everyones posts. If you dont want to hang around, thats cool. Thanks anyway. :blowbubbles:


Strain Whore Extraordinaire!
Its all good giant,your cool in my book,and I don't think you've been dickish at all,and its a process of elemination to figure it out.I myself think its a PH issue cuz I recently learned what a few points off can do to a plant,my BB x PH in solo dwc dropped dramaticly and nothing happened as far as growth then I fixed the PH and the roots have exploded over night and the plant is as perky as can be too,so stick with checkin that PH then go from there.

I forgot but are you using RO?


Active member
i've seen you use that laughing face with a few responses you had to people's advice. to me that seems to say that you find our advice laughable. just sayin.

i don't mean to be a dick. there are so many ways to grow. ask 5 growers for advice and you'll get 5 different opinions.

i realize my response was pretty dickish, and i apologize. i want to see this grow go good. i've been following it since your first post.

as for your plants. they're growing and they look healthy enough. i would def. trim up some of the undergrowth that isn't gonna get any light. that is what is looking the most sickly.

my rule on trimming is that i cut off any branch that doesn't reach halfway up the plant by the time i'm ready to flower.

give your plants a good flush with ro water and some sugars/carbs(i use sweet) that way they get a nice flush and they don't starve...clear out all that shit underneath..it's just gonna be popcorn buds anyway because your doing horizontal lighting.

they'll bounce back. marijuana is a very resilient plant.


Wow, I do not understand this plant one bit. I came home today and things are looking much better than before. Temps were in the mid 80s, RH was just under 40%. pH was 5.7 and TDS was 775, which is down from this morning.






The twisting is gone, and most of the leaves look flattened out, except for a few on one plant (the third pic). Alot of the striping/banding is going away. I think bipotato was correct about that being a Mg deficiency, which I think I corrected with the increased Mg in my last res change. So far I have not done anything tonight. I will see how they look in the morning and go from there..


I agree that the Mg helped...no question.

I still see a problem with too much N though. A lot of leafs still have that clawed look.

I know you like a certain ratio but I really believe the high N part of that ratio is your problem. In addition I think the very low P and K are going to become a problem in that bud development may be considerably slower with this formula.

Is there any way you could feed one plant differently? Seems to me that would show you pretty quick why ratios are the way they are.

I am not looking at your formula right now but going from memory I would suggest lowering the micro.

Anyways...I wish you the best of luck.


Pics from last night.




Even this little guy is finally doing some growing!

Still showing some striping/banding..

pH is stable at 5.8 and TDS was down at 650ppm. My res is about 50% empty already, so I am definitely doing a res change tomorrow. Lucas formula? 2-1-2 NPK? GH recommendations? Who know... I would like to reduce the N (as everyone has been saying), reduce the Ca if at all possible, keep the Mg levels, and boost the PK for bud production.

As far as the tent is concerned, I think I am going to move the plants closer together. I have alot of wasted space in the middle of the tent, and thats the part that gets all the light. I think I could really improve the coverage if I moved everything 2-3" closer to the middle.


There ya go things do look to be picking up now easy does it blue dream are light eaters IME cheers
Thanks man! We arent out of the woods yet, but things are certainly looking up.. :D

I agree that the Mg helped...no question.

I still see a problem with too much N though. A lot of leafs still have that clawed look.

I know you like a certain ratio but I really believe the high N part of that ratio is your problem. In addition I think the very low P and K are going to become a problem in that bud development may be considerably slower with this formula.

Is there any way you could feed one plant differently? Seems to me that would show you pretty quick why ratios are the way they are.

I am not looking at your formula right now but going from memory I would suggest lowering the micro.

