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What would YOU do?


Okay. Serious thread. Keep the bullshit out, please and thanks. I do intend to show my roommate this thread. I don't feel like I'm overreacting at all at this point. Don't say "don't grow with roommates," because I already know.

Okay here's the situation:

4 months ago my grow was in the planning stages. It was originally for a vert grow, 3 levels high all lights on a relay over to a 2nd flower room.

Simply put, the costs were divided evenly between the two of us. He was responsible for 1 light, ventilation, and the growing medium while I was responsible for 2 lights, building the cab, nutes, containers, pH meter, relays... everything else, really. I'm the only experienced grower (9 years) and he wanted to learn. So that's how this all came about.

So 3 months ago we move in and get started. So I inform him I'm gonna germ the seeds. He has no interest in doing so, so I germ his seeds for him.

I transplant the seeds into jiffy cubes and stick 'em under some 300w of CFL's I had from an old mother plant. I believe he was downstairs taking bong hits and playing video games while I was doing that.

The seedlings stay in the peat pots way too long. I approach him several times about "needing dirt" (actually soilless medium) as it was supposed to be his responsibility. I get frustrated and figure "fuck it," and cough up $20 for the first of many bags... that he was supposed to buy.

I buy some Dixie cups for transplant. We run out and he picks up a pack.

The plants grow (72 if them...300w CFL) and start taking up more room so we need more light. I approached him several times asking when he was going to have some money to order some lights fans/filters, ect. Figured we'd just get it at the same time to save on shipping. He kept putting it off and I got frustrated so I went ahead and ordered 1 light/ballast because they were just getting too big to fit under that amount of light.

I also go buy some wood to build the cab. Get all the tools necessary and start building that. I mention the need for fans again, and he keeps basically saying "next pay check" and has one excuse or another. So I go to walmart, and pick up a fan to blow under the bulbs... supposed to be his responsibility.

So up until this point, I've LITERALLY done every bit of the labor. Every single thing we're using to grow is mine, except about 10 dixie cups that he paid for. All the soil, containers, lights, fans, nutes... everything at this point is all me. I begin wondering if he actually wants to do this.

They begin to outgrow their new containers. I ask him again about some grow lights, fans/filters. Another excuse. So I go ahead and order again without him, I get some grow bags and some more Big Bloom. They arrive... I'm forced to go buy another couple bags of medium. I transplant. Alone.

Up until now, I'm the only person who's watered them. Only person who's fed them. Only person who's done ANYTHING more than just look at them. I'm already several hundred dollars into it, he's about $2... and it's a month later.

I approach him again about his part of the deal. Still nothing. I order another grow light. It arrive. I set it up. Set up the second level of the vert. Transplant more plants, ect.

My roommate has his friend come over for the weekend. He makes a deal with his friend... his friend buys a grow light... I guess he get's a cut of my roommate's cut? So.. point is... his FRIEND buy's his light... he still hasn't contributed... I pick up a pH meter while we're there.

Over 30 days into flower he buys a fan/filter and some cloning gel. Still don't even have any ducting, so I can't seal the tent up. Thus it's not light-proof, thus I've been ghetto rigging plastic in the window, ect. Up until this point he's purchased one bag of medium. He helped transplant about 5 plants from 1 gallon bags to 3 gallon bags.

I've done all the leg work. I spend 3+ hours in there daily. He does nothing more than look at how pretty they are.

Yeah well... we got hermies. About 6 of them. I 100% blame him. Had he kept his part of the deal and gotten his parts promptly, this would never have been an issue.

It seems to me he's going to sit back, let me do all the work, while not even keeping his part of the deal fairly and getting half the bud? All while his slacking off has caused me to lose out on quality?

Abso-fucking-lutely un-fucking-acceptable. You told me you wanted to learn how to grow. You sat downstairs and smoked your money up and played video games instead of sweating away in that grow room like I was. You were approached several times politely, and several times angrily. I tried to get through you.

