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What would YOU do?


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
ive learned over the years that partners are just no good. just way to much drama to deal with.

ive had 6 partners in 13 years and im friends with only one kat still. if i were to once again get a partner, it would be with no less then 100k in lights.......


You made a deal.. If you covered for him, then you did just that - covered for him and he still deserves what you agreed upon.

He took the risk of having the grow there at the very least, and you'll never be able to talk that part out of the equation.

Gotta man up and say, "look dude, I'm not going to do your job another day.. Go get it done or the plants will die" and then let them die if they don't get off their ass and do what they said they would. Sounds like you didn't do that, so sorry, you got played into doing the work, lol tom sawyer style, but it's your own fault.

Also, as the experienced grower, you can't pass the buck for hermies when you knew the area had light leaks. If you bought the medium and other extras, then you should have just bought some tape too and fixed those up.

Give your roommate half of the buds and move on with your lesson learned.

I didn't see this. I dig it. These differing opinions are why I posted.

I didn't cover him. I told him he needed to buy it. He didn't do it, so I did it before it was too late. I told him we needed about 5 more bags. He went and got ONE... a month later. So how does he deserve what we agreed upon when he's not DOING what we agreed upon?

And yeah. I did. I bought 2 rolls of duct tape. 2 layers of black painters plastic to cover the window with mini-blinds. Then I bought more plastic to wrap the cab up to block out even more light. Problem was, I couldn't seal it because... he slacked off on t he ventilation... which was his responsibility... per our deal. Of which I HAD to purchase 2 fans for.. so MY plants wouldn't die. Fans that' HE'S also using, that he was supposed to pay for.. per our agreement.

But yeah, I'm honsetly thinking about giving him half of what's flowering right now. I just get the choice half for doing all the work,obviously. And the Mandala#1 and Speed Queen and clones that are vegging are mine. THAT should be some seedless stuff.

Mature decision? Everyone agree?


ive learned over the years that partners are just no good. just way to much drama to deal with.

ive had 6 partners in 13 years and im friends with only one kat still. if i were to once again get a partner, it would be with no less then 100k in lights.......

I don't plan on doing it again. Only grow partner you'll ever need is the girl who's living with you you most. I don't grow on a scale small enough so that I can easily hide it. I like smoke too much.

I broke 3 of my own rules here. 1)I grew with another person. 2)Allowed others to find out about it. 3) Didn't pull the plug.

Never. Again. 3 1/2 more months on the lease. 2 1/2 more months of flower + drying time. I'm taking my shit and I'm gone. Time to get the fuck outta Indiana.


To be honest, that's what I was thinking too =/

I'm not a liar though, and I don't tend to try to avoid confrontation? I don't seek it, but I don't run from it. Fact is though, I'm the only one home all day. It takes weeks to dry and shit. I'll give him half - minus the quality strains I bought. I'll be making more room for extra clones I guess. Squish all the hermies together real right. Don't really give a fuck about 'em. They're his.

I'll just focus on not fucking up my Mandala strains. I'm just pissed though because my bagseed plants were my...uh... cashcrop. I'm not a dealer... but I'm well aware that I CAN sell it... figured if I was gonna grow my own, might as well as grow some for someone else too. It's mostly for a good friend though, I'm just ashamed to have to take him seeded bud? I've never given him anything but top notch.

I could literally harvest a plant or two tonight (if they were ready) and he wouldn't notice. THAT'S how much time he spends in there.

KRUNCH - I totally admire your grows man. I'm all about the "go big, or go home," we don't have a "plant number" law around here. There's a 30 gram mark - cultivation is the same as possession - you either grow over or under 30 grams. Might as well go all out.

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
live and learn man.
me personally, would have already moved onto strongarming your partner.
to let him know this is serious business.
if he can't distinguish business from personal, you found yourself the "wrong guy"
but then again, im just a violent individual when it comes to my $.


Active member
All I can tell you is my past expriences. I grew with what seems like the same person you are talking about. During the grow, the cops raided us and I was the only one with a medical card. The plants weren't taken but when harvest came around my roommate wanted half. I laughed in his face, gave him an ounce and moved out after the lease was up. Since then I have had harvest after harvest of great bud all by my self. No need for a half assed partner.


Active member
i had to grow with a roomate and we basicaly split everything down the middle. he has his crops and i have mine and we dont touch eachothers shit unless one is out of town.


have you seen my lighter?
ICMag Donor
the reason most business partnerships w/ friends don't work is because the friends involved don't approach it as a business.

yah, not exactly a situation you want to have a contract laying around or anything, but - having things in that clear of terms (beforehand, so it only does you marginal good if you can some how do it now - i'm guessing 3.5 months mentioned, you'll have another run there?) - and have the harvest cut dependent on holding one's own pre-defined share in both capital and effort.

if nothing else, waving your tampon around here w/ those that can empathize has to help - but from here on, if you've got another round lined up for your interim time, get shit nailed down on that clearly before you're looking at a repeat.