Anyways...I wish you the best of luck.
Thanks for the advice! I cant feed anything separately, because everything is tied together. This is basically one big experiment. What I give to one goes for all. :laughing:

My original plan was to reduce the N and boost the PK in week 3-4 of flower. Basically once the stretching stops and bud production really begins. I dont know if I am still going to follow that plan, but its looking less likely. I dont know what I am going to do yet.. :tiphat:


so we are on about week 3 flower now here? killer. Looking big! I'd say you might be good to switch to a flowering formula for nutrients. Definitely get a net for screen and attach it across the tops, easy way to keep them upright as the weight packs on. Should be a good sized harvest coming!


so we are on about week 3 flower now here? killer. Looking big! I'd say you might be good to switch to a flowering formula for nutrients. Definitely get a net for screen and attach it across the tops, easy way to keep them upright as the weight packs on. Should be a good sized harvest coming!
Thanks man! Im pretty happy with the way things are going so far. This is by far the most success Ive had this far along, so I am cautiously optimistic. Not quite week 3 yet, but close enough.. Day 13 to be exact. :dance013:

I know its getting time for a flower formula, I just have been trying to do as much research as possible on what to give them. Ive got the basics RO water, GH nutes, cal-mg+, liquid kool bloom, I just need to come up with a the ratios and Ill be home free! I dont even know what to expect in terms of yield though.. Like I said before, I would be happy with 2oz per plant of good quality bud, but more is always better. :laughing:


Strain Whore Extraordinaire!
DAMN SON!!! Those are really starting to pick up,I'd say do your rez change and use lucas fornula and bump that shit up to 800-900ppm they look like they could take it... Maybe throw some big bud in that shit..


Its been a few days since my last update, and what a change! We are now on day 17 of flower, and I am really glad I flowered them when I did.. :laughing:

Taking over the tent!



Baby flower

I have been running the sulfur burner weekly for about 4 hours as a preventative measure. I have seen no signs of PM and I want to keep it that way! As far as conditions in the tent, temps have been hitting the mid 80*s during the day and RH has been pushing 60%. TDS is about 850ppm, and pH is between 5.6 and 5.8. I tried pushing closer 1000ppm, but they started getting burned at the tips so I backed off.

I have still been doing weekly res changes. Here is my latest mix:

200 ml Micro
60 ml Bloom
50 ml Cal Mag plus
50 ml Liquid Kool Bloom
30 gr Epsom Salts

I ordered some Dutch Master Zone which should be here tomorrow. Hopefully this will keep my roots happy and healthy and give them a strong push towards the finish line! :D


Strain Whore Extraordinaire!
HOLY COW BALLS BATMAN!!! Damn those are stretchin pretty good,I'd say good thing ya flipped when you did for sure... So weekly flushes still huh?

Do you plan to keep doin weekly flushes til the end? Boy that's a lot of nutes,

looks like they're liking the recent regimin eh?

Man I can't wait too see em start blowin up buds wise!!


HOLY COW BALLS BATMAN!!! Damn those are stretchin pretty good,I'd say good thing ya flipped when you did for sure... So weekly flushes still huh?

Do you plan to keep doin weekly flushes til the end? Boy that's a lot of nutes,

looks like they're liking the recent regimin eh?

Man I can't wait too see em start blowin up buds wise!!
Haha, thanks man! :tiphat:

Yeah, Im still doing the weekly changes because of how much they are drinking! I have been adding back like 1-2 gallons of RO water a day. By the time the weekend rolls around I have probably added back at least 50% of the original amount of water in my res. I can probably just keep topping it off, but things seems to be working out so far.

The amazing thing is I havent even changed my mix that much from the last couple weeks. I upped the amount of Bloom and LKB, and slightly lowered the amount of micro (but not by much). I am still rocking pretty close to a 3-1-2 NPK ratio.

I have been trying to trim as much of the undergrowth as possible. It seems like every day I cut off a big ass leaf off of the bigone and 2more grow back to replace it! Oh well, these are the problems I like to have.. :laughing:


Sounds like things are going well for you giant I am very happy for you :) keep it up I am subscribed to your thread!

I can't wait until I can get my next flower room up and going...it's going to be two 4x4 ebb n flow trays...

Anyways things look good bruh keep it irie


I can already see crystally-goodness starting to form on the flowers and work its way out towards the leaf tips.

Its hard to make out but that white glow in the center is actually trichs (either that or PM) :laughing:


Some slight twisting going on today because my pH was down at 5.5 this morning. I calibrated my meter, added 40ml of zone (which showed up last night), and a couple mils of pH Up. TDS was at about 1000 (1.0 EC) when I added some fresh RO water, which brought it back to 850.

That Zone stuff smells nasty.. Like chlorine. :puke: Anyone know whats in there? I cant find any info..