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Pananama Red


I appreciate everyone for stopping by.

Raco, that's some great looking bud.

Pebbles-those were some super healthy plants and some dank bud.

Some day I'm going to get my hands on some Panama Red.

John Public

I can't tell if it is the true Panama from the 70's that Hempy told about, because I was not born at this time :laughing:

But I grew some seeds of Panama sent from California, named Panama red circa 1974.

This pics are the second and third generation, just after the Californian friend grew the frozen seeds from 1974.

What I can say is: it was a very special strain. Earthy skunky rotten smell and taste. The high is strong and deep , yet very psychoactive, great to have a deep insight on things. It took 12-14 weeks to obtain good buds that turned red at the end. It grows sativa but not too much in early staged. Unfortunately, I was not able to grow decently as I was learning to use the HPS with sativas and she is not the easiest strain to grow.

I have only poor pics to show:











I can't tell if it is the true Panama from the 70's that Hempy told about, because I was not born at this time :laughing:

But I grew some seeds of Panama sent from California, named Panama red circa 1974.

This pics are the second and third generation, just after the Californian friend grew the frozen seeds from 1974.

What I can say is: it was a very special strain. Earthy skunky rotten smell and taste. The high is strong and deep , yet very psychoactive, great to have a deep insight on things. It took 12-14 weeks to obtain good buds that turned red at the end. It grows sativa but not too much in early staged. Unfortunately, I was not able to grow decently as I was learning to use the HPS with sativas and she is not the easiest strain to grow.

Look i have nothing to gain by posting and shearing my nolige or experience all i am trying to do is pass on info to others that were not around the time i was keep it honest and truthful even if it means i am laft at by smart asses and kids.

Maybe i am color blind or you are but they don't look red to me i don't care if there seeds from the dark side of the moon if they are not what there meant to be then there fake or misleading.

They look like a nice line but there not the pan reds we grew and i rember i have a line that produces real red flowers i could call pan red but i don't why unlike some of you i believe it is very important strain names be used on the real deal if it is not then don't miss label it to be something its not no one gains from doing so.

Laugan Gaucher

vey beatifull strains and line. wan't some. something hazy in the color of the leaves

John Public

No problem hempy, I'm not too much into names too. After all, what is a name except the perception that a man has from a "thing" to communicate about it with another man?

She was gifted to me as Panama red '74, I won't call it Dazed and Confused '70 just because I'm not sure of it. As I said, I was not born in 1974 and never lived in the USA, so I can't compare really, just trust the man that sent it to me.

As for the color, well, indoor, I never had purple or red flowers except when I have a lack of P and K or when my temperature are cold. As well as gold is obtained for me when I have a lack of N or when I cure my stuff after harvest. I believe it is the genetic sensibility of the strain for these traits that gives the name.

So it is difficult to know until I can grow it outside. I have seen pics of Californian outdoor grows and remember she had reddish pistils.

If you want my full opinion, I believe that the 60's and 70's were full of pothead hippies which were not really rigorous people, I believe, so what people call panama red, or colombian gold or Oaxaca gold, does not mean much, is different according to people, the area where they lived at this time, the year when they smoked it because this was only imported pot which was itself hybrids or strains coming from the old world, grown for smugglers, hence the total mess we have now with mexican and colombien strains called so but where you can find indian, thai , afghan etc...etc...So some people say "hey I remember it was like that..." and other "no it was like that..." and we are speaking of lines that were around 40 years ago...We could call this one Colombian red if you like, this will not tell us what is inside...

To my knowledge, the best "old" strains I experienced were coming straight from the source, from people keeping the strain in its natural area for decades (i.e. pure thai line from thai farmer or pure carribean line from hidden rasta community) and that are gifted only few times and only to people that make no business with it.


Old School Cottonmouth
Well the only thing I'd say about it is that I personally doubt highly there was one panama red strain to say something looks like it or doesn't.

There was a cascade of colors around being sold. Red, gold, red gold, Etc.

You might have one particular in mind due to your regional location and years that you saw it but to say there is ONE I think is debatable at best.

I don't know much about Colombians but I can tell you I've seen several pure Highland Oaxaca golds that were quite different and all authenticated. Some removed from the mountains by people, some collected from shipments in the early 70's, and some gotten from people whose grandparents supposedly grew it for god only knows how long in Mexico. All of them were exactly what they claimed to be. Highland mexican sativas originating from Oaxaca. That doesn't mean there was only one of them.

My .02 is that there were probably several different lines over the course of the 70's from Colombia being sold as Panama Red by hundreds if not thousands of different growers. What you consider "true" PR is likely a personal opinion about what it was when you personally saw it. For close to a decade there was lots of Colombian this and that grown and smuggled by the ton. I don't know that a single individual can claim rights to it. If some Colombian man in the 70's grew reddish buds from local seeds and he sold 20 tons of it over the course of a few seasons and called it Panama Red are you really going to tell him. "Thats nice red bud but thats not real Panama Red". On what grounds?

To other folks from other places (who might've seen metric tons of it) might completely disagree with what you remember and you could both be right.

Lord knows it was true about acapulco gold, maui waui, etc. I don't know why it wouldn't be true about PR.

A post by our old friend from OG "derrayld" comes to mind. He lived in Africa and would always say names are just names. He said you could walk down trails in Africa and between village to village there would be clearly different buds of different effects and qualities all being sold as Swazi, or Zambian, etc. Wherever it was from. But thats what he joked about. It was nowhere near one homogeneous strain from the region. It varied from village to village. But they were all pure african sativas. It's not that it wasn't Swazi sativa and some of the villagers were wrong about what they were growing, it's that there were numerous swaziland sativas across the country.

