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5000 barrels a day of oil (210,000 gallons) leak off the coast of Louisiana

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ICMag Donor
I'll make easy for you so you can follow along...
Anyone with basic math, and some understanding of fluid dynamics could easily estimate the flow of that spew...if they know the size of the pipe, they can estimate the rate of flow from that pipe from the video.
See, the person with the basic understanding of fluid dynamics is going to take into account all the variables to make a reasonable calculation.
What you are doing is jumping on the hate bandwagon and jumped off the handle without it being warranted. I think you just looked for an excuse to call me a troll.
Fuck that.

And I am not excusing anything at all. I am only pointing out that there are those in here calling for doomsday and the end of oil production as we know it, yet we have had nothing but speculation, most of which being from the media.


Active member
I think that there is one very important variable missing to accurately calculate, which would be the pressure behind the crude. Plus varying amount of Gas traveling with the crude would change the overall weight and density of the oil/gas mixture, thus changing the flow rate. I think. Just my 2cents.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Releasing from the same well into our atmosphere would be more or less flow than releasing into a the mass of a mile of ocean weight and pressure? Be hard to think it would be more under the weight of the ocean on the floor, than it would be at 14psi. Then again they would also need to consider the head of the pipe and viscosity of the crude. to calculate an estimated flow rate differences. But, surely we can see it can be done, and the most accurate data that could be used would be that from the oil company itself, since they pretty well know what was coming out of the well before the accident.
Or...was it an accident? I know for a fact if GW Bush were still in charge, there would be non-stop conspiracy theory flying around about how he did it all for whatever reason.
1) Obama comes out with a plan out of nowhere to open up offshore drilling, which sends his base into a freaking tizzy.
2) The day before "earth day" this fire happens.
3) The current flavor of public opinion is now set to see the radical leftist side that Obama apparently had gone against, by supposedly opening up more gulf drilling. He now has his base back, and will now be able to do just about anything he wants to and with big oil, and even has more support now than he had when it was just his radicals on board.

But, perhaps we need to consult StrainHunter, since he has had lots of experience in the industry. (lol, please....)

And no, mustard....I don't think we need to do things like we have been. There needs to be better fail-safes put in place. It also looks like opportunity is presenting itself in many ways. What better time to further develop apparatus to collect oil from sea water, which exists but not on the scale needed to help with such a spill.
New containment apparatus needs to be developed instead of waiting until it is needed to develop it.
I see positives and opportunities.
Others are only waiting for the ducks and turtles.


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
Maybe the technology to separate oil from water is not available?

Dawn dish washing soap. That is what they usually use to clean the animals they find on shore,saves a lot of time and is more effective.

Have no idea what it would do on a large scale but I bet it's better than the Banned stuff they used last week. OOPPSS sorry not banned in the USA but damn near anywhere else because it causes cancer and in the USA cancer is sad to say money. Go Figure.

Be Well


Active member
This is such bullshit. There's at least 70 million barrels of oil in the water and they are still giving out permits. BP has already been caught in lies and the US government is still letting BP control the fix which is very wrong of them to do. If the US government is not confident that they can fix it then they need to contract the work out to someone who is not BP and the people who made the mistakes in the first place. It's all just a big joke to them when you watch the end of this news report:



weed fiend
I'm with Snype, BP and the fucking government are in over their heads and business as usual. The US Gov not only allowed BP to fix it, they've been a frickin' PR joint to boot. Thanks for the link.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Nice dodge hoosier.

You answered my question.. yes... but you totally dodged what I was saying.

What do we do NOW? About this very spill?

While you're gushing air we're killing ourselves.

I know you know. You talk like Jesus :)

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Releasing from the same well into our atmosphere would be more or less flow than releasing into a the mass of a mile of ocean weight and pressure? Be hard to think it would be more under the weight of the ocean on the floor, than it would be at 14psi. Then again they would also need to consider the head of the pipe and viscosity of the crude. to calculate an estimated flow rate differences. But, surely we can see it can be done, and the most accurate data that could be used would be that from the oil company itself, since they pretty well know what was coming out of the well before the accident.
Or...was it an accident? I know for a fact if GW Bush were still in charge, there would be non-stop conspiracy theory flying around about how he did it all for whatever reason.
1) Obama comes out with a plan out of nowhere to open up offshore drilling, which sends his base into a freaking tizzy.
2) The day before "earth day" this fire happens.
3) The current flavor of public opinion is now set to see the radical leftist side that Obama apparently had gone against, by supposedly opening up more gulf drilling. He now has his base back, and will now be able to do just about anything he wants to and with big oil, and even has more support now than he had when it was just his radicals on board.

But, perhaps we need to consult StrainHunter, since he has had lots of experience in the industry. (lol, please....)

And no, mustard....I don't think we need to do things like we have been. There needs to be better fail-safes put in place. It also looks like opportunity is presenting itself in many ways. What better time to further develop apparatus to collect oil from sea water, which exists but not on the scale needed to help with such a spill.
New containment apparatus needs to be developed instead of waiting until it is needed to develop it.
I see positives and opportunities.
Others are only waiting for the ducks and turtles.

So you agree that we should listen to the oil company itself... but not an employee...?

By the way you forgot to realize the FACT that psi of the ocean at sea level is already 14.7...

It goes up as it gets deeper.

For someone who claims to know fluid dynamics FACTS make you into a jackass.

The entire mass of the ocean a mile deep is on top of that leak.


Tropical Outcast

But, perhaps we need to consult StrainHunter, since he has had lots of experience in the industry. (lol, please....)