I doubt there's a person here that's going to say you deserve half of the harvest. I doubt there's a person here who's gonna say you deserve 1/3 of the harvest. I made some serious fucking sacrifices for this, and the hermies were the final straw. That's you fucking up my grow. All the money you spent on pot? I had that too, only I spent it on the grow. You smoked up a lot of your cut here, I'm pretty sure, dude.

Not to mention I've also spent $100-$120 on the medium that was your responsibility, $20 on that fan that's part of the ventilation, countless hours of labor feeding and watering YOUR plants that came from YOUR seeds that YOU were supposed to take care of. And no, it's not okay to pay me back now that we're almost to the chop.

I doubt I'm overreacting here - but then again I literally just spent 3 hours plucking seeds that YOUR slacker ass decisions created. Out of bud you seem to want for free. Had you done what you were supposed to do, this wouldn't have happened. Yeah I coulda bought what I needed myself, but you kept telling me you were gonna do this. Didn't wanna step on your toes any, and fuck you tested my patience. I almost pulled the plug on it twice. It was a bullshit fucking grow and you know it - shit only looks good because I know what I'm doing. Not because of anything you did. Only thing you've done is make seeds.

I told you ahead of time this was gonna be a part time job. Guess you wasn't hearin' me. Shit don't grow itself, and I ain't growing it for you. THIS is why I wanted two different flowering rooms on the relay. This is why I insisted on it over the "one room" you wanted to do and just go half and half. Basically? I would have done better had you had nothing to do with this at all. We both know this. Your procrastination fucked MY grow up.

What's ICMag think?


Active member
give him the hermies...

when you are ready for the nxt cycle, do nothing.

tell him: "its your turn, lets see how you do."


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
Okay. Serious thread. Keep the bullshit out, please and thanks. I do intend to show my roommate this thread. I don't feel like I'm overreacting at all at this point. Don't say "don't grow with roommates," because I already know.

Okay here's the situation:

4 months ago my grow was in the planning stages. It was originally for a vert grow, 3 levels high all lights on a relay over to a 2nd flower room.

Simply put, the costs were divided evenly between the two of us. He was responsible for 1 light, ventilation, and the growing medium while I was responsible for 2 lights, building the cab, nutes, containers, pH meter, relays... everything else, really. I'm the only experienced grower (9 years) and he wanted to learn. So that's how this all came about.

So 3 months ago we move in and get started. So I inform him I'm gonna germ the seeds. He has no interest in doing so, so I germ his seeds for him.

I transplant the seeds into jiffy cubes and stick 'em under some 300w of CFL's I had from an old mother plant. I believe he was downstairs taking bong hits and playing video games while I was doing that.

The seedlings stay in the peat pots way too long. I approach him several times about "needing dirt" (actually soilless medium) as it was supposed to be his responsibility. I get frustrated and figure "fuck it," and cough up $20 for the first of many bags... that he was supposed to buy.

I buy some Dixie cups for transplant. We run out and he picks up a pack.

The plants grow (72 if them...300w CFL) and start taking up more room so we need more light. I approached him several times asking when he was going to have some money to order some lights fans/filters, ect. Figured we'd just get it at the same time to save on shipping. He kept putting it off and I got frustrated so I went ahead and ordered 1 light/ballast because they were just getting too big to fit under that amount of light.

I also go buy some wood to build the cab. Get all the tools necessary and start building that. I mention the need for fans again, and he keeps basically saying "next pay check" and has one excuse or another. So I go to walmart, and pick up a fan to blow under the bulbs... supposed to be his responsibility.

So up until this point, I've LITERALLY done every bit of the labor. Every single thing we're using to grow is mine, except about 10 dixie cups that he paid for. All the soil, containers, lights, fans, nutes... everything at this point is all me. I begin wondering if he actually wants to do this.

They begin to outgrow their new containers. I ask him again about some grow lights, fans/filters. Another excuse. So I go ahead and order again without him, I get some grow bags and some more Big Bloom. They arrive... I'm forced to go buy another couple bags of medium. I transplant. Alone.