Moon-grass farmer
You know what man, it's kind of hard to put specifics to your situation. It's his house too, therefore I'd say he gets some sort of a cut regardless. Then part of me says FUCK HIM. He doesn't deserve shit and he should know this. There isn't a snowball's chance in hell he deserves half. You're knowledge, you're money, and you're labor. Simply put, he really doesn't deserve SHIT.

Here's what I would probably do. Tell him he should understand he's done nothing but caused you frustration. The deal was, he would pay half of the start up costs, and you would teach him the art of growing along the way. Tell him it's a huge security risk for you to even bring him in. You gave him your trust, tried to give him your knowledge, and all he does in return is take advantage of you along the way. Give him a cut of what you think it's worth of letting you use a light. That's up to you. But business is business. He didn't do his part of the business. He didn't even do 1/4 of the business. Therefore deserves nothing close to 1/4 of the cut. Figure out the money he actually spent (or his friend spent on the light), pay him back for that in herb.

It's easy to just say fuck him completely, but it sounds like you and the guy do get along and it's up to you whether or not you want to lose a friendship.


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
You made a deal.. If you covered for him, then you did just that - covered for him and he still deserves what you agreed upon.

He took the risk of having the grow there at the very least, and you'll never be able to talk that part out of the equation.

Gotta man up and say, "look dude, I'm not going to do your job another day.. Go get it done or the plants will die" and then let them die if they don't get off their ass and do what they said they would. Sounds like you didn't do that, so sorry, you got played into doing the work, lol tom sawyer style, but it's your own fault.

Also, as the experienced grower, you can't pass the buck for hermies when you knew the area had light leaks. If you bought the medium and other extras, then you should have just bought some tape too and fixed those up.

Give your roommate half of the buds and move on with your lesson learned.



Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
roomates suck in general.... once in a while theres the killer roomate but usuaully they end up being squids.

your roommate is a squid.
thats the main issue

give him half the hermies and an eviction notice and be done. be professional.


New member
you cant really blame him for the hermies because if he had the appropriate help from the roommate than he would have had more time to pay attention to details such as light leaks, but no he had a deal and still had to worry about putting up most if not all the money for this grow. i think you should throw him a little something for letting you grow in the spot but a lesson well learned dont grow with other ppl.


Yet another thread of people having problems with partners. That's the lesson.


The thing is. I knew it beforehand? I DON'T do grow partners. 9 years of growing... this is my first...and last partner.

Meh we struck up a conversation about it one day... and I was broke. Couldn't really afford a place on my own? So uhh.. 2 months of talking later... it was all planned on on paper, he knew the exact... TO THE PENNY costs of the supplies he needed to buy, as well as I did. I asked him if he was absolutely sure? He said he was down.

I had 3 rules:

Nobody else (except for my dude who wires my circuits up) was to know about it (I think uhm... 4-5 of his friends know?)

The bills were to be paid on time, SPECIFICALLY the electric bill. (We had the electricity shut off for a few hours because he paid the bill 6 weeks late - my money was in the envelope in time)

He was to buy his share and grow his own plants (He did neither. His FRIEND bought his light... he bought a inline fan/filter. And some clonex. And no time doing any kinda work on the plants)

Regardless, I've calmed down a bit. Got some sleep and checked 'em out again. Now I DID remove probably a good 75 seeds last night, totally undeveloped. After checking it again today, I think it looks like I got most of them? Every time I see one I pluck the sonuvabitch out. I'm just frustrated that it even happened at all.

By the way I did constantly check for light leaks. Duct tape loses its grip over time. I do try to check it daily, but it is hard. OPENING the door creates a light leak, so I try to avoid going in during the dark period. When I originally sealed that window, you couldn't see your hand 2" from your face in that room.

If he would have bought his fan/filter when we needed it... when we STARTED the grow... like he was SUPPOSED to, I would have had my tent light proofed, wrapped in panda plastic, nothing to worry about.

So if you're trying to say that it's MY fault? Psh. Let's see YOU take care of all of these. Ain't no automated watering system here. We water with dixie cups, boy. Mix our nutes 5 gallons at a time. Carry water upstairs 1 gallon at a time. And once again, if I go into the room during the dark period (during daylight hours for me).. when I open the door? I create light DIRECTLY on my plants. I don't wanna be running in and out of there. However, I DID go through 2 rolls of duct tape fixing that window.

Man, I've got 30' of Panda that was supposed to be wrapped around the cab. I STILL have it, unopened. It's bullshit. I cant wrap the tent until I get an exhaust fan. Now that I've had the exhaust fan for a week, he STILL hasn't gotten any insulated ducting. So I still can't wrap it.

Him? He ain't even put 2 inches of tape on that window. I weatherstripped the doors, and took care of the bottom, the window was never supposed to be an issue as the cab was SUPPOSED to be a tent.