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need help getting a med card in vancover BC


New member
So ever since i was young i have allways had problems consentrating at school and my marks showed but when i had classes that i liked i would get 90's but all my otherr classeswere around the 60 % mark so my parents started getting me tested from a very young age like 6 years old when the dr told my parents was that i have ADD and ADHD and that the reason for me getting good grades was that i have hyper focus so they then at the age of 7 going in to grade 2 i was put on rittalin and it kinda worked for a while but then i started to get hyper cause i was getting a tolerance for it and i would also get tummy pains problems sleeping but i was on rittalin for the next 5 years but when i was 12 i started to rebel and stoped taking my meds and my parent started to fined ways to help me learn to deal with my atention span i have found many ways to cope with this with out ritalin but i still had hard times dealing with all the things in school i found boaring then when i was 14 i was introduced to pot and i found that it had alot of the same calming affects as rittalin aswell it helped me stay in my seat in school with out getting agitated
towards the end of highschool my parents found a ADHD center and i went to see how my test compared to my ones when i was young
sso i proceded to do a little social exparament on my self at the center they hooked up pads to my head and would put me infront of a computer and they monitered my brain paterens as i did certain task on the computer so what i did since i went once a week for 2 months i started with going in with nothing in my system such as pot or rittalin then the next week i got sum rittalin from a buddy same dose i was taking and i found that it did help wwith concentration and keeping me on task but i found that it only lasted for half hr or so (my sessions were a hr long ) then the next week i went in stoned on 2 bong hits and i found that when i sat in the seat and did the task and when i sat in front of that computer and seeing my brain waves keep on track for the full HR i knew i had found my med not rittalin and the big thing for me is that not only did pot help me stay in the zone of a task longer and did not keep me up at night (but it puts me to sleep) and no tummy pains ....

sorry for the ramble as u can tell by my spelling and gramer i had problems in school but i am 28 now and have a good job and living the dream life in BC canada

so my question for u guys (if your still reading )

can any one relate to my situation and help me fined out how i can go about going to get my med card in BC CANADA


Balls Deep!!
ICMag Donor
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I would give you 10,000 if you can find a Dr to give you a MMAR card for ADD.
For the record, I agree with VagPuncher that the OP will have a hard time finding a willing Dr to sign the forms for ADD.
I was just directing him to Health Canada's web page for more info, is all.


Balls Deep!!
ICMag Donor
Its not that I don't think he can eventually get it, its just all the hoops you have to jump through.

People think 'I can just tell Dr's to give me a MMAR card and they will'. No, you have to go through tons of meds and ideas the doc may have.

Walking in and asking for a MMAR card just makes you look shady.


need help getting a med card in vancover BC

How about just getting a statement of diagnosis from your doctor and become a member of one of the many dispensaries in Bc?

I guess anything is possible if you don't mind paying exaggerated prices for your license to grow $2400.
This is an email from said clinic from a different forum I copied and pasted here.

"Date: Fri, 11 Dec 2009 09:26:19 -0800
> Subject: Re: medicinal marihuana exemption's
> From: [email protected]
> To: ********************
> Dear ******,
> I have received your file, and have reviewed your information that you
> had sent us. Can you please outline what symptoms you have? We also
> insist that all of our clients have a primary care doctor. Since you
> stated that your doctor has since retired, we would need the name and
> address of your current doctor, even if it is via a walk in clinic.
> Our possession license fee is $400 and if you plan on growing the
> license fee is $2000, for a total of $2400. Certainly you are under no
> obligation to use our services as I understand there are other doctors
> in Sudbury willing to sign.
> Regards,
> Yvonne
> Director
> Do No Harm Clinic"

I personally have no experience with this clinic, this is just something I found on the net and felt like sharing.
GS, can you confirm?
i'll S ur D if you get carded for ADD b/c anyone that goes through the amount of bullshit and fighting they are gonna need to for that to get carded deserves a reward

if u are rich hire a lawyer and take it to human rights tribunal when u get denied by ur doc