Up until now, I'm the only person who's watered them. Only person who's fed them. Only person who's done ANYTHING more than just look at them. I'm already several hundred dollars into it, he's about $2... and it's a month later.

I approach him again about his part of the deal. Still nothing. I order another grow light. It arrive. I set it up. Set up the second level of the vert. Transplant more plants, ect.

My roommate has his friend come over for the weekend. He makes a deal with his friend... his friend buys a grow light... I guess he get's a cut of my roommate's cut? So.. point is... his FRIEND buy's his light... he still hasn't contributed... I pick up a pH meter while we're there.

Over 30 days into flower he buys a fan/filter and some cloning gel. Still don't even have any ducting, so I can't seal the tent up. Thus it's not light-proof, thus I've been ghetto rigging plastic in the window, ect. Up until this point he's purchased one bag of medium. He helped transplant about 5 plants from 1 gallon bags to 3 gallon bags.

I've done all the leg work. I spend 3+ hours in there daily. He does nothing more than look at how pretty they are.

Yeah well... we got hermies. About 6 of them. I 100% blame him. Had he kept his part of the deal and gotten his parts promptly, this would never have been an issue.

It seems to me he's going to sit back, let me do all the work, while not even keeping his part of the deal fairly and getting half the bud? All while his slacking off has caused me to lose out on quality?

Abso-fucking-lutely un-fucking-acceptable. You told me you wanted to learn how to grow. You sat downstairs and smoked your money up and played video games instead of sweating away in that grow room like I was. You were approached several times politely, and several times angrily. I tried to get through you.

I doubt there's a person here that's going to say you deserve half of the harvest. I doubt there's a person here who's gonna say you deserve 1/3 of the harvest. I made some serious fucking sacrifices for this, and the hermies were the final straw. That's you fucking up my grow. All the money you spent on pot? I had that too, only I spent it on the grow. You smoked up a lot of your cut here, I'm pretty sure, dude.

Not to mention I've also spent $100-$120 on the medium that was your responsibility, $20 on that fan that's part of the ventilation, countless hours of labor feeding and watering YOUR plants that came from YOUR seeds that YOU were supposed to take care of. And no, it's not okay to pay me back now that we're almost to the chop.

I doubt I'm overreacting here - but then again I literally just spent 3 hours plucking seeds that YOUR slacker ass decisions created. Out of bud you seem to want for free. Had you done what you were supposed to do, this wouldn't have happened. Yeah I coulda bought what I needed myself, but you kept telling me you were gonna do this. Didn't wanna step on your toes any, and fuck you tested my patience. I almost pulled the plug on it twice. It was a bullshit fucking grow and you know it - shit only looks good because I know what I'm doing. Not because of anything you did. Only thing you've done is make seeds.

I told you ahead of time this was gonna be a part time job. Guess you wasn't hearin' me. Shit don't grow itself, and I ain't growing it for you. THIS is why I wanted two different flowering rooms on the relay. This is why I insisted on it over the "one room" you wanted to do and just go half and half. Basically? I would have done better had you had nothing to do with this at all. We both know this. Your procrastination fucked MY grow up.

What's ICMag think?

had a partner who tried this same bullshit. i split the room in half and only watered my side and told him to take care of the other, im sick of doing all the work.

he started doing his amount of work, finally...........


Problem is the hermies seeded the rest of the shit. I didn't even notice until I found a seed today.

We only doing one cycle. It's SORT of a perpetual harvest... some went into flower on like 4/3, and some on 4/20, and some will be going into flower next week. Once those ones are finished, it's over. We move out of here in 3 months.

He was supposed to get a 1/2. I was only going to give him 1/3 because he hadn't earned it.... until I saw the seeds. I'm honestly only thinkin' 1/4 of the total dry weight right now. I'm that pissed off.

Fuck what I should do is cut the seeds he provided up, take his light out, take his fan/filter out, give him his cloning gel, and tell him he better hope those clones take root 'cuz they like 40 days into flower. But I'm trying not to over-react. I'm just trying to see what everyone thinks his fair share would be.

