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if you DON'T grow your own, i would like to ask you a question...


Cookie monster

that people would be inclined to pay the cost of an oz for?

As a grower I would'nt pay that much considering I've no security worrys.
I would pay half that for a half sized dedicated automated cloning station or mother box tho.

-~Wind Walker~-

Active member

I like your creativity and ingenuity. However I would be concerned about fire or shock and that would keep me from sleeping.

Besides, where is the scary monster who sleeps under my bed gonna go?

Forget the peeing in bed deal. If you fart in your sleep you could provide your plants with modest amounts of CO2.

"But honey, the unit would naturally clean the air while we sleep. You know how gassy I get after eating your mother's tuna casserole. Please?"

I would consider using this unit, but not under my bed.

Taking smoking in bed to higher levels.



Active member
Ha ha, man i never realized how many great jokes there were to make about this invention of mine, all good ones. Im laughing my ass off over here in front of the laptop and my girl is looking at me like im a nut,.. but just to be clean (as clear as i can without pictures,.. yet) no water gets anywhere near the LED's or the motor which only runs on 9V, and everything is fused protected too. Water, when pumped, which is very seldom, is pumped straight into the center of the sealed tubes i described earlier. The whole thing uses around the power of one 26W CFL twisty bulb. Even when i over watered once all that happens is a few drops leaks out of the tubes (pots) and onto the black/white poly im using as a tent like wrap for the whole unit, with velcro openings on top side to get in there. Imagine a tent grow with a flap door, but on its side and measuring just under 7" high, 2 ft wide, and as many feet long as you need. I'm thinking future models could have an accordion like design to extend the over all length of the unit to accommodate whatever plant height, up to say 6'ft, no longer then a bed. If you wanted you could get like 3 of these under a bed, for 6 total plants. Or stack them as you know who said earlier,.. really like that idea for those ho want to fill a back wall or garage side wall with them.


I like your creativity and ingenuity. However I would be concerned about fire or shock and that would keep me from sleeping.

Besides, where is the scary monster who sleeps under my bed gonna go?

Forget the peeing in bed deal. If you fart in your sleep you could provide your plants with modest amounts of CO2.

"But honey, the unit would naturally clean the air while we sleep. You know how gassy I get after eating your mother's tuna casserole. Please?"

I would consider using this unit, but not under my bed.

Taking smoking in bed to higher levels.


Cookie monster

So what are you going to call it bro?

Have you incorporated some sort of dust filter into the design on the air intake?


What kind of yields would be expected compared to HPS? Very interested though. Always down for looking into new ways to get a few extra ladies going.


Active member
Well once you see it turning the name Rotissebud came to mind but im not really sold on a name just yet. It's so different then anything ive seen for sale out there that i think you could just call it the under the bed grow box and that would suffice. Ya know on a side note even if this thread didn't give me a feel of weather or not it would get people to grow it has given me aspects to make sure i talk about when i do fully pitch it so people aren't scared to use it.

As for filters,..
Earlier prototypes had carbon filters on the exit fans for odor control, but since i went LED I've found i don't even need ventilation, been running for weeks without it and temps are like 1-2F warmer in the thing then outside it. I look in there once a day and that's plenty enough to circulate all the air around the plants. It's not like the poly is medically sealed anyway, there's no real air flow which is good for keeping smell inside, but it's not like the plants have tight bags over there heads either ya know, there's a lot of room inside all be it only 6.75" high. If i find i need to ad some sort of air circulation later i will, boy would it need to be minimal though just to exchange the air in there. Ya know what,.. i could hook a small fan to the water pump timer and it running 30 min a day would be plenty to exchange the air in there if it turns out the plants would benefit from that. But the LED's run so cool im not worried about it ATM.


Active member
What kind of yields would be expected compared to HPS? Very interested though. Always down for looking into new ways to get a few extra ladies going.

Take a look at this grow Disco94, it was done under the same exact LED's, all be it my unit has more of them. So i hope for as much if not more then Pinstripe got there. I mean theoretically it should produce more and i think he got an oz from his grow,.. but that will all depend on my growing skill and ill admit i have more of a metal thumb then a green one. :)

Cookie monster


I've found i don't even need ventilation, been running for weeks without it and temps are like 1-2F warmer in the thing then outside it. I look in there once a day and that's plenty enough to circulate all the air around the plants. It's not like the poly is medically sealed anyway, there's no real air flow which is good for keeping smell inside, but it's not like the plants have tight bags over there heads either ya know, there's a lot of room inside all be it only 6.75" high. If i find i need to ad some sort of air circulation later i will, boy would it need to be minimal though just to exchange the air in there. Ya know what,.. i could hook a small fan to the water pump timer and it running 30 min a day would be plenty to exchange the air in there if it turns out the plants would benefit from that. But the LED's run so cool im not worried about it ATM.

Bro your going to need airflow for healthy growth, temps are probably not an issue with the led's but what about humidity when the plants are flowering?


Active member
Bro your going to need airflow for healthy growth, temps are probably not an issue with the led's but what about humidity when the plants are flowering?

well im in the south west US so lack of humidity is always more of a prob then too much, but ya probably later ill put in just a little 30mm fan hooked to the watering timer, or a timer of its own perhaps, maybe even choked a bit by carbon odor filter pads to have a little clean smelling air exchange going on. The two ladies i have in there now are only 2" tall though and like i said i look in everyday exchanging the air so its ok for now. I'll play with it don't worry ;-)
I'm interested in seeing pics. I'd consider something like this if a test grow showed that you could get a decent yield from this method. How many watts is the LED?


Active member
talked about in length on page 1 i think, if not 1 then 2,.. and as for a test grow im doing one now, ill post a link here to the journal i start sometime tween now and a few weeks when plants are done so just stay subscribed to this thread ;-)

...and the dust bunnies should go into you're vacuum!

I'm interested in seeing pics. I'd consider something like this if a test grow showed that you could get a decent yield from this method. How many watts is the LED?
It would be interesting to see this mechanism only there is a contradiction in the wording here:

How can this unit grow "two tall plants"......

Yet slide under your bed????

Would you have to have a really high bed?

I didn't mean to come in and tease, I usually read articles in their entirety and I was kind of confused.

Honey I shrunk the kids was real man. They really have a gun that makes things smaller.