Dude.....I think you are twisting up things to make yourself (and your "arguments") look better.

But you are wrong.

Just for you I pasted below what you were referring to above and you will notice you must have lost the overview.

Or your mind.

Or both of the above.


Having worked in the oil (drilling) industry myself a LONG time ago I showed one of the now retired head supervisors the link I have in my thread:

LIVE from 5,000 below on the Gulf floor!

and he said he thinks the leak is roughly 30,000 barrels/24 hours.

The above is coming from a guy who started as a roughneck at the age of 16 and had been a Super for 23 years on a shallow water rig in Texas when he retired at the age of 68 so I would say he knows what he is talking about.



Active member
ICMag Donor
Mustard, the thing behind your jab at me seems to be based on me no knowing what I was talking about with the fluid thing....well, apparently you didn't read one fucking word I typed.
Look, you run a pipe from the floor of the ocean to the surface, and the release pressure at the surface is ~14psi. I was explaining how my logic would state there being far more pressure below a mile of ocean than at the exit of the pipe at the surface. I also mentioned the calculation of the head in the pipe.
Look, read a bit closer before you start throwing your baseless charges at me.
Did you think that cute to say I talked like Jesus? I found it a pretty stupid thing to say.
Your question was not about "this very spill" either, as I actually read what I am replying to. So, do get a grip and start reading closer. Had it in your mind you were really going to show me to be ignorant or something? Just wondering what your haste was and why you didn't read. I am pretty sure you have some comprehension skills, so I have to assume you just didn't fucking read what I posted.
And I love it when someone posts up a little dancing icon, especially when their reply was in haste and foolish. I love it because it fits.
Here, mustard...show me how it is that I do not understand what you are trying to teach?
My logical thought about the flow would be that it is less now that it was coming out of the pipe as it has been for years. The orifice it is coming from is now releasing into a vastly increased amount of pressure, as opposed to before the incident the oil was allowed a virtually pressure free release valve...and they know exactly how much was coming from that spigot. And if I am correct in that the flow would be less with increased pressure resistance at the exit, then we should at least be glad this isn't spewing from the severed pipe a half mile down.
Releasing from the same well into our atmosphere would be more or less flow than releasing into a the mass of a mile of ocean weight and pressure? Be hard to think it would be more under the weight of the ocean on the floor, than it would be at 14psi.
Does that look like I didn't understand the concept?
Do get a grip, and come better prepared if you want to drop a single line question and not even read the response closely. Hell, you even gave different meaning to your question...or tried to state it meant something different....and apparently I was supposed to extrapolate the real meaning. But see, when I responded it was not encrypted, it was straight english. So, I find it hard to see why you can't follow along well.
You answered my question.. yes... but you totally dodged what I was saying.
Perhaps you could post more than a single line question if there is more to it than you presented. I am not a swami like you and StrainHunters former supervisor...

StrainHunter, I suggest to you that neither you nor your retired "supervisor" know shit from shinola about the flow of that oil from that pipe a mile down.
Simple people may think that being a supervisor on an oil rig would give them such a gift, but that is simple people.
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mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Look, you run a pipe from the floor of the ocean to the surface, and the release pressure at the surface is ~14psi. I was explaining how my logic would state there being far more pressure below a mile of ocean than at the exit of the pipe at the surface. I also mentioned the calculation of the head in the pipe.

I don't see that anywhere.

All that I saw was a statement of pure delusion... and now I get to read a post filled with rambling inanities.

And you do talk like Jesus.

Edit: I did read through this entire thread now. You made me do this. You're right! (as you always are)
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Active member
ICMag Donor
I don't see that anywhere.
I don't give a monkey's toss what you don't see. It was exactly as I stated, and even gave you the quotes so you could see. But, you would rather dance and act like a fucking fool than actually read what was posted.
I say, dance away, but don't try to degrade what I posted up simply because you are more worried about trying to be cute than actually discussing the thing.

By the way you forgot to realize the FACT that psi of the ocean at sea level is already 14.7...

It goes up as it gets deeper.

For someone who claims to know fluid dynamics FACTS make you into a jackass.

The entire mass of the ocean a mile deep is on top of that leak.
See, your stuff is all fucked up because if you actually read what I posted, you would realize that I DO understand the concept, and was actually the first one in this thread to make the distinction of the crude coming from the pipe vs it coming from an orifice with a mile of ocean on top of it.

So, what is really needed is you practicing reading and comprehension skills.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
So.... tell me about oil and water and fluid dynamics... doesn't the density of the oil affect how fast it's heading towards the surface?

I'm polished up on my reading and comprehension skills... and I eagerly await your fuck fuckity fuckpants retort. :dance:


Tropical Outcast

StrainHunter, I suggest to you that neither you nor your retired "supervisor" know shit from shinola about the flow of that oil from that pipe a mile down.
Simple people may think that being a supervisor on an oil rig would give them such a gift, but that is simple people.

It's called experience.....and certainly a LOT more than you have when it comes to that.

If you had started from ground up and been growing weed for 50 years w/o any major hick-ups (failures) and all of a sudden something went grossly wrong you would likely be able to be spot on about the details of what's going on.

And so is the Super I was referring to.

He has been in the oil industry for 50 years, started as a simple worker @ the age of 16 and worked his way up.

FYI one doesn't become a "Head Super" on a platform by winning that position in the Lottery!

And another FYI believe me or not the priority on any oil rig is safety, then getting the job done.
And when sh!t really hits the fan...well we already know how that looks like.

I am not here to be in a pissing contest with you so go right ahead and treat this on your own from now...:moon:

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