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Having an odd reaction from smoking?

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See if a fellow sight member can help you understand why you're feeling the way you are!

So yesterday i harvested a bunch of blue cheese, and this morning i woke up at about 4 am and snype immediately handed me a bowl of scissor hash. I took a few hits and got a consistent pain in my chest but my heartbeat was fine. I went back to sleep and since i woke up again, the pain is almost gone but is still slightly lingering. I've smoked in the morning many times, but never hash right after i woke up. Anyone know why the hell this is happening?


sounds like pleurisy? does it stab with each breath u take?

go to dr. get a chest x-ray.

or it could be a blod clot to your heart's arteries clogging up.

throw in some cardiac enzyme tests while u are there, and an EKG.

then get back to me with the results, and I will diagnose you.


sounds like pleurisy? does it stab with each breath u take?

go to dr. get a chest x-ray.

or it could be a blod clot to your heart's arteries clogging up.

throw in some cardiac enzyme tests while u are there, and an EKG.

then get back to me with the results, and I will diagnose you.

No it's not with each breath it's a consistent pain but it isn't nearly as intense since i woke up.


Active member
sounds like pleurisy? does it stab with each breath u take?

go to dr. get a chest x-ray.

or it could be a blod clot to your heart's arteries clogging up.

throw in some cardiac enzyme tests while u are there, and an EKG.

then get back to me with the results, and I will diagnose you.


No it's not with each breath it's a consistent pain but it isn't nearly as intense since i woke up.

happened to me once. Like a sharp stabbing pain on the right side of my chest (if it were the left I mighta rushed to the hospital...)

I just drunk some water and went to sleep and it hasn't come back since. Not off hash either, it was a fat blunt.

To be on the safe side tho, if it still hurts or comes back I'd go to the hospital. Pains in the chest can be a lot of different things, some normal and some dangerous.


well if you won't go to the ER, then I guess you will have to try this.

1) Flush with water.(at least twice the amount of the pot size) ;)

2) omit caffiene and other stimulants from your diet.

3) take a good cool bath, and make sure you have all the resin off.

4) take 2 aspirin and call me in the morning.

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
Hey Lolagal, I used to have those stabbing pains upon breathing in that you talk about.

I would just take tiny breaths at a time and ignore it and it would go away.

It hasn't happened in a long time.

What is that?


Freedom Fighter
sounds like pleurisy? does it stab with each breath u take?

go to dr. get a chest x-ray.

or it could be a blod clot to your heart's arteries clogging up.

throw in some cardiac enzyme tests while u are there, and an EKG.

then get back to me with the results, and I will diagnose you.

Haha!!! What a ray of sunshine!!!:laughing:
Last time I had chest pain, it ended up being a rib that was out of whack--:tiphat:


Hey Lolagal, I used to have those stabbing pains upon breathing in that you talk about.

I would just take tiny breaths at a time and ignore it and it would go away.

It hasn't happened in a long time.

What is that?
same here, when it happens, sometimes i can clear it by breathing in hard and fast, but it hurts like hell..when it clears it almost feels like a joint popping inside my chest


Hey Lolagal, I used to have those stabbing pains upon breathing in that you talk about.

I would just take tiny breaths at a time and ignore it and it would go away.

It hasn't happened in a long time.

What is that?

well pleurisy is the inflammation of the outer lining of the lung, so when u breathe it feels like a knife stabbing you.

None of these are ailments that should be ignored. u could die.

Go to the doctor. Unless, like me, u have no health insurance. Then, I just get some sewing thread and start stitching myself back up, etc. I find most animal stores have antibiotics for animals that I can afford.


Moon-grass farmer
I made several visits to the doc addressing chest pains about 5 years ago... just came outta nowhere. I got so damn paranoid about it, it sent me into panic attacks like CRAZY. So, being paranoid I went to the doctor. After several heart exams over a period of time, every test came back normal. The doctor explained to me that stress-induced anxiety was the culprit... and that actual physical tension can build in the chest and abs, and actually create chest pain due to muscle spasms, that in turn feel like sharp stinging pain. Basically just told me to take a pill.... literally. Prescribed me Xanax and told me to chill otherwise in 20 years the stress might actually cause problems.

Still happens once in a great while... but quickly goes away upon a deep breath to stretch the muscle tissue.

Pretty trippy though. Thanks to health insurance at the time I didn't go broke from scores of paranoid DR visits.

So honestly man it might just be coincidence that you got a bit of chest discomfort after smoking. Or could just be from SMOKING in general. Putting smoke in your body at all can have affect on your entire respiratory and cause occasional discomfort. Coughing fits ever? I say nothing to worry about unless it starts happening often, and the pains are stronger... you will KNOW something is wrong.


this always happens to me when i blast a whole pile of kief in the bong, that shit just devastates my lungs... just ride it out and try to relax, if it goes away soon you'll be just fine
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