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CPC (Chronic Pain Club)


Wanted to invite any chronic pain suffering members to a new social group I set up the other day. Its not private, however only members can view and post, so i guess it is kinda private. However anyone can join.

No idea really which way it will go right now, but whatever.... be nice to have other people in similar situations to talk to.


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
Hi there King!
Can you please sent me an invitation to your CPC?
Been suffering from CP for more than a decade now and it´s always good to know the best medicine available.


alright mate, great idea for a group. and i would like an invite to it if possible. i've been suffering with Osteoarthritis, degenerative disc diease, and sciatica for the last year and it causes severe chronic pain. and would like to find out more from others what i can do to help with releving pain. good luck with it mate.

emerald city

been living it for 10 years 24/7/365... c4-7 ddd with nerve impingment.


Hey buddy I'll gladly join.

I'm a youngin', been in moderate to severe pain for 7 months. Nerve pain in my neck arms and hands.

Hope everybody else is feeling well today. I'm having some neck issues, but no work today, going to medicate and lay back.


New member
hI, HAVE SUFFERED with Chronic Pain for 10 years. Neuropathy and side effects from the anti HIV drugs that keep me alive.
Cannabis has helped soo much. Live in Florida, so feel realy cut off from the quality meds that are available in friendlier parts of the country.
Am interested in communicating with others in similiar conditions.
My ultimate dream is to have a small legal farm where i would NEVER have to worry about running out of meds. AM ALWAYS LOOKING for honest work . do have some experiance cultivating. Hopefully will be relocating to the San Francisco Bay area very soon.
been living it for 10 years 24/7/365... c4-7 ddd with nerve impingment.

when I was 12, playing football, I unknowingly compressed three vertebrate in my neck, as in flattened.

arthritis, osteoarthritis, laminectomy

it's an everyday thing

and if that wasn't bad enough

I was recently diagnosed with chronic myelogenous leukemia

and am now prescribed Gleevec $157/pill

life's a bitch


New member
I'm down to join a group to talk to people. I got some unexplained shit going on that the doctors are calling lupus but blood tests are so different each time for 3 years that they have no fucking idea. i just get random flare ups of some of the worst pain in my neck, shoulders, whole chest hurts sharply when i breath. this is only during flare ups of whatever I got, I gotta take plaquenil and prednisone when needed. Im learning to accept im pretty much fucked but at least I live a pretty good life outside of being in pain sometimes.

send me an invite homie

Edit: I read buzz's post afterwards. Damn dude, how old are you? Im 20. What do you do to help you not think everything? If its a tough subject dont respond, its just i think about how fucked up being one of the humans who got the random get sick gene or something. I lived 17 of the healthiest years ever, played sports, smoked some weed but who doesn't right? I ate healthy my whole life then 2 weeks after highschool graduation I get heart pain and a ultra heart rate so I go to the er and have to go in for emergency heart surgery to drain the liquid that was filling up the lining of my heart. Pericardial window was the procedure, since then ive slowly gained weight from all the drugs and lack of ability to be physical and active. I have lost motivation for because anything puts me into a flare up as said above. Ill go for months feeling healthy though so I cherish those times but its wierd how fuckin pissed I am in my head at life that i got screwed over though. Ok rant over.

geeze this hash is good, wall of text style haha


catterkang - Your situation sounds a lot like my own. I'm 19 years old, and I get flareing pain in my neck so bad I can hardly get out of bed some days.

Basically my neck, and sometimes shoulders and arms get burning nerve pain. My hands get sharp shooting pains. So far I'm undiagnosed, the doctors haven't been able to figure out what's wrong with me, they think it might be fibromyalgia.

The thing that stood out to me is your chest pains when breathing. Dude I've been getting that too for the past 2-3 months. It gets so bad sometimes I can't even work. Honestly I think smoking weed might have done it, because it seems to be coming from my lungs.... Actually my left lung is hurting a bit today. Very sharp pains that come and go. Makes you wanna stop breathing doesn't it?

Good luck to everybody out there. We all know how pain can change ones life drastically. I hope everybody is getting the medical support and medicine they need to stay somewhat happy! (I'm not)


New member
Layedback- My chest pain isnt caused by breathing in. It's more so my entire chest cavity and shoulder and lower neck, feel like there swelling up and some type of shooting pain cmoes over my entire upper half of my body when i breath deep. I can keep the pain at bay when small short breaths. But with weed causing it, I doubt it bro. I have smoke weed every day almost throughout all of my healthy problems. Even though I stopped for like 6 months after my surgery. the breathing pain can be from an assortment of things, Refered pain from alot of places. So its hard to find out what causing it.


No you don't. Go to Social Groups Forum and then Medical Groups,you can join there.:)


hey all ,i would like an invite.I have chronic back pain with stenosis , arthritic , and nerve damage and also degenerative disk disease.I had surgery 3 years ago and it offered me no relief ,so now i live on morphine and a disability check.I know there are a lot of people worse off than me so don't want to sound like i'm complaining.Anyhow when i smoke the good medicine i take way less narcotics.I can't do it on just weed but at least when i smoke i don't take as many and that on it's own is a blessing.I hope i can get an invite.I don't have pm privilege yet because i don't post very much,i'm more of a lurker and reader.Did i mention i also have some other disorders such as severe depression and agoraphobia,so it's hard for me sometimes to talk to people i don't know.Needless to say with all my problems and not being able to work i spend a unbelievable amount of time on forums.Hope to get to know you all.

one Q

not as bad as some here but Im dealing with bad Sciatic issues. developed at 20 now im 31... :comfort:

shooting pain, dull and stinging... sadface


I would appreciate a invite I suffer from sever degenerative disc disease with a titanium plate and screws on Discs C5-C7
If you have degenerative disk disease, in your neck,
make ice packs your best friend.

it's the one thing you can count on to reduce inflamation
and pain, caused by muscle spasms

i designed form fitting ice packs, made from frozen towels,
that I could rotate.

that and very controlled yoga stretching


Ah yes,the wonderful icepacks. They do help. Do any of you feel worse during hot weather,more inflammation? Just curious. Seems to make me feel worse. MW

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