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18/6 newb question


Im leaning towards switching to 18/6 lighting with my 400w because im having temp problems...my temps are 80-88 and i have to crank the central AC to get it to 80...so im thinking maybe i should go 18/6 for veg since summers coming and its going to get REALLY hot....

My question is if i got 18/6 is it crucial that i have the 6 hours completely dark? is it ok to have some light leaking into the grow? im not flowering so i dont think it will effect it...will it?


Do what you can to cut out the light during the dark period. According to most circles it is not recommended to allow the light in due to an increased chance of hermaphrodism.

Ras Mason

Active member
18 6 is perfect, 24 hours will grow plants but is not optimum. Some hormones and plant processes need a dark cycle. Perfect Darkness is recommended at all times, but it is not the end of the world if you have a bit of light leek while it is in vegetative phase.


thanks man im just worried about my air flow if i try to light proof my closet cause of right now its wide open just to help with the temp...and i have no can fans or anything just regular fans and an open window ;p i figure ill do 18/6 for a couple days till my air purifier and window ac unit comes...cause last week i had them under 400 and things went south...fast


Active member
your cab has no intake or exhaust?? i suggest you work on cab cooling rather than cooling the room with an ac...


:ying:Im using my bedroom closet...i was lucky to get a window ac unit and an air purifier just gotta wait for it to come...man the most hardest part of growing is venting to me... intakes duct work holes in walls...i dont have the know how or funds for proper venting so i have to rig my own up...my ideal is since my room is kinda small i can keep it cool with ac and move the into the closet while having the purifier in there...all the while blasting my 3 fans lol


wow that link was a head banger i felt like i went to a class...it doesnt seem to help my situation as i only have some fans and an open window and central ac now ;p but soon ill have my temps good with my new gear comin....thanks for the link ill need it for my mother ship
I'm big on 18/6 over 24/0 and Ras Mason nailed it; plants need the dark cycle for hormones esp the ones for the pre-flowers. I will say that light leeks can be a problem esp for plants that carry the inter-sex trait (hermies ><). this really depends on the amount of light and intensity but something that should be addressed.
that being said, your real problem and you already know it is proper venting. what kinda hood do u have? can it be air-cooled? can u duct the AC-air to your plants? are your plant sitting on nice cold cement/metal or on wood/plastic/carpet? I'm assuming u are in hydro, but you could invest in a chiller good luck airflow/venting is a PITA


yeah venting is my top thing to get done ...its just so hard with limited resources atm...but i should be fine...im liking 18/6 more and more and started doing it ...im not running hydro im just hand watering with modified hempy buckets...i mixed some soil with hydroton and also doing 30/70 perlite hydroton mix...the plants are doing ok the 2 biggest are about 8 inches high one i call myself "topping" it and lst it down to the side...the other i didnt do nothing to it...yet


New member
Cannabis plants do not need a dark period while in the vegetative state.

While it is true for most plants that an important part of photosynthesis occurs in the dark, Cannabis is what is known as a C3 plant. It only photosynthesises and absorbs CO2 while the lights are on.

With 18/6 you will get a plant that appears bigger as it stretches during the dark. With 24/0 you will get more plant mass in a slightly shorter plant with shorter internodal spacing which is of course, better.

However, with 18/6 you do give your room a chance to cool down if you haven't got sufficient cooling in there, I also believe it causes less stress when you switch to 12/12 (perhaps a gradual switch from 24/0 to 18/6 to 12/12 would be better?).


Im wondering if i can switch from 18/6 to 24/0 and back again when i deem fit (temps)? Will it not care aslong as it isnt 12/12? Cause I find some days I dont have to go 18/6 as my temps have droped pretty low with lights on at about 82 degrees...so i guess imma let the lights stay on since the temps are pretty good

And to be honest I always thought the reason to go 24/0 it was a secret to growing those hightimes type plants


Active member
you gotta lomg way to go before hightimes plants come your way,You ask an awfull lot of ?'s that have answers if you read and search and read and search more.

I'm gonna put my 2 cents in though
1 I think your "modified Hempy buckrts" are born to fail IMO hydroton dosn't hold enough moisture for what your doing ,It does wick to a small extent
2 !8/6 is better for the plant but alot of us will go 24/0 I personally think 18/6 makes for a healthier plant .At least thats my case.
3 Enviorment is KEY in any type of indoor grow I think its Blunt 69 has a thread for somthing every newb should know.I believe you fit this catagory
4 As far as knocking seedbanks I think your jumping the gun The boo the bay and the tude sell alot of the same breeders .Ihave had decent luck wiyh single seeds My WR has colas the size of my fore arms,Ghs cheese never popped Its part of the game My paridise Ice cream rocks,Sagarmatha strawberry d lite is bunk all around(herms).Basically its luck of the draw.I have never had a pack of seeds dated but it could be somthing special if it is .As for you thinking DJ's blueberry forget about it you'll be throwing your cash away Its not an easy strain to grow.Stick with bag seed or cheap genetics and get your grow dialed in first.Stop loving them to death and fucking with lites stay at 18/6 until 12/12


