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Anyone Here Using The Secret Jardin DR40 Tent?


I've been a PC Case grower for the past few years now but I have been pondering eventually moving up to something a touch larger (big enough to go 12/12 from seed and not have to train the plants in any way), but still small enough to fit in my tiny closet.

What I'm most curious about right now is the Secret Jardin DR40 grow tent, but despite my best efforts searching I've been unable to find any threads about it.

For reference, here's a pic and the dimensions of it...

15.75" (L) x 15.75" (W) x 47" (H) (40cm x 40cm x 120cm)

As far as I know this is the absolute smallest ready to assemble growing tent that is currently being made, and Secret Jarden is known for producing the best quality tents on the market right now.

So I'm curious, is anyone here growing with one of these DR40 tents? I've seen several people using DR80s and other bigger ones, but I've never seen a grow with a DR40. I'm just kinda wondering what ventilation system one would use with one of these little tents and what kind of light would be used. I'd imagine a 100-150 watt HPS (or CMH, or even a 150-200 watt CFL) with a ELF carbon filter and some kind of 100-150cfm inline fan for an exhaust.
But that's just my idea for it and I'm really curious to find out if anyone has done or is doing a grow in one of these little beauties.

Anyone? :smoke:
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reviving this thread

reviving this thread

I just bought a DR-40, 150 HPS, and got some top 44 genetics on the way. So, we shall see how this goes. I am planning a DWC grow with Canna substrate and nutes.

john cutter

I know this thread is old as hell, but i just got one of these up and running. I like it alot so far. Just using it to veg seedlings for staggered plantings outdoors this summer.

easy to cool, fits discreetly in the closet.
i just got a growlab GL60 (2ftx2ftx5ft) and i love it...alittle bigger then i immagined but i love it...everything is setup nice easy as hell to setup also...i cant wait to have some plants in here....good luck man..