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CS and Femmed Autos for Seed?

City Twin

Greetings Friends,

Have a very few assorted femmed seeds from Greenhouse and a 5 pack of LR#2.

Any experiences with using Colloidal Silver to make seeds from these starting stocks?

Thanks everyone. Grow Safe


I started brewing a new batch of silver last night for my auto oil. I have detailed instructions and pics for auto colloidal silver. I will post my method after lunch.


I know other people have posted this info here before in other threads :deadhorseand thier info is worth reviewing as I believe that there are several methods that follow this theory with success. My method was developed from what I read on highbred.net (RIP high B.) a few years ago.

Use distilled water, not tap or filtered or reverse osmosis. Fill a quart glass jar with it. Get two pure silver wires about as long as the jar is tall. I get mine from a bead/jewlrey supply shop. Hang each wire from the side of the jar or hang from a chop stick/pencil as in pic below. Have wires about an inch or two apart. Attach another wire ( I use some cheap copper) to each of the silver wires and run each one to the positive and negative charges of a 6 volt lantern/camping stove battery. Let it brew for a few days to a few weeks. Strain out particles before pouring into sprayer to avoid clogging sprayer. When the auto plant has been flowering for a week I start spraying every night, or every day just before the lights go out. I spray every day until I see the first male flower, anywhere from a week later to just before the plant finishes. Some auto females seem to need more silver than others to make pollen. When pollen is ready I will use it on another auto female to produce female seeds. I will soon be planting some seeds that came from a cs femed speed devil whose pollen was used on the auto himalayan blue. I call it the blue speed.

Any questions?

Any one else want to share any tips/tricks?


The method below was quoted from another forum that no longer exists. The theory is sound if you can get past all the magic and mystery jests.

"How to Make Feminized Seeds the Cheap and Easy Way

First you need to assemble your ingredients:
#1- a glass quart jar with a wide opening
#2- a quart of distilled water - not filtered or tap water
#3- a pencil, pen, or chop stick - non-conductable
#4- two sterling necklace wires - each 8 to 10 inches long made from 1/4 inch or 1/8 inch diameter (1 or 2millimeters)
#5- two cheap copper wires 10 to12 inches long each - I used old haedphone wires last time
#6- one 6-volt lantern battery - the square ones with two springs for positive and negative charge
#7- patience my young padawan

PS I forgot to mention that you also need a female plant of your choice - autoflowering or not, I will give instructions soon.I will be using a female Lowboldt - an auto breed - from Sagarmatha seeds - at least... I think its female - I just saw the first flower on it today its hard to see, but I think the seed was feminized. ....of course...I did have a "feminized seed" of the lowryder #2 that was male all the way about 3 months ago."


"Some call it alchemy some say witchcraft some just say science. I say Jah (a shortened version of Jehovah to avoid repeating the name of god too often) has blessed us with all we need to grow medicinal herbs, fruit, vegetables, grains, nuts, seeds, roots etc. He gave us a spell/process/potion to use to make feminized seed for medicinal sinsamillas growing. The first thing is to brew the potion. That takes a few days and will be explained shortly. It is totally non toxic. Second we need to choose a female. You can pick a plant from seeds if you know for sure which ones are female, or you can use a clone that is known to be female, or you can even use an autoflowering female plant that is starting to show female flowers. For our purposes here I will be using a Lwoboldt female from Sagarmatha seeds - autoflowering version of the Yumboldt or the original Humboldt, Im not sure which. At least I think its a female, just saw first flower today, hard to see but I think the seeds were feminized to begin with. Of course....I did have a Lowryder #2 that came in a pack of "feminized" seeds that turned out to be 100% male all the way about 3 months ago. Third thing to do is to spray the love potion on the chosen female virgin plant at every sundown until the top of the plant starts reversing sex, that is, the top of your chosen plant will be tricked into forming male flowers that contain pollen with only female genetics. While spraying I recommend you use the spell but sometimes it works without. Since there is no real male genetics available, all of the "male" flowers contain only "female" pollen. When the pollen falls on the lower parts of the plant it will pollinate itself creating seeds that only contain female genetics - "feminized seeds" with only the genetics of the sprayed mother/father masturbating allover itself, so most of the seeds produce female plants that are like what the self impregnator would have been without the spell and potion. Start spraying chosen virgin at about 1.5 to 2 weeks into full flowering - regardless of what strain or subspecies you want to see at least 40 female hairs to 150 female hairs so that you have enough fem flowers to get a descent amount of seeds. With autos you dont want to wait too long to start spraying because you need enough time for the "male" flowers to develop, time to get pollinated, and at least 4 or 5 weeks after pollination for seeds to fully develop before the plant starts to degenerate and die at the end of thier short life cycles. If the auto pollinates itself too late the seeds will not fully mature before the plant starts to die and the seeds will be useless. Often it is best to collect the pollen and use it on another autoflowering female planted 3 to 5 weeks after the one to be sex-reversed. If you dont want too much pollen all over your neighbors yard or your other plants you should cut off male parts as soon as the female hairs start to shrivel and flowers start to swell, pregnant with its own babies, copies, 'clones in seed form' .
So on to potion brewing. Fill your quart jar with the distilled water to about 2 inches from the top. Put chopstick across the top of the open jar and wrap ends of silver wires around chopstick so that they dont touch each other and there is about an inch of the end of the wire sticking up and wire hanging down into the water almost to the bottom. Try to keep wires about an inch from each other in the water. Attach a thin insulated copper wire to each of the wires sticking up from the top of the jar. Attach each of the other end of the copper wires to each battery terminal. Leave to electric brewing for 4 to 7 days - until the silver wires look like they are melting into the water - which they actually are. Filter through cheese cloth before clogging....I mean filling sprayer. This potion is called colloidal silver and you could drink it....But dont cause it tase nasty!! They sell it at most health food stores for 1/2 oz for$15 to $20 for stuff thats 5 to 10 ppm. We need 30 to 200 ppm. which can be made from supplies that cost less than $20 for a quart....of course we need a good bit more than 1/2 oz. .....4 oz to the whole quart depending on the size of the plant and how many seeds you want to make. So the spell is more of an unspoken prayer to Jah giving thanks and praise for all he has given us and allowed or helped us to do and praying that your breeding goals are met. "