HIS plants have been dry as fuck for 3 days. I keep telling him they need water. He keeps looking at how pretty they look and how good they smell and going back downstairs to his bong and video games. So... i watered his plants for him today so they wouldn't die.

He hasn't earned SHIT.

Krunch - thanks for stopping in. You're one of the guys I've seen around and respect. Fucking thing is though, like I said...some of the trich's are already turning amber? Even if he starts doing his shit now, what's gonna happen? Few feeding/waterings? A flush? Man this grow is over. It was basically over once I flipped to 12/12.

Not to mention I had to let the cats litter box stink up the whole house because he didn't get the damn fan/filter until 3 1/2 months after he knew he needed it.


Andinismo Hierbatero
ok man, I know you said you did not want to hear this, but, growing with partners is a big no no, specially when one is experienced and the other is not. it is just asking for what has been happening to you, plain and simple, you fucked up from the start by mixing yourself with unmotivated idiotic individuals.

then, your so-called partner brought someone else in and told them about the grow... wtf?

do you know the three rules of grow-club or what?

1. tell no one.
2. tell no one.
3. tell no one.

I hope you are legal and have your med-card and all paper work and numbers within law.

if you plan to try to cut your "partner" off, they will rat you out. plain and simple, it does not matter if they did not do work nor kept their word, at the end of the day, they didn't because they knew they had this card under their sleeve.

but not all is negative, you will truly learn now and it will really get through to you (hopefully) that you just cannot rely on someone else when growing in this screwed up prohibitionist environment. I know you said you "know" this, yet, you still took the plunge, and look where it has taken you...

yeah, your so-called "partner" is an asshole, self-absorbed idiot, but that does not change the fact that you chose him; so partly, it is also your fuck-up, and to avoid getting ratted on, you should give him his cut (I'd keep all colas and best bud for myself though), and get the fuck out of there, cut ties, forget this guy... and move on and go do your thing on your own, and tell no one this time for real, don't even think of telling this "partner" where you will be either.

in those 9 years of experience you say you have, how many times have you told others whilst growing? what were the out-comes?

good luck man, it sucks to be in such situation, but you are already in it and now all you can do is deal with it and come out of it free and unharmed.

peace and light to you


Sucks man. Just another reason not to grow with anyone else. But since you're already into it, I like krunchbubble's idea. Good luck.

Mr. Bongjangles

Head Brewer
ICMag Donor
You made a deal.. If you covered for him, then you did just that - covered for him and he still deserves what you agreed upon.

He took the risk of having the grow there at the very least, and you'll never be able to talk that part out of the equation.

Gotta man up and say, "look dude, I'm not going to do your job another day.. Go get it done or the plants will die" and then let them die if they don't get off their ass and do what they said they would. Sounds like you didn't do that, so sorry, you got played into doing the work, lol tom sawyer style, but it's your own fault.

Also, as the experienced grower, you can't pass the buck for hermies when you knew the area had light leaks. If you bought the medium and other extras, then you should have just bought some tape too and fixed those up.

Give your roommate half of the buds and move on with your lesson learned.

Abja Roots

ABF(Always Be Flowering) - Founder
had a partner who tried this same bullshit. i split the room in half and only watered my side and told him to take care of the other, im sick of doing all the work.

he started doing his amount of work, finally...........

I did the same thing. Divided our space into two rooms. He failed miserably. When he did he said to me "I taught you everything you know" to which I replied "yeah....about Farming Mites"

I kicked him out 5 months after moving him in.

It's my fault. I had the money and figured for once in my life it would be nice to have someone to split the work with. To travel etc....NEVER AGAIN.

