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Whats the best/safest way for repelling slugs?


Active member
I know i can buy slug repellant or their are many other rememidies i was just wondering what your personal favorites are? Easier the better!



Pour a 6" ring around the base of each plant. Coarse is better but any sand will do. I get mine free at the beach!


Active member
if that fails, try diotomaceous earth... its sort of like sand, but its made out of microscopically razor sharp diotomes that are crushed from some kind of coral or something.

a tinfoil moat full of beer works too, but then you have to empty dissolved slugs.


Active member
salt works good when poured ON a slug. but dissolves real quick with humidity. would not make a good barrier.


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Can of Beer, and a dish with sides they can climb up...they will race for the party and drown themselves with glee in the beer. Just put a few bowls around in the garden, the slugs will soon find it and go for the beer. It's beer for God's sake! A natural remedy.

I used this method successfully in Amsterdam where I was growing 35 feet below sea level.

The more dead snails and slugs in the bowl, the more would arrive for the party. Disgusting to look at but it works without poisoning the environment.

DO NOT USE SLUG POISON it is nasty. Diotomaceous earth can be hazardous to your health, be careful with the dust getting into your eyes and lungs.

WoW Nomaad, little tin foil moats around the plants! Lots of work - try putting out a few bowls instead. Or cut some cans down to about 2 inches tall with open tops, and pour in the beer and set them all over the place. It works!

Cookie monster

Dryed finely chopped straw is my preferred method, that and good old fashioned picking them up every night and chucking them in the river.


May your race always be in your favor
Copper strips around each plant. Copper flashing at the depot or someplace like it. Copper doesn't dissolve or rot or wash off it never wears out. Can spendy but lasts for ever. And environmentally friendly.:plant grow::smoweed:


Copper gas/water tubing bent into a circle around the plant.

Older copper house electric wiring, stripped and loosely coiled around stem,
don't tie, leave loose and adjust as required... most times plant will
make the adjustment for you when coiled around stem correctly.

Braid copper house electrical wiring to a thickness of tubing and
use it the same way as you would the tubing.

Copper will turn shades of camo green when weathered and will blend in to the surroundings.

Plenty of good ideas preceding my input.
Best advice is try a combination of them as a failsafe.

:plant grow:


Active member
Payaso: we did this on the east coast in my veggie garden when I was a kid... it wasn't tinfoil, but rather aluminum disposable baking pans, like the ones you would make a poundcake in. Point is: beer.


REPELLING CAN BE VERY HAZARDOUS. be sure to inspect all gear prior to repelling, helmets and gloves are highly recomended.. :shooty:


Active member
COPPER!!!! I am telling you first hand it works!! I have several auto flowers out in the woods right now and I put copper rings around them as sprouts, used old copper wire and made like 2" circles around each. I went out there a few days ago and there were like 3 snails trying to go after my biggest plant but couldn't pass the ring I made. Its amazing and it totally works, never has to be re applied after rain.



D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
Listen to Lazlo

their little mucousy bodies cannot tolerate sand particles= death. They wont cross sand under any circumstances.

$4 will buy 1 bag of constrructions sand that will treat 50 plants for the season. N0 chem poisons.


New member
hi all!

for slugs, i used to plant : tagetes patula a little flower, very smelly plant.his roots repulse nematodes, and his flavour attract slugs. better on this flowers than on my weed or tomatos!

i mix them with calendula officinalis who repulse a lot of pests.

and obviously you can combinate sand barrier, flowers, beer cups, copper wire. if slugs attacks like blitzkrieg!

see you!


Landrace Lover
suss out my guerilla grow guide there's info in there on it. to sum up there're heaps of products you can buy to kill them or repel them, but an easy way of doing it is putting rings of powdered lime around the plant they won't cross over it.


I've heard coffee grinds ... slugs cannot tolerate the caffeine. In all seriousness. They get all jittery and stuff. :D