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ordering led light problems


hi all

i placed an order for a 345 watt led panel with hydrogrowled and sent the payment well over 2 weeks ago and have still not reiceved conformation of the light being made or that its even been shipped :(

im in the uk and thought that my light would of been at least halfway here by now as everbody on my forum is crying out for a grow diary from these light panels

just wondered if anybody else had experienced any delays in orders they have made or is it just my luck????

thanks for your time


did you ask THEM about it?
Did you call och mail?

That is the first thing, before you ask at a forum...

At least it is for me..

// u-Nah


hi all

i placed an order for a 345 watt led panel with hydrogrowled and sent the payment well over 2 weeks ago and have still not reiceved conformation of the light being made or that its even been shipped :(

im in the uk and thought that my light would of been at least halfway here by now as everbody on my forum is crying out for a grow diary from these light panels

just wondered if anybody else had experienced any delays in orders they have made or is it just my luck????

thanks for your time

The panels do take a bit of time sometimes as it is more economical to ship several units rather than one at a time - especially with units enroute to countries other than the USA. If you would email Cammie, or contact her via the website contact info, she will be more than willing to discuss your concerns. Hope this helped.


yea ive obviously spoke and emailed the company about the lights but it takes upto 3 days to get a reply
i was told my light would be ready to be shipped on monday 24th may and nearly a week later im still waiting for confirmation :(

when i was ordering the lights i was getting emails back pretty instantaneous but now they have my money i have to wait for replys hmmmm

i order stuff from china and pretty much it gets shipped and i have a tracking number within days of my order being placed

just wondered if anybody else had experienced the same long delays that i have

thanks for your time


yea ive obviously spoke and emailed the company about the lights but it takes upto 3 days to get a reply

If you spoke to Cammie, I'm sure you had no 3 day wait for a reply. Just sayin' :wave:


Active member
Sorry Skotty, I've been out of town and traveled back over the weekend. Today is Monday, my first day back at work, and I'll be getting back in touch with you via email about your light.


dude why would i make stuff up about response times i can post all my emails if you want with times and dates sometimes taking upto a 4-5 days for respones

all im saying is the relationship between seller and customer is a bit of a let down for a company selling a state of the art product costing me in the region of $1000 i thought they might be more responsive in making their customers happy and kept up to date with the process but me personally im getting nada

i know im an international buyer and im sure other people from around the world may well be buying these panles when they eventually take off and im sure if cammie reads this she may look at it as feedback to how her customers are treated and look to make improvemenets in the future of their sales regarding her valued customers

anyways its now tuesday here in the uk which is 3 weeks since payment sent and although cammie has posted she will emal me on monday with information regarding the situtaion i still have reiceved nothing..

im sure everyhting is fine but it would be nice to be kept informed as to what is happening throughout the process of my light being made then shipped etc etc taking time to tend to customers needs, maybe we in the uk do things a little different to you guys in the usa but without customers you will in turn have no business so surely you shoud make them priority.

just my opinion

thanks for your time


Thanks fro sharing this information.
Maybe it's time for company to start shipping from EU?


well i finally reiceved an email from cammie apolgising for taking time to respond to my emails but im still no further on from finding out if

1 my light is in stock
2 if my light is ready to be shipped
3 if my light has been shipped

on a positive note she did say she would contact her supplier to find out whats occuring so hopefully ill get to find out where i stand asap

thanks for the input guys its appreciated



skotty: Sorry for the delays, Cammie has always been good to work with, but as business gets better, she's being pulled more and more directions. I'm sure she appreciates your patience.

coxswain, that's a great idea....*sigh* Worldwide Domination!



id try and fulfill the customer orders she has before taking on the world ;)

just hope i dont have to wait another week to find out whats going on with mine the long wait is killing me ;)



Yeah, it was a holiday weekend. Give them a break. Also the UK units are special order, they take a bit more time to get shipped out. The USA models come pretty quickly.


im not familiar with the holidays you have in the usa as im from the uk and while i appreciate it takes longer to fullfill interantional orders its still nice to be kept upto date on whats happening

as long as communications are kept between seller and customer then there is no problems its just when you get long periods waiting for replies that gets frustrating

im sure cammie is working hard to find out what the situation is on my behalf and from now on she will keep me updated so its all gravy ;)


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