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A walk with slack...

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
From the title I thought we was heading to the woods to look at some plants Slackx, Boooooo! :D
Sorry for your ouches :(


Jeez, man! The Fates sure are kickin' your ass! Still, If somebody can't laugh at their self, they can't really laugh at anyone else. And you know as well, if not better than me, that there are too many out there who need laughed at!

Keep the faith, man!



Its hard to laugh and he happy when you do stupid shit like rack up assault charges on some poor convenience clerk over some little trivial comment. Sounds like you manifest alot of this on yourself.

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
i'd say your insecurities set you off.
to get all fired up over some minor stuff like that will give you a heart attack down the road.
the planet has been around for billions of years,
one bad day won't stop it from spinning.
keep on keepin on!


Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
how do u live somewhere and not know the layout of the room. If you just moved there ill give you that, but if you've been there for a few months then you should know theres shit in the floor, and where the bed sits. Now if you blind then,my apologies, or if you were drunk.


Active member
how do u live somewhere and not know the layout of the room. If you just moved there ill give you that, but if you've been there for a few months then you should know theres shit in the floor, and where the bed sits. Now if you blind then,my apologies, or if you were drunk.

I moved in 5/13 lol ni55a how the fuck does a blind guy type on a forum


Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
rofl, they got audio programs for that

On a serious note goodluck with your situation, sometimes you have to step back and take deep breath and not let the little things get to you, because the little things will put one over the top


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
lol slackx i'm sorry bro :joint: if it makes you feel better (it wont), your pain has made my shitty week seem a lot better than it was...?

take care bro, hope everything works out for you :joint:



A foot without a sock...
Have a bacon sammich...


Cookie monster

So last night i set the alarm to get some relists and other stuff. Well the power went out and I missed out on that. From their I went to walk back to the bedroom and tripped and split my face open. Alright that was enough, so i went back to bed woke up a couple hours later to start the day off fresh...sliced my foot open on the bedframe...said okay fuck this im just going to the store to get smokes and soda. Gas station was sold out of marlboros; then this little mother fucker tells me "good for ya smokings bad" - I don't know what came over me but i palmed his head off the wall. Here comes another assault charge wooohooo! Keep in mind this all happened in 2 hours.

What set slack off

A) The beans
B) The face split
C) The foot slice
D) The dumb mfer
E) All of the above just go home

I really dont care what set you off to be honest.
You had a shitty day, we all have them but most of us are smart enough to not let some lil smart ass make us flip over a comment which is actually the truth.

A guy I knew years ago punched a smart ass because he said something stupid, the guy who was punched fell back and smacked his head off the curb, blood clot on the brain and weeks in icu type of thing.
Guy who smacked him spent 2 years in jail.

Food for thought?


Active member
lol slackx i'm sorry bro :joint: if it makes you feel better (it wont), your pain has made my shitty week seem a lot better than it was...?

take care bro, hope everything works out for you :joint:


Feel you bro, glad i could help.

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