I'd kick him out( if you can). Since like my friend said, when I divided the room. "You might as well kick him out now. He's just going to blame you when his plants die"

It helps in life to accept responsibility for everything. If you look back far enough, you will find a point where you chose to go down this road. No matter what happened after that point. You had to make an initial choice. Life lesson learned.


ok man, I know you said you did not want to hear this, but, growing with partners is a big no no, specially when one is experienced and the other is not. it is just asking for what has been happening to you, plain and simple, you fucked up from the start by mixing yourself with unmotivated idiotic individuals.

then, your so-called partner brought someone else in and told them about the grow... wtf?

do you know the three rules of grow-club or what?

1. tell no one.
2. tell no one.
3. tell no one.

I hope you are legal and have your med-card and all paper work and numbers within law.

if you plan to try to cut your "partner" off, they will rat you out. plain and simple, it does not matter if they did not do work nor kept their word, at the end of the day, they didn't because they knew they had this card under their sleeve.

but not all is negative, you will truly learn now and it will really get through to you (hopefully) that you just cannot rely on someone else when growing in this screwed up prohibitionist environment. I know you said you "know" this, yet, you still took the plunge, and look where it has taken you...

yeah, your so-called "partner" is an asshole, self-absorbed idiot, but that does not change the fact that you chose him; so partly, it is also your fuck-up, and to avoid getting ratted on, you should give him his cut (I'd keep all colas and best bud for myself though), and get the fuck out of there, cut ties, forget this guy... and move on and go do your thing on your own, and tell no one this time for real, don't even think of telling this "partner" where you will be either.

in those 9 years of experience you say you have, how many times have you told others whilst growing? what were the out-comes?

good luck man, it sucks to be in such situation, but you are already in it and now all you can do is deal with it and come out of it free and unharmed.

peace and light to you

That's what I fucking told him. I told ONE person. The only person I had informed of it 1) already knew I grew 2) he was my sparky.. he wired up my circuit for me. I DID say something about it.

There are WAY too many people that know about this. I've mentioned this before. As I said, I've almost pulled the plug twice.

I honestly thought he was serious about it. We discussed doing this, then headed to a medical state. I was trying to take it legit. He just wants to fuck around apparently...

Bad read on my part. And honestly, he's not gonna rat. He's not gonna know until it's dry, which will be literally a week or two before we're set to move out. By the time the bud is dry the set-up will be torn down and room clean.

I refuse to give him a 50% cut. I'm not paying and sweating for his pot. I should keep all of it in all honesty, and give him street value for whatever he bought. I'm being nice by offering quite a bit more, I believe. I'd wager he can expect to receive about a pound?

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
Just be thankful it's a 'hit and split', when you are finished you might consider doing the same to him!.
I hope your future 'solo' grows go smoother for you. Don't forget, the seeds are his! :)


not acceptable i say he only deserves maybe the popcorn buds off the bottom but thats just my 2 penny's


You should have not done all the extra stuff...Why do you think he held out if he knew you would just go ahead and do it anyway.

I would give him his 1/2 (to keep it safe and his mouth shut)and never grow with him again.

*how can you blame him for hermies (fem seeds)? A vigilant grower would have seen the 'nanners before they opened.


Okay here's the catch 22 for all you people saying to stop taking care of his plants, but to give him his shit as agreed upon.

I let them die, and they will... his cut is still half. The ORIGINAL plan was to have 2 rooms. HE backed out of that. HE couldn't afford it. THAT was the agreement. We've been bootlegging it ever since, and I don't see why we don't bootleg the cut too, to be honest.

So yes, that's why I kept them alive. Dude, he didnt' clean the litter box for 3 weeks. We have 3 cats. 2 of them are his. He's lazy as fuck. He won't do shit unless you do it for him.

I approached him several times. Politely. Rudely. I told him it wasn't fair and he wasn't gonna get half if he didn't step up. I don't think buying your shit 3 months late and letting someone else take care of your plants is "stepping up"
The only good roommate is a four legged roommate.

The only good roommate is a four legged roommate.

Good Mornin Smokinerb. I feel you there buddy. Grows are time, money and dedication. To have help is always a relief, as well as a possible pain in the ass.

Thanks for laying out your side. And that is what this is at this point, your side. And I aint taking sides, just sayin'.

