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My smoking days are over

Zen Master

I wish I could get high enough to genuinely think I have a spider in my jacket.

if that happened to me in public, and I was smoking herb before hand, I would be STOKED and want more of it (the herb). If you have even the slightest smidgen of anxiety in public (not because of herb), smoking combined with being out amongst a lot of people can induce crazy ass trips that seem to include paranoia and freakouts.


i've seen many people suffer the same over the years

I have had several real good psych issues since i was a preteen and for me and in my experience its all about the strain

some strains make em shit my fucking pants some strains work better than zyprexa and depakote for me


have you seen my lighter?
ICMag Donor
best of luck w/ whatever ya end up doing, man, but...i wouldn't ignore the folks mentioning a need to pursue this a little further than stopping the smoke.

yes, do that, by all means.

if you stop, and everything goes back to honkydory and no bed full of acidspiders - then absolutely freakin great, man.

you've got to find out if there's something else going on, too, tho...the only way you can think of this and be fair to yourself and others is to actually make an effort to consider the effects on your - and your partner's - safety. being out of control of ones' self is some scary shit...and there being a filter of fuckup between you and reality is a hellacious sign there's possibilities for other problems.

trying to deal w/ this shit is scary, but not dealing w/ it is scarier.

again, best of luck w/ shit man.


I have a friend who quit smoking because when he did, he got real bad social anxiety.
total introvert after a joint.
no weed= no anxiety.
it's not for some people.
and he's a grower!

Indeed. its not for everyone.

Sort of like i dont drink. its just not for me

I would defiantly get checked out as most of this crap doesnt go away on its own.

Abja Roots

ABF(Always Be Flowering) - Founder
I think ultimately the LSD usage if any may be the source of your problems.

I'd have to agree. It never hurts to talk to someone. I don't know if you said how old you were, but I figured. 14 years of smoking, started at 15 so 29 give or take. Lots of males develop psychological disorders around this age.

Make sure you're good and take care of yourself. I'd lay off the L and anything else for a while. If you like to fish, camp hike, ride bike, surf etc.... get out and do those things. Take some time to relax and reduce your stress level. Have some fun, eat right, and laugh a whole lot.

Hope you feel better soon.


High Grade Specialist
sounds scary. i used to do lots of xtc and acid back in the day and at some point i couldnt smoke weed anymore too. i would get full blown panic attacks every time i smoked and had to stop for 6 months and take a break. but im better now and can smoke again havent had panic attacks in years so all the best to you. sounds like real psychotic episode the way you describe it, that shouldnt be taken lightly IMO!

its also about the strain IMO some sativas can really make you feel batshit crazy, there was a time where i didnt smoke sats at all because i was scared of the effects it would have on me.


wtf you guys smoking to see bugs and shit...jimson weed? I dont see how only smoking maryjane can make you go bat shit.....im sure bob marley would agree


Can I ask what is your diet and exercise routines like?

I ask this because people forget cannabis, like sex and exercise is a stimulant which means it can either build you up or break you down. It all comes down to your dietary lifestyle. IF you eat at least an ounce of nuts and/or seeds a day and eat at least five different fruits a day, as well as do at least some moderate walking, I don't see how you can get negative symptoms from cannabis. In fact you will enjoy it more as well as other things in life like sex and alcohol.

I think you should lay off the herb for a month, eat different nuts/seeds a day especially hemp seeds, do some exercise like weightlifting then running right after(make sure you eat a good whole meal within 1.5 hours after working out)and eat fruit all day along with 200mg of vitamin C and vitamin E(take these vitamins right after you eat the nuts/seeds so they can be easily absorbed) and have some all natural fruit juices everyday. If you can go to gnc and get some lecithin and that will help bigtime especially if you do what I mention exactly.

When you puff you will need less herb and feel HIGH without the negative effects. Your sex life will be nice to. You'll see what I mean.
some strains make em shit my fucking pants some strains work better than zyprexa and depakote for me

I was on Zyprexa for 2 years. That stuff made a ZOMBIE out of me and i gained 40lbs!! Beware, Rolling Stone Magazine did an expose on Zyprexa, whose manufacturers claimed the medication only had a 60lb average weight gain and Rolling Stones discovered it was 110lbs!!

