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Camo pots/grow bags

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
Does anybody know of a company that sells camo pots or grow bags (I prefer grow bags, as they are much lighter and compact).

If not, WHY THE FECK NOT?! Its a genius idea, people would make a lot $$$$$ if they sold those.

Thanks :rasta:

Swamp Thang

Well-known member
Three cans of spray paint in olive drab, brown and black will turn those grow pots into camo ones until someone starts to market the real deal.


Dignan does the same thing I do. I even drill holes in my b ucket so that moisture from the surrounding soil leaches in to my bucket. Usually little balls of roots stick out the holes. Burying the bucket greatly reduces moisture loss and soil temperature in an above ground pot can reach 100 degrees.

Plus you can get alll the 5 gallon buckets you want for free around here. Go to any residential building site where they are building one house after another and ask any drywaller if you can have their empty buckets. They will glady give them up if you promise to haul them off. 20 buckets of DW mud per house. They toss them in the dumpster.


Active member
Thats a good idea silverback.

I know some guys who drywall & work construction I am going to request they save me some buckets so I don't have to buy my own this year.

But has anyone ever tried to bury bags?


Active member
they do make camo grow bags but i dont know the company name. i cover my pots with burlap then local vegitation to blend in .DAVESNOTHERE


Ive seen 1 style of those bags...There plastic, and prefilled with soil.
Not my cup of tea.
Ive been meaning to post my outdoor tek, I use 75lbs potato sacks(burlap bags) I fill them at a landscaping supply company with a #4 outdoor mix for people planting around there houses,trees ect. I fill them 1/2 full, this allows a person to carry 2 over there shoulder,
I fill so many then drive near my spot and dump them in the ditch, drive away and come back on foot, drag them in and come back another day(never threw the same spot the bags went in) to transplant then position the bags, I NEVER use plastic bags or TURN soil :spank: Helicopters can see them miles away.
The burlap acts as a shield for the plant. Roots grow threw the bag and out the bottom.Ive been involved with different products and designs of these products I do know a person that paints his burlap bags, a kit from S.I.R can be purchased with the proper colors(spray cans) good for a smaller set-up but believe me the burlab bags are thee way to go. :wave:
Check these pics out to get a better idea....
And yes we have police/helicopter problems....this is were it all began.

Yep, this is what happens to plants in plastic :rasta:

Bastards........ :rant:
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New member
There is a company that makes these now called Camopots . It took a while but these are a great product. Check them out at Camopots.com


New member
They look llike they have some kind of paint or glue on them. I wonder if that will leach into the plant. Hope it isn't lead based paint.


New member

If you are referring to CamoPots I can assure you that they do not have any glue whatsoever. I have been testing the products for the company for 2 years. They have no glue or paint whatsoever. It is 2 fabrics that are heat-welded together. Double stitched. The company is a green company and they did not want any hazardous materials used so that they may not destroy any plants whatsoever. if you want a product that is going to harm your plants "TheTommy" go buy you spray cans and paint and spray your plastic containers that you probably use.


New member

I do not use plastic containers, in fact I am just learning gardening and am not using anything. My friend told me about this site so I am coming here to learn.

I'm just saying what it looks like to me. The local store that I go to had some samples in and I checked them out. Looks like glue.

One more thing, you said the company is Green. Where are the Bags made?


New member
Hey guys, first post. SWIM is thinking about growing in a little more of an unconventional space, SWIM has purposely been looking for a camoflage flax sack or bag which he can hang from the top of a tree. SWIM has been working out the lighting and position of this for some time now, and a little pruning is in order before he can start growing.
SWIM has had ideas how to create a drainage system with this bag, like an inverted conical bottom with holes close to the tip of the cone so the sack doesn't get too full. Before anyone poses qualms with difficulty in watering the crop, have qualm-freedom, I'm in England, if it doesn't rain this summer, the dried-up crops will be least of SWIM's interests :D

Has anyone got any suggestions or reasons why this wont work? More importantly, has anyone tried this?
My main concern is camouflage, though, SWIM needs the sack to be broken up in colour so as to make it less obvious, but more importantly, it needs to look like trash so somebody doesn't take the effort to get up there and check it out.
Thanks :)


New member
"thetommy" took a good look at a couple of camopots that I have very closely today , I even tried to take one apart. I dont know what you looked at or where you were at when you looked at it, but if you saw glue thats amazing. Most likely aeration containers are not the product for you. You should stick to in ground growing and try and find a fertilizer that doesn't have any glue or lead based paint in it. Good luck with your garden next year. You say you have friends that are growers, ask for their advice . If they are your friends they wont steer you wrong, and if they are growing in 600 gallon smartpots they're obviously veteran growers who know what they are doing.


New member
"thetommy" took a good look at a couple of camopots that I have very closely today , I even tried to take one apart. I dont know what you looked at or where you were at when you looked at it, but if you saw glue thats amazing. Most likely aeration containers are not the product for you. You should stick to in ground growing and try and find a fertilizer that doesn't have any glue or lead based paint in it. Good luck with your garden next year. You say you have friends that are growers, ask for their advice . If they are your friends they wont steer you wrong, and if they are growing in 600 gallon smartpots they're obviously veteran growers who know what they are doing.

I'm not sure I understand your post. Why would aerations containers not be for me? Because I don't like one particular brand? Or at the least think one brand is better than the other? Like I have said before I'm a novice just learning, I have friends and you are right they don't steer me wrong.


Well-known member
local highway patrol pilot told local reporter that "if these ol' boys ever learn to hide their containers they grow in, we'll have a LOT more trouble finding it". apparently, a 5 gal. bucket is easily visible from the air. going to try putting a camo mesh teepee over some this year. ought to be more than enough light pass through to get the job done...


Camo Pots are the bomb ! Best fabric aeration containers I have seen. To me they blow SmartPots out of the water.


rocket high

Active member
so this is a bad idea what ive done it's 24c / 77f today they must be cooking in these bato buckets might have to re-think this now DAMN

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