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1970's sativas - pre indica invasion


Landrace Lover

plants know which way is up and down :) (although i still put them in the soil horizontally)

im surprised nobody mentioned scarification

gravity for the win!

nice thread by the way, it's an interesting question :D

charlie garcia

The point is, we need to preserve the original genetic diversity of original landraces or they will become extinct. Man and his greed, a natural tendency, is forcing sativa into extinction.

List of excellent sativas already lost is huge. Just read any old magazin. In nature its all about diversity.

Dave Coulier

Active member
FF, I wish you the best with the seeds. I am hoping to be in your situation sometime in the near future. My stepdad has a friend who is 75 years old, and has been smoking for a long time. He's collected seeds over the years in a jar, and Im hoping to get my hands on that jar someday. Im sure they haven't been stored properly, but it can't hurt to try. Hopefully we can both find something special in those old seeds.
Dave --- Thats awesome man!! please get a huge indoor setup before going through that jar :) there are bound to be loads and loads of gems in there!
so the first 7 have been soaking a fe days... a couple look like they are swelling :)
i'll put them in cups tomorrow and keep them warm/moist for atleast a week or two
nothing so far... no sprouts, no mold, nothing.

cracked one open for the sake of seeing if they are alive...

Healthy white meat, not shriveled, swelled up bit... so i'm guessing they just need some really good conditions to get goin?

starting next batch this week... trying scarification , maybe even trying the removing the shell by hand tech...


Dr. Narrowleaf
Good news they're alive!
The best trick I've had with older seeds is pre cracking the seed hull so that moisture gets in. It doesn't work always though, but worth a try.


New member
Best of luck FF, I have some 30yr old Acapulco seeds that I'm trying to germ, sounds like we are in a similar situation ..I ordered some GA-3 (giberillic acid) as one method I will try.
Goldmember -- Thats Awesome!

I'm starting to hope this thread will pool a bunch of folks doing these restoration projects together... then We can all trade Pollen/info/pics when the time comes :smoke out:

i'll post updates as they come.... anyone else have some oldschool beans they want to include on this thread ? :dance013:
first batch did not not germ, only a couple rotted though... there is hope!
doing more soon.

trying H202, superthrive, and seed-shell removal techniques for this batch.

will post details soon :)


I love sativas, pretty much all I grow. I don't know what most of them are, I have been collecting seeds from import weed for a long time and have a few treasured mother plants, don't really know what they are beyond broad regions like 'Mexican' and 'African'.

Indicas bore me and I don't need to move less than I do naturally, so couchlock to me is a bad thing.


New member
Goldmember -- Thats Awesome!

I'm starting to hope this thread will pool a bunch of folks doing these restoration projects together... then We can all trade Pollen/info/pics when the time comes :smoke out:

i'll post updates as they come.... anyone else have some oldschool beans they want to include on this thread ? :dance013:

Little update for you FF, first two shots are the AG, the next two are the Chiapans :tiphat:


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