I am also on Depakote, which is pretty good for keeping me mellow, and instead of Zyprexa, i take Invega, which does make me groggy, just not as zombied as Zyprexa.

Lately i have been trying to go without a couple of my meds and just using meditation and cannabis to keep me mellow, the side-effect? I talk alot...:jump:

Green Thumb

Lots of good information presented here. Most important is to realize that psychological issues are real and there treatments out there. I've had several years experience working with people suffering from schizophrenia, bi polar disorder, etc. Most complain they are scared shitless of the hallucinations they experience. There are herbs that help to balance dopamine levels in the brain, I'm not a prescriber or spokesperson of either side (pharmacological vs. apothecary).

However, through experience and relationships with those suffering from these diseases I have seen improvement by following modern psych medications that treat specific symptoms. I'm not talking about sitting on the couch and talking it out. I'm talking about full blown hallucination psych issues that lead many to question weather to continue living. Not to get extreme but modern pharm treatments do work by balancing the brain chemicals that induce the state of hallucination. You might do a bit of internet research to find things that help in a similar manner. I know St. Johns Wort is supposed to have similar effects of SSRI type medications. Just be cautious in using both herbs and prescribed med's...more is not better as it can shift you in another direction.

Interesting fact. Too much dopamine causes hallucinations and too little causes Parkinson's disease symptoms. Those suffering from Parkinson's disease are often treated with dopamine that helps with their disease specific symptoms, however, only to induce a schizophrenic state by heightening their dopamine levels too much. Additionally, patients treated longterm for schizophrenia take drugs to lower their dopamine levels usually end up with Parkinson type symptoms from having too low dopamine levels. We're not all made perfect, be happy with who you are and don't fear the help that is available if you truly need it. I'm sorry pot induces such a state in you. Perhaps after taking a break you can return to gaining benefits from using marijuana.


Much love and thanks to everyone who has posted replies!!!

I have taken onboard all advice and appreciate everyone taking the time to write something.

I lvoe this community so much, I posted this up here because no one in my life would care if I stopped smoking and here I am free from predujice for being a stoner!!!


Thats crazy... I dont know of anyone in my life who is psychotic, bipolar, or schizophrenic.. The worst thing that happens to me when i smoke a lot is that i get real paranoid, and start thinking that the cops are out to get me. For example if i hear some dogs barking, ill be 2 cm from the windows with my ear up listening for sirens lol. But thats pretty much the worst it gets..
Can anyone enlighten me a bit on these episodes you guys experience? When it is actually happening, is it as if a ghost or spirit has taken over your total mind and body? Or are you actually conscious and able to rationalize?


The same impulse that makes you look out the windows or listening for cops is the same impulse that grips me to search or freak out about stuff which isnt really happening.

Thats the best I can explain it.

Lol prob the same impulse that has me searching my seedlings for any signs of sexual maturity again and again lmao


i never quit understood why people would take pills thier "doctor" told them they had to take...i think thats the problem not the mj


The same impulse that makes you look out the windows or listening for cops is the same impulse that grips me to search or freak out about stuff which isnt really happening.

Thats the best I can explain it.

Lol prob the same impulse that has me searching my seedlings for any signs of sexual maturity again and again lmao

I freak out cus im afraid a neighbor mightve seen me smoking or smelled it, and decided to call the cops to rid their 'hood of the dangerous potsmoker. but its not gonna stop me heh


Green Mujaheed
I was on Zyprexa for 2 years. That stuff made a ZOMBIE out of me and i gained 40lbs!! Beware, Rolling Stone Magazine did an expose on Zyprexa, whose manufacturers claimed the medication only had a 60lb average weight gain and Rolling Stones discovered it was 110lbs!!

Indeed, zyprexa is really a bad med. A good friend of mine has some bi-polar disorder and once after some accute crisis he went out from asylum on Zyprexa. He was all puffy and totally zombified, even the way he walked was weird.

take care mrgrmz

Irie !