I agree with you but not with the searching part...hell i dont even know why theres a newb forum if i cant be a newb and ask questions...its not like my questions are like "how you grow da weedz"...i got detailed questions like shit they dont tell you in books an example "does single cola growth produce higher potency as oppose to fim/topping" ...shit id take 2009 2010 seeds over 2000 or 2002 i dont understand why give me some old ass seeds if they aint discountinued its like buying some 1998 shaqs instead of getting the new 2010 jordans

And besides that...others may have questions as i do but all the "GO SEARCH IT" crew makes them feel stupid for asking advanced questions....

I could search my way to quantum physics but really how does that help if i cant have fellow growers let me know how they do it...the mistakes they made may be the same im doing

You wanna know what i find when i do search? i find so many opinons its hard to know whats good...I TRUST this site because of the experience that presents itself here

On a side note ive read while doing my searchs is that REZ is a second rate crosser blah blah blah...now am i suppose to trust the site thats saying this? I tell you NO ... i like to see for myself and i dont believe the hype...

But i enjoy others comments and experience so when i present a question the best answer i can get is " well i did it this way and blah blah blah" not "go search eet"

As for my medium what do you say about 100% perlite? whats your thoughts on that?


Active member
Whatever guy,You hsve to grow to learn wich means you have to read .Yeah theres alot of op's here or there .What works for me mite not work for u but I grow on learning daily by experiance the forums help but you have to read you will get alot of help here but first get a seedling to survive more than a week.I'm not trying to bust your balls but shit what do u want someone to grow it 4 u?Seems to me your overloving them and a bad setup .
There is a "new Growers Forum"
You cant grow a weed to this point I think quantum physics is a bit beyond your search capibilitys
As for Rez no comment here I havnt grown his gear (pricey and hard to get)but he is well respected here.Sour d rocks gonna knock him for that?
As far as your medium ,I grow Dwc but using the search method Hempy uses i believe of the top of my head is 1 part perlite to 2 parts vermaculite I may be wrong but SEARCH for the threads by Hempy .I also belive theres a thread just on hempys .
Once again not bustin balls I dont want to see anyone fail and I think you should re-evaluate Your setup if you want to suceed
So try this SEARCH threads BY
I got throw in freezerboys thunk diary its a great read (i read it 3 times before my first indoor grow and a few times since
Take a dark blanket hang it over colset door at lites out helps with lite leaks and cheap and easy(just thought of that for u didnt even have to searchzzz)
Grow room Designs and micro grows
My advice is still dont spend cash on genetics they are ony as good as your enviorment
sorry but i think u should get off that high horse of yours tbh! some of the best informative threads have come from "newbs" posting a simple question. This is the "New Growers Forum" where new growers ask questions from experianced ppl why would you complain about it?

Hempy media is 3 part perlite 1 part verm...BUT ppl have used all perlite all hydroton coco and mixes of said media with good results.In Hempys u dont need the wicking you just top feed till the roots hit the res and then they feed from there. How about you do some research before answering questions u obviously know nothing about?

I'm unemployed and spend about 4 hours a day reading about growing but still i find i have questions to ask and this is the forum to do that.Dojo ignore this dude and ask away!!!!


scotty hits it on the head...its called a discussion not the way you put it "grow it for me"...and like i said ....and dont take this out of context...i search and read everyday...but when i want to discuss im suppose to search that too? My questions are to promote a discussion not just get a quick answer...unless stated

As for the REZ thing your taking it out of context...i said DUE to all my searching ive stumbled upon other people talkin smack about REZ and some others ...so if i never inquire about REZ or others in a discussion which could come in a form of a question then would i not be getting information one sided?....Same with some of the questions i have asked...its to clearifiy it and promote discussion....and seeing as how i hold this site as the top dog, why not here? and futher more why not in the newb forum they designed?

I dont get it we are on the 2nd page of this thread and you suggest "search eet" seems like spam to me....

I appreciate constructive critizism...not "soning" me

I'm interested in forming friendships and comrades...people that been thier and done that so i dont have to make the same mistakes
Im leaning towards switching to 18/6 lighting with my 400w because im having temp problems...my temps are 80-88 and i have to crank the central AC to get it to 80...so im thinking maybe i should go 18/6 for veg since summers coming and its going to get REALLY hot....

My question is if i got 18/6 is it crucial that i have the 6 hours completely dark? is it ok to have some light leaking into the grow? im not flowering so i dont think it will effect it...will it?

if uguys have a carter lumber around go to electrical section 250cfm inline duct fan cost 25.00$ for 6in .20$ for 180cfm 4in