[FONT=&quot]"Truely, I think, this is a warlocks plant and this process is magic or mystical. If I had a potion that could turn a female to a male in the middle ages, They would have called me a witch and burned me at the stake.

If I invented or discovered a medicine, now, that has all of the properties of cannabis, I would be awarded a Nobel prize. Instead we are the victims of 80 years of ridicule and lying propaganda and bondage."


City Twin

Gracious Thank You ACBract,

Guess I missed CS with AF specific threads. Apologies to all.

I’m a friend of CS for many years now, in the health realm. CS and Plant energy is a new study for me. At least as far as gender bending goes.

“magic and mystery jests”. Jest if one must, just do not be too critical of what one has not experienced.

Peace All


I actually saved about half of the thread. That "Devil Dawg" and myself argued about the validity of cs for fem seeds and made both ourselves a** holes. I want to post it to show what jerk offs we can be when we dont respect an others methods or experiments.


" Muddy Waters:
Good info, K+. Have to bookmark this for future reference.

Great info I had a female stress to a hermi didn't know then that all of those seeds were female my dumb BUTT! threw alot of those seeds away OPPS!

when a plant turns hermi without chemical alteration the seeds are not always female. The last time i used pollen from a natural hermi, all of the resulting 350 seeds turned out to be very hemef accept three that were pure female and nine that were pure male.

f you have seeds off a hermie-its a good chance theyll hermie too,its genetics
now-those that have been on awhile know where this is about to go...

@anglescompassion - What the FAK are you trying to do here? First, a devil worshipper or atheist could grow killer buds....Second, colloidal silver doesnt do shit for plants other than stopping some mold and bacteria-period-thats it...Nothing to do with metal will create fem seeds..Actually-other than genetics-its pretty hard to find ANYthing that will 'make' fem seeds...

n this may have been a little rude-but we dont need people f'ing up seeds and plants with some crazyass idea mixed into a fairytale...

I have done this before, more than once, and it works quite well. How do you think major seed breeding companies create feminized seed? I have even donated a batch of feminized seeds to a dispensary. As soon as my Lowboldt has enough flowers, I will take pictures and we will see what happens.

Silver nitrite can also be used to make feminized seed, but the mixing of silver nitrite is not an easy process, and it's more expensive. If you're afraid it doesn't work and you don't want to "f up seeds and plants", then wait a couple months until I have my feminized Lowboldt seeds and then maybe you'd be willing to give it a try.

Don't be offended because I mentioned alchemy, witchcraft and Jah in the same sentence.

Don't talk smack on breeding techniques that you've never tried. Or have you tried colloidal silver on a plant? If so, did you use the low-grade crap from a health food store? or did you make your own batch of super-potent colloidal silver? How many times did you spray the plant? How many days or weeks did you continue spraying the plant? Are you sure you used enough? I'm sorry if your attempt didn't work out as well as mine have.

I've been breeding for select qualities since about 15 years ago, and I've been breeding autoflowering strains for the last 4 years. I've created more than one stabilized autoflowering strain. I've made more than one batch of feminized seed using this technique over the last three years.

Don't talk smack on breeding techniques you're not familiar with.


Personal Message from DevilDawg:
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[FONT=&quot]ok...then you can be banned also-good day!!![/FONT]
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Meh... another "CS" thread about people not knowing that they are making IONIC silver rather than the "colloid" which doesn't really work...

Yeah, it works... if you do it right. Of course, it works a lot MORE right if you just shell out the $20 for a near-infinite supply of STS-solution makings... Heck, you can buy the goods untracked on the world's largest auction site, for sure.

City Twin


Ionic it is but CS is the generally understood term, although wrong.

A final word.

Thanks for the input folks.

I’ve decided to light stress. Something I am familiar with.

On the CS process not providing useful product, I would disagree. A lot of people use nebulizers and CS or CS-H2O2 for inhalation lung treatments. I still would hesitate to smoke the herb however.

My current interest is in Cannabis oils for healing purposes. Either al-la Rick Simpson’s “Run From The Cure”, but more likely the Biblical “Anointing” mix with olive, cassia, cinnamon and myrrh oils. I accept the added silver would not harm, and probably benefit my skin condition. I have been using a mix with commercial hemp oil for the Olive, with the other oils sans Cannabis, finding blessed relief.

That is really the reason I am here.

Peace and Safety everyone
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Active member
great info ACbract!!!
City Twin: your saying you "cant smoke" herb that has been sprayed with CS??