I would say you are disappointed, first and foremost. Being frustrated and even angry when planed on help, and even relied upon help, dont come through.

But I dont read where your room mate ever actually helped. 'Fool me once, shame on you; fool me trice, shame on me'?

A lump on the couch is just a lump on the couch.

I personally wouldn't have counted anybody in until they had 'worked' their way in. Expectations are PITA. Unreasonable expectations are a killer. If your roommate was not 'expecting' 1/2 of the pull, would you care one way or another that its has been mostly your investment, time and money wise?
Are you in a place that if 'pushed' your roommate could cause you grief and heartache?
Is said roommate cool and a fly-guy other than flaking on you with this?

Again, your anger comes through nicely. What I dont see is weather or not this a 'roommate' issue, grow-partner issue or, as said above, misplaced expectations. Yours or his.

Can you clarify: For you, is this a business deal gone bad/ grow partnership that didnt get off the ground/ argument for living alone cuz roommates suck ass/

Or, honestly, venting your, reasonable and understandable, frustrations... ?
Cuz, again, honestly, growing takes time and money and dedication. If you or roomy dont have any or all of the above...

And, come-on... a few hermies? out of 70 something that aint bad, could be genetics, AND, if your hating on the roomy anyway, you can blame anything and everything on him. If your the 9 year veteran here, what did you do or not do... regardless of what think roomy-guy is responsible for?

:yoinks: With 70 some plants, dosnt sound like a personal stash so fucktared, asshat roommates can really bust a bottom line.

Im feeling you, dude, but, there are many issues other than "He said..."

Fuck, i'lll tak on a new, cranky, roommate with 70 plants and some lights! :dance013: I'll even feed you while you make me rich... :jump: :dance:


Active member
Shit,have ya told him exactly what ya wrote here?I dont think so,so instead a guessin,if he is a bud ASK him?Communication,thats the thing people have trouble with!!Not on the internet,but in real life,people gotta learn to fucking talk,Thats the answer to all,communication :tiphat:


Good Mornin Smokinerb. I feel you there buddy. Grows are time, money and dedication. To have help is always a relief, as well as a possible pain in the ass.

Thanks for laying out your side. And that is what this is at this point, your side. And I aint taking sides, just sayin'.

I would say you are disappointed, first and foremost. Being frustrated and even angry when planed on help, and even relied upon help, dont come through.

But I dont read where your room mate ever actually helped. 'Fool me once, shame on you; fool me trice, shame on me'?

A lump on the couch is just a lump on the couch.

I personally wouldn't have counted anybody in until they had 'worked' their way in. Expectations are PITA. Unreasonable expectations are a killer. If your roommate was not 'expecting' 1/2 of the pull, would you care one way or another that its has been mostly your investment, time and money wise?
Are you in a place that if 'pushed' your roommate could cause you grief and heartache?
Is said roommate cool and a fly-guy other than flaking on you with this?

Again, your anger comes through nicely. What I dont see is weather or not this a 'roommate' issue, grow-partner issue or, as said above, misplaced expectations. Yours or his.

Can you clarify: For you, is this a business deal gone bad/ grow partnership that didnt get off the ground/ argument for living alone cuz roommates suck ass/

Or, honestly, venting your, reasonable and understandable, frustrations... ?
Cuz, again, honestly, growing takes time and money and dedication. If you or roomy dont have any or all of the above...

And, come-on... a few hermies? out of 70 something that aint bad, could be genetics, AND, if your hating on the roomy anyway, you can blame anything and everything on him. If your the 9 year veteran here, what did you do or not do... regardless of what think roomy-guy is responsible for?

:yoinks: With 70 some plants, dosnt sound like a personal stash so fucktared, asshat roommates can really bust a bottom line.

Im feeling you, dude, but, there are many issues other than "He said..."

