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The Bad Cops Thread

I was talking to a homie yesterday...turns out hes on ICMAG too. but he was telling me about how another of his friends on ICMAG got arrested because of a FED on here? he said the feds pressured him into sending some weight back east so he did..then they wrapped him over it. not too sure of the exact details or how true it is..

not mentioning no screen names...but WATCH OUT YALL!

Well I live on the east coast and I am terribly interested in all things in my neighborhood.
i reject all forms of coercive authority , especially those that self legitimize and carry badges and guns. the fat porkers and the butch chicks with a dick hidden under their uniform especially

im not a robot who obeys and enforces laws just b/c they are laws. people that take jobs to do this can't hide behind the "just doing my job" or "just following orders" defense.


I'm with Stoner4Life there, except I'm not sure I've met that Good Cop yet. Maybe there's one out there, though if he is out there he's in danger of losing his job.

You really got my blood boiling with that Good Cop thread NiteTiger, so thanks for balancing it out with this one. No personal bad cop stories here, I'm still successfully under the radar.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
yea i dont know i heard this all second hand so i dont want to get involved.

I can understand that, but in a case like this, I think Gypsy would appreciate the head's up. He can find out if it's accurate, and take the measures that need to be taken to protect the users of this site.


Years ago, i was pulled over by a detective. He said he knew that i had 2lbs of weed and 1000 desoxyns,(methamphentamine) in the car. He made me open the trunk and found them and took them. He let me go and told me he would be in touch. 2 weekslater, he called me and told me to meet him at a park. He told me i had 2 options. I was a known drug dealer with a record and he knew it. He said that I could be arrested for the smoke and pills and sit in jail, or i could sell drugs for him and make money and remain free. Also i wouldnt have to worry about being caught by the law as long as i worked for him. When i agreed, he returned my weed and pills

I sold weed and coke for the detective and his buddies for over 5 years and we became friends to the extent that friends exist in this kind of business,(they dont). In 1979, i helped him and 4 other guys unload 3 tons of columbian weed from a cargo plane that he abandoned on the end of the runway after we unloaded it. He died in the early 80's by jumping from a plane with way too much coke tied to him in duffle bags and his parachute wouldnt stop him. The best connection i ever had died when he hit the ground.

Now thats a fucking story man. Wow. Pure movie material


Non Conformist
I can understand that, but in a case like this, I think Gypsy would appreciate the head's up. He can find out if it's accurate, and take the measures that need to be taken to protect the users of this site.

I agree! BC