He used to chime into threads like these, and even though he is gone I think that opinion is still worth mentioning.


Look guys i rember what was called pan red and i have yet seen a plant picture posted that shows what we called pan red that is the truth we grew them smoked them the seeds came from imported lots not like we got it from seed stores that's were most got there seeds from local or imported lines.

We had local lines and we got imported lines pan red was just 1 line do you also understand that we back then did not think pan red was something to run a mile for in short special we just thort it was good smoke but so was a lot of diffrent cannabis lines what we really loved was the Thia sticks being imported in that was what made most excited we also got the Acapulco gold coming in lids the only time i had heard of lids instead of oz bags or just bags of mj a friend had a plant growing of Acapulco gold it was fluresent green distinct look in flower to.

A lot of what i read and see is fine but if it does not add up to what i saw i am going to say it.

A lot of what people get excited over now days meaning the old lines we back then did not as it was every were we never thort they the old lines would be pushed aside and basically vanish as a result of modern lines.


Old School Cottonmouth
I would definitely agree there are lots of things being called what they are not.

I quit posting in threads titled "real lambs bread!" "Pure maui wowie!" and then you see friggin 70% indica hybrid buds.


Active member
ICMag Donor
I know that colombian redbud was a very consistent thing in my area for a few years. Unmistakable with the first glance at the bag, and confirmation with the first whiff.

I only encountered Pan red a few times, but it was completely distinguishable as different from colombian red. I could easily see how folks would pass of col red as pan red if the folks were not used to the colombian. But in my area during the last half of the 70's, nobody would be fooled. We would all know it was just redbud from colombia. (my all time favorite, btw)


Active member
I lived through those times too... Colombian Red was better.

Panama Red is famous because the New Riders of the Purple Sage made a song called "Panama Red" that everyone knew the words to.

Personally, I was a fan of of the golds...yellow weed that ripped your head off...we called it "tripping weed", we all swore it was laced.

Anyone ever get the opiated weed? Buds covered with tar opium...now THAT shit sent people into orbit! Myself included...

John Public

I would definitely agree there are lots of things being called what they are not.

I quit posting in threads titled "real lambs bread!" "Pure maui wowie!" and then you see friggin 70% indica hybrid buds.

Well the thing is that people name the strain from the area where it is grown and not from the genetics inside.

The rasta I knew in Jamaica grew many strains, the best lines were named "lambsbread" whether pure sativa or hybrid between sativas or hybrid sativa/indica. Some strains are grown for tourists, business and are called lambsbread to the tourist, to enhance the sellings, some others are grown for common use and are shared with visitor of the community and some, ussually the oldest and finest, are grown there for spiritual purpose and are only shared between rasta followers. What is the lambsbread in this? a Rasta would say the last, most people the first, and some people, the second.

When I discussed over the internet with Hawaiian growers, most of them told me there were many lines under the name of an island for the same reason.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Personally, I was a fan of of the golds...yellow weed that ripped your head off.
I have to agree. Forget thought mid sentence, ears ringing...knowing you look fucked up...

Abja Roots

ABF(Always Be Flowering) - Founder
there's a guy floating around a different site that claims he has a cross of panama red and something else, he was calling it panamasedena red (panama x pasadena), the story goes that his friend has the true panama red but won't let anyone get cuts or pure seeds from it, he let the friend pollenate 1 bud or something, so he wound up with a cross that looks like nothing i have ever seen

here's a picture of it:

DISCLAIMER: no i don't know where to get it, i can't get seeds or clones, i am just a man that stumbled upon this picture...sorry, just every time i post this i get pms asking me for it, i wish!

That's the second time I've seen this picture and it's still amazing. Thanks for sharing more info on it.

As far as the Panama, I'm grateful that there are hybrids of sorts available. Truth be told I never saw any, so I have no frame of reference. I'm grateful for all the amazing varieties we have today.

I would try the ace variety.


Well-known member
this is pretty small info, since i didn't the chance for a taste
actually, situation kind of sucked

i was sitting a patrol car after being busted
another guy was nailed too(road block/check)
and what did he have? rust red buds in a tin, maybe 4 grams or so
this was in 74, so i'm dating myself here a bit
but i smoked plenty of the columbian red bud/redtip back in the day
looked nothing like these buds, still remember them after all this time

and in the strange world department, i ran into this guy, about a year later
and it was supposedly the fabled panama red
but he never could get it again, and believe me, i asked him a lot
so not first hand smoking experience, but what i saw was like nothing i've ever seen on any grow log


Yep i rember the opium laced Thia and even saw hash with opium we smoked a lot of great cannabis lines from all over and grown from with in there were some that just stood out from the rest Thais Hawaiian sativas African black and more some i have never seen posted about that were real special yet most if put down next to a bag of modern indoor grown buds you see pictured on high time covers they would pick the modern mj because of its looks bad mistake.

I rember this Jamaican line in 79 that was imported in the flowers screwed like a cork screw had the smell of bleach wild looking mj.

You know the thing i miss the most about the old lines is even if you had taken a clone of a given line as long as you had seeds of the strain stored you knew if you planted that seed you would re grow the same thing the next grow season if the clone was lost today's lines you need to run seed select and find keepers or things you like in a given hybrid back then we did not we grew the seed from a given line we loved and year after year we grew the same line and got the same smoke.