Fuck, i'lll tak on a new, cranky, roommate with 70 plants and some lights! :dance013: I'll even feed you while you make me rich... :jump: :dance:

Best reply I've gotten. You'll get a rep for this. Yeah, to be honest I'm raging right now. He'll likely never see THIS thread in particular.

But yeah, that was my side of the story. Nothing but facts. During the whole time I was asking him about purchasing grow supplies, he spent easily 3x as much as the cost of the supplies on pot to smoke. Problem is? Way I see it? Your pot's in the extra bedroom, bro. Every $60 you spend on an 8th goes a lot further in that extra bedroom.

He never actually did help. And he wasn't fooling anyone. My last 3 crops have been nothing but sinsimella. Only seeds I've ever gotten were outdoor crops. I was hoping it wouldn't come to this. I did try to avoid it. I did approach him at least 8-10 times about getting his shit together. It's totally undeniable. It wasn't even hints - it was me telling him "hey man, get your shit together and earn your cut," to put it plainly.

Dude, my roommate is cool as fuck. We just have different personalities. He's more laid back. Stereotypical pothead. I'm more of a go-getter. I'm motivated and want shit done ahead of time - proper planning is the key to all of this. I told him this before we ever even signed a lease. He had a TWO MONTH notice that we were moving in here and needed several hundred extra dollars for the grow supplies. He didn't save a penny the whole time. He's cool, and I have no problem living with him. I'd be his roommate again... but he'd be growing in his own closet next time. But yeah, he's been cool other than this. He's always seemed to try to work with me.

Had he not been expecting half? He wouldn't have been asked to purchase approximately half of the costs of the stuff we needed. I would have gladly purchased it all. I OFFERED to purchase it at one point on the grounds that he wasn't getting half... that was 2 months ago. He got the fan/filter last week... 30-40 days into flowering? After having to let the litter box stink the whole downstairs up to hide odors because he was slacking off? Unacceptable. If you didn't want to make that big of a commitment, you shouldn't have. This was supposed to be TWICE as big as it is right now. One flower room each - the way I wanted it to be.

To clarify this is a business deal/grow partner gone wrong. I broke my own fucking rules by having a partner and I'm regretting it greatly right about now.

By the way we started with 75 plants because we were going to do TWO flower rooms, remember? He backed out of that over money issues. I was okay with that, disappointed, but okay with it. As of right now there are uhm.... 25 plants in flower, 8 in veg (soon to flower), and 8 clones... possibly gonna be 16 now. The plants in veg are seeds that I ordered from Mandala and are my quality genetics.

So let's look at those 25 plants in flower. They're 3'-4' each. On the bottom row there are 6 plants in flower, 2 in veg (I move the vegging plants manually into a closet under CFL's for 6 more hours - pain in the ass, but if he woulda gotten that fucking fan I coulda sealed my tent and had a veg spot) anyway out of those 6 in flower... all 6 had seeds in them. I think 3 of them are hermied.

Middle row. 8 plants in flower. I looked at 2 of them. One was a hermie. One had a few seeds. I quit looking right then and there.

Top row. I looked at my oldest plants. The ones that are ALMOST done... couple more weeks maybe.. .and sure enough... a few seeds.

The mistakes I made that could have caused a hermie? I left the light on for ONE HOUR too long around day 30 of flower (just a few days ago). Lol, one extra hour? Not gonna hermie 1/4 of my plants.

Heh, it was supposed to be 48 plants flower and 48 clones going straight into flower. We got 25 flowering instead.


Shit,have ya told him exactly what ya wrote here?I dont think so,so instead a guessin,if he is a bud ASK him?Communication,thats the thing people have trouble with!!Not on the internet,but in real life,people gotta learn to fucking talk,Thats the answer to all,communication :tiphat:

Like I said. I've tried communication. I've approached him several times. Addressed concerns several times, and he said he understood where I was coming from. As far as I'm concerned this grow is over? Only thing left to do is mix up some nutes a couple times and do the final flush a couple weeks before harvest? All the vegging plants are strictly mine. I paid for these seeds, he didn't drop a penny on 'em - he opted for his bagseed.