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Marc Emery on his way to US today



Even if you don't like Marc or his ways, it is a sad day for Canada and our legal system that we need to ship our citizens to the US because of there Drug War BS, Marc is being taken to the US border today and handed over to the Americans


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
I'm sorry Marc and family (and friends, and supporters) for the irreparable harm my country is doing to you and yours. And shame to you, Canadian leaders, for rolling over.




New member
""good riddance to bad rubbish""

with the pimple of pot holidaying in the states I look forward to proper representation in the media to do with cannabis


Green Supreme

Oh yay Shavluk slung shit here. First post too, well least we know whats to follow. Classy act. Peace GS


Active member
imvho, marc has done more harm to himself and others with his egocentricities.

this is the way i see it, the guy had the most successful catalogue for seeds. sold millions of them. with that being said, why not sell millions more over 25 years and effect a huge yet subtle change through seed sales????? i mean, every bean sold is a potential plant grown, and that is power effecting change. longevity is success to me. how many more breeders would have got on board and sold thru him, it was awesome, i loved being able to choose from 400 seeds over the counter in 1 stop.

who in canada listens to this guy? tv controls minds mostly. hes like another milly vanilly or 1 minute wonder, where is the change in that?? none. now all the canadian breeders either stopped or moved to the eu and dont even sell their seeds here anymore, thats bs and a negative thing, far from positive.

doing time will be good for him, as it is for most intellectuals. i woulda stayed quiet like kind seeds co down the block. who still sell seeds and probably always will. that is progress. more beans, more plants, more weed less control, d

Green Supreme

Hahahhah sorry dude Kind just went under.Couldn't resist, cuz its the truth. Peace GS

Ganja D

Regardless of peoples opinions of Marc Emory including myself,nobody should go to prison for helping others grow or growing themselves,no matter how much $ they make or how they behave.


Active member
Hahahhah sorry dude Kind just went under.Couldn't resist, cuz its the truth. Peace GS

lol, u funny guy, i think you meant deluxe seeds or marc emery seeds direct. was just at kind over the weekend, and the catalogue on the net is still runnin strong, d


Active member
marc emery knows nothing about growing. he never helped anyone. i know alot of grows he financed that no one got paid for either except him. alot of people in bc who worked with the guy hate his guts, not much of a prince?

i brought an article in for his mag one time and he ended up stealing my idea. that was my fault. so i dont blame him. i can only realy speak for myself, and he still could have changed more if he kept quiet, d

Ganja D

marc emery knows nothing about growing. he never helped anyone. i know alot of grows he financed that no one got paid for either except him. alot of people in bc who worked with the guy hate his guts, not much of a prince?

i brought an article in for his mag one time and he ended up stealing my idea. that was my fault. so i dont blame him. i can only realy speak for myself, and he still could have changed more if he kept quiet, d

By helping grow I meant selling seeds.
He looked like an ass on tv a while back on msnbc. He was hitting on some dudes girlfriend taking bong hits and acting way to baked to be on tv,really setting a bad example. But, I still don't beleive anyone should go to prison because of a plant. Unless maybe it's an evil plant that does bad things if you go near it,like gives off evil curses or something.

teemu shalanie

WeeDGamE StannisBaratheoN
emery the great?

emery the great?

Im thinking emery got what he has been working towards for years now, i think he wanted to be a" martyer". and you know what is funny about being carefull about what u wish for ,cause u just may get it. i wonder if the weed has worn off and hes thinkin fuck i should of ran when i had the chance, i just hope they are not feeding him the cock-meat sandwitch,

any one got the princess of